Poll: Did the ending of Mass Effect 3 ruin the whole trilogy for you?


New member
Jan 9, 2010
So I know that a lot of people feel that the ending spoiled ME3 for them, but did it spoil the first two games for you as well? I admit the ending was daft, but I still loved ME and ME2, and they can't take that away! How about you you? Did the last 5 minutes ruin the last 4 years for you? Are you happier believing the 'Indoctrination theory'? ('Shep was Indoctrinated', the new 'Han Shot First'? :p ) Or did all those meaingless decisions spoil it all...?
Jan 13, 2012
luke10123 said:
So I know that a lot of people feel that the ending spoiled ME3 for them, but did it spoil the first two games for you as well? I admit the ending was daft, but I still loved ME and ME2, and they can't take that away! How about you you? Did the last 5 minutes ruin the last 4 years for you? Are you happier believing the 'Indoctrination theory'? ('Shep was Indoctrinated', the new 'Han Shot First'? :p ) Or did all those meaingless decisions spoil it all...?
Sorry but I gotta ask, who is your avatar? I've seen him in alot of ZP episodes but I dont know who he is.

Anyway back to your question. It did piss me off but now in retrospect there looking alot better because i'm believeing the whole indoctrination theory.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I honestly wish this was not the case, but in ME1 and ME2 I instantly restarted, full of ideas as to how my Renegade male soldier would do things differently to my Paragon female vanguard.

ME3? I tried to play again, and quit as soon as I got to a player controlled section. I tried ME1 for a 'full' run through, quit.

What is the point? I can nuke the Rachni, have Ashley kill Wrex, sell Legion and turn the Collector base into apartments and I would still have the same 3, near identical, endings. Should it be final, Bioware have done catastrophic damage to their games with the ending to ME3. But I have faith that the company simply could not end their Magnum Opus like this, they are too brilliant as game designers and the rest of the game was too damned good for them to release it without somebody saying "hang on guys..."

I have faith that they have something up their sleeve, and are soon to reveal their Quad as the biggest in the Galaxy. And when that day comes, they will be declared gods and this will go down in history as the greatest ploy in the medium's history. But right now, I just can't pretend that I care about playing through again.

Edit: I am not saying that it has ruined the experiences have already had. I will fondly remember everything up to this point. Mass Effect has been my absolute favourite video game experience, and I won't let the endings ruin that. I just won't play it again until they fix them.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
No, the ending was total and utter bullshit but it isn't going to retroactively ruin an entire series for me. I will still enjoy all the memories of playing all 3 games. It is just a shame it ended on such a low note. It is made especially depressing by the fact that god awful ending is my last foray with all my beloved characters.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Not for me it didn't.

Up until the ending I enjoyed the series a lot.

The Mass Effect series, for me, is like a night on the ale. It's absolutely fantastic while it's flowing but at the end you get a stinking hang over.

It still doesn't stop me enjoying the drinking.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Yes, but it's also because ME2's ending and main story were pretty weak and ME1's ending had some problems too. I was willing to ignore those problems because I expected an epic and well written ME3 that made sense.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
I tried to restart and just got the feeling that it doesn't make a different what I do. I loved the series but it's game over for more than just the reasons Bioware hoped for.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
GethBall said:
luke10123 said:
So I know that a lot of people feel that the ending spoiled ME3 for them, but did it spoil the first two games for you as well? I admit the ending was daft, but I still loved ME and ME2, and they can't take that away! How about you you? Did the last 5 minutes ruin the last 4 years for you? Are you happier believing the 'Indoctrination theory'? ('Shep was Indoctrinated', the new 'Han Shot First'? :p ) Or did all those meaingless decisions spoil it all...?
Sorry but I gotta ask, who is your avatar? I've seen him in alot of ZP episodes but I dont know who he is.

Anyway back to your question. It did piss me off but now in retrospect there looking alot better because i'm believeing the whole indoctrination theory.
Just a generic corporate headshot I think, no one special, I think that the point in ZP. I know what you mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware took the indoctrination theory and ran with it for future DLC


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Nope, I thought it was a satisfactory ending. Not everything has to be sunshine and flowers.

There was no clear "good" was to end conflict after the explanation of what the Crucible would do. I like that. Because even if you got the perfect ending like me, the Mass Relays are still destroyed but Shepard lives, even though his team are stranded.

Also what's all this indoctrination business everyone is talking about? If Shepard was indoctrinated, why did he destroy the Reapers and kill the Illusive Man instead of controlling the Reapers or helping the IM?

Also, I know it's not part of the ending but Mordin dying really got to me. He was by far my favourite character in the series. And the way they cut him off singing with the explosion wrenched my heart out!


New member
Mar 16, 2008
The ending didn't even spoil ME3 for me. It was some of the best writing I had ever experienced. Some of the best gameplay. I actually cried when Thane died. It was an amazing piece of work, all three games.

I didn't like the ending, but I'm not going to hold that against the fact that just about every other part of the series hit me emotionally, in one way or another and I can't wait to play through ME3 again with a different Shepard.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
I love Mass Effect but honestly unless they change the ending I am not going back to playing the single player in any of the games.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yes and no.

It will be hard to replay 1 and 2 with a mindset of making the right choices when those choices don't amount to much in the end except for gaining a large battle fleet.

However, I will always want to play it for the characters alone. And ME3 absolutely went the distance with the character relationships.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
I'll fondly remember the times i spent tooling around the galaxy doing awesome stuff through ME1, 2 and the first 98% of me3. But i feel no inclination to replay the games now, knowing the three endings that await me. I wanted a range of endings based on my choices through the games, from utterly tragic - the reapers wipe out every thing, to perfect- Sheperd and garrus drinking brews on a beach on Rannoch, whilst a bikini clad tali, miranda and ashley play volleyball, whilst reminiscing about how sheperd surfed the body of harbinger back into earths atmosphere (ok maybe a bit much, but you get the idea)

They could have given us a whole selection of endings, depending on how many resources you'd gathered, what factions you chose to save, instead they negated it all for 3 very similar, very out of place endings

Hell even an epilogue for closure ala dragon age origins would be something.

Also @timelord, fuck yes! Mordins death was the first time i teared up at a game


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
No. I mean, it sucked, but considering how good the rest of the series was, they more than make up for it.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
I kind of liked the ending. The three choices at the end were pretty hard to make, but I think there was room to find the lesser evil depending on how events had played out. I don't understand what all the hate for the Crucible Kid is for either. What did people expect? "OMG, it was the Elcor all along!". And are people really saying that the ending was worse than ME2's giant space baby? The only improvement I can see would be a better epilogue.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
No, I'm disappointed with the ending (the healing has begun, the other day I was livid!) but if you disregard the last 10 minutes (which trust me I am)...
Commander Amanda Shepard did everything right (apart from buying a group of marines a drink, which, WTF, is a renagade option?!) told her love that she would be watching from heaven and walked forward with her head held high.

100+ hours of Mass Effect (on the one character) will never be overshadowed by 10 minutes of C movie tripe.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
It invalidates the premise of those hours and hope I had for them... so yeah. Also why I deleted my Dragon Age save data and uninstalled them. Obviously not worth keeping in light of new information.