Poll: Did the ending of Mass Effect 3 ruin the whole trilogy for you?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I do my best to ignore the endings. I pretend it doesn't end the way it does, and then it's alright.

Just like I pretend the Star Wars prequels never happened.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
The ending didn't ruin the whole trilogy for me.The journey and previous 2 games were epic enough to keep me "faithful" to the company.

Alas,what I was afraid of,is that I was looking forward to play the game multiple times to see the outcomes(had at least 7 different saves that I could of used)were going to play out.Now,I can barely get myself to finish the game the second time.

Pretty disappointed about that...still hoping they will fix the ending somehow with dlc.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
erttheking said:
A little, it's like getting to the center of a tootsie pop only to discover that the tootsie roll has been replaced with shit. After that you can't really focus on anything before it, no matter how good it was, because when you start again with another one the experience is kind of ruined by knowing that there is shit at the center.
Lol, I love that analogy. Kudos sir. That is why I don't even care to finish it once. Someone I know told me shit was in the center - he tasted it first hand, then I looked into it and it turns out there is.

The only credit to the series is:
- Good issues to ponder/explore. This is undermined in the writing in the 3rd so bad it almost seems deliberate, which is pointless as it raises no new good issues to ponder, and actually invalidates pondering of the original ones, not to mention it is just simply stupid.
- Good characters. Although, the fanbase tends to think "I don't like that guy/girl" = bad character. This is a rare thing in gaming but not enough pull to make/break a game for me considering how rare it is. If it was, I wouldn't enjoy most video games.
- Some good dialogue, some bad. I don't understand why people insist Bioware has the gaming market cornered on good dialogue. Has no one played a Rockstar game? They outshine Bioware. Most developers can hang with Bioware.
- Good gameplay. Yeah, at least 20 titles a year come out that have this.

That is what Mass Effect brings to the table. Only the top 2 are hard to find in a bunch of other games, but those games do exist. "Choice and consequence" could have been a 3rd thing that separated this game from everything else that is out there, but they tossed that out the window. So now, it is run of the mill with a bunch of tedious decisions thrown in for no other reason than to slow down the pacing of the gameplay.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
eh. i spent a day being annoyed at the ending. now i've drifted into acceptance. it wasn't amazing, but it was an ending. getting all pissy just seems silly now.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
I still love the games, but I'm sad to say that yes, they were ruined for me. The endings don't reflect the player's choice at all; it's just a matter of hitting a button and choosing which color you want. I don't mind the lack of a happy ending; to be honest, I wasn't expecting one. It would have been nice, yes, but I was content with my Shepard dying if it made for a good story. The problem is that it didn't. And now I'm having trouble even considering replaying the trilogy, because I know the choices I make won't matter.

Broken Blade

New member
Nov 29, 2007
It honestly almost did. I think I'll still be able to play ME1 and ME2, but I said "yes" because it DID ruin Mass Effect 3 for me. I'm generally not the kind of person to say stuff like that, but I did genuinely love ME1 despite some of the tedium, and even called it one of my favorite sci-fi universes of all time for being so hard and well-thought out? and then those fracking endings. Those three fracking endings ruined all of that. Jeeze, I might only be able to enjoy the first two if I pretend ME3 never happened, and that makes me feel horrible. :<


New member
Sep 16, 2009
No, it didn't for me. But what did annoy me:

- the choices you make have (almost) no impact on the ending
- it's insanely easy to bring enough war assets to get the 'good' ending (~2500 effective iirc?) as i recall, you really had to max everything to get the really best ending of ME2?
- all the endings are basically the same.

but it still didn't feel ruined to me. IMO, it certainly needed an ending where you were sure it WAS the end, and it least it managed there.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm a bit torn on the issue.

If you were to have asked me just a day or so after beating ME3, I would have said "I don't think I can play the game again"

If you asked me maybe 3-5 days after beating it, I would have (think I even said so on the forums actually), said "It totally ruined everything about the trilogy"

Now though? A week+ later? I think ME3 ruins it a little. I know I know, the whole "its all about the journey", but I at least wanted something in the ending to make sense. I was actually fine with the whole "choose these 3 options" thing! I just wanted the outcome and the reasons for the choices to happen make sense. Don't really care if there is a happy ending or not; I've played Nier, and that game was damn depressing, but I still liked it despite the endings!

Anyways, does it ruin the trilogy? A bit yeah. I'm not exactly going to go ahead a replay through any of the games anytime soon. But maybe a year from now or so? Yeah, I can see myself doing that.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
The problem I had was not with the ending themselves, but that I went through three games of choices and NOT ONE CHOICE had an impact on my ending.

I was put in a room (a mighty big room, but a room nonetheless) with three buttons and picked a button.

I would have preferred if my actions had chosen an ending.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I can actually still play ME3; I just delay getting to the end for as long as possible.

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
I give that ending the same feeling the new star wars trilogy did. Didn't ruin the whole series but disgraced it.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
I wouldn't say it's ruined it, but it's come pretty damn close.

After finishing up my first playthrough and the initial shock wore off, I found myself with no reason or desire to import the 3 other Shepards I spent hours of my life meticulously setting up for the grand finale. This series was a much larger emotional investment than I had anticipated, and that investment ultimately made no difference when it came to the ending.

But as a whole? no. I wouldn't say it's ruined it.
It is about the journey, after all. Right?
Yeah the ending fucking sucked, but it wasn't enough to make the first 99 hours anything less than one hell of an epic ride.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Christ, people, there's more to a story than what directly leads up to the conclusion. It's like everyone's turned into a nihilist. "We all die in the end, what's the point?"


New member
May 9, 2011
No, but it did come close to ruining ME3 for me (imo the best of the three). I, however, choose to believe the indoctrination theory and will continue to do so until a dev speaks out/DLC confirms otherwise.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
TimeLord said:
Nope, I thought it was a satisfactory ending. Not everything has to be sunshine and flowers.

There was no clear "good" was to end conflict after the explanation of what the Crucible would do. I like that. Because even if you got the perfect ending like me, the Mass Relays are still destroyed but Shepard lives, even though his team are stranded.

Also what's all this indoctrination business everyone is talking about? If Shepard was indoctrinated, why did he destroy the Reapers and kill the Illusive Man instead of controlling the Reapers or helping the IM?

Also, I know it's not part of the ending but Mordin dying really got to me. He was by far my favourite character in the series. And the way they cut him off singing with the explosion wrenched my heart out!
I haven't looked too much into the indoctrination theory but as I understand it that whole final scene is pretty much a metaphor for the reapers trying to control shepard and shepard either succumbing to their will or resisting it and destroying them which is why destruction is the only way in which shepard even possibly survives

wanted to embed a clip of mordin singing as well but I see someone beat me to it so I'll just say
"asari-vorcha offspring are lactose intolerant" and if you don't know what I mean you should talk to eve more