Poll: Did CAPCOM cross a line with RE5 DLC?


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Capcom has been pulling that bullshit for awhile.
The people we should really get on are Koei.
They're charging DLC for Samurai warriors 2 content that was free in the PS2 version.

I refuse to buy any DLC on the disk.
Fuck it, seriously. Just fuck it. I already payed for it, I refuse to give you any more money. I would boycott the game, but I can't live without my Street Fighter.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
chipmunk2510 said:
No they didn't. Capcom is a COMPANY. They're out to make PROFIT. If you hate it so much then don't buy it.
There's making a profit and there's blatantly screwing your customers.
Everyone who's bought a copy of RE5 has already bought the DLC.

Developing a game, hiding content on it then charging customers to gain access to the content that's already developed and installed on the disk is completely and utterly dishonest.
It's the polar opposite of the Valve model, whereby you realease a working but 'unfinished' game then add to it for free over time.
Here it's releasing a game then charging you extra to access what's already there, I'm amazed that's even legal (and I hope hackers come up with a crack for it, Capcom deserve it).
Actually, i was reading around a while ago. Most keys are not 1.86 MB, they are indeed much less. The reason why the file was so small was because everything that was needed for the game was already implemented in. They just needed to put a few lines of coding in, and viola, you have RE5 DLC.