Poll: Do video games cause violence?


New member
Apr 21, 2009
For the love of Christ, NO. People are violent, and people can't accept the fact that they are and decide to blame it on something completely different.


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Maybe doesn't cause it. It certainly would reinforce violence in an already violent person though.

I don't know if "poll from a videogame website forum" is going to provide any sort of solid information.

Maybe a more important question is, how necessary is violence in videogames?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
No. Unrelated.
Its about education imho.

I play violent videogames.
I watch iolent TV shows.
Violence on the net.
Violence on the planet (medias news)

..And i have yet to be a violent person. Im quite the opposite.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
errorfied said:
This poll proves nothing. All it proves is a bunch of pro-video game people *think* video games don't cause violence.

Go find real studies. Not opinions. And if you want opinions don't deliberately find incredibly biased ones.
I only would've used the poll if a decent number of gamers would've voted "yes". And of course i wouldn't have used it to scientific proof.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
generic gamer said:
RadioActiveChimp said:
Fellow Escapists, I call on you for help. My professor assigned my 200 level english class a 3-5 pg. paper on video games. My topic will be about how video games do not directly cause violent behavior. I'm probably going to use the stats from this poll in my paper somehow. Also, I could paraphrase your thoughts on the topic.
I'd caution you not to enter a scientific investigation when you're biased towards one result. it's far better to go in with an open mind and not drawa conclusion until the end, or you risk ruining the entire report with bias.
If your bias towards one result ruins the paper you're either bad at backing up what you think or your position is absolutely ridiculous.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Most important thing to know about this subject: Most people do not have basic knowledge about how statistics work. They confuse correlations with cause and effect (which can be excused for math laymen). Second important thing: Most people have no idea that video games are an integral part of culture for most younger people. If any violence crime happens and investigators find the offender played violent video games they jump to conclusions because they do not know that playing violent video games is not an exception, today, it's the rule.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
For the Love of GOD! Will this arguement EVER end!? Videogames dont hurt people! Crazy people and douchebags hurt people!

Deadlock Radium

New member
Mar 29, 2009
I voted no because a violent game does not nescessarily affect you.
Like me, I'm still the same non violent person as I was for several years ago, and I've brutally murdered people in God of War I & II and other brutal games. The only reason I can think of that makes people turn violent because of what news channels etc. consider to be a side effect of gaming is because they have a weak personality or a little psychotic killer or something inside of them.

I know a lot of people that play violent games and are perfectly normal. So no, violent video games in regular does not make you violent.
May 28, 2009
RadioActiveChimp said:
KillerMidget said:
You'll also notice that some of the most violent and conflict-stricken nations in the world do not have video games, or at least, the majority of the population don't, and this majority are usually the ones being violent.
great point killer. That will definitely make its way into my paper (giving you credit of course)
If you have to give credit, I wouldn't say "Some guy on the internet going by the name of KillerMidget". You'll lose credibility if you say you found information from forum-dwellers.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Mr_Paisley said:
The only videogame that causes violence is Barbie's Wild Horse Adventure's.
OMG, You're right! When I was 10, I punched my little sister because I wanted to get on the computer to play Red Alert 2. She was playing Barbie Horse.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Matt_LRR said:
Cause, no. Contribute? Yes.

At the bare minimum, the frequent, repeated acts of violence in videogames have a desensitization effect, which leads to a reduction in our ability to feel empathy and which makes us more tolerant of images of extreme violence. That said, the effect is, as far as I am concerned, not significantly more pronounced that that of any other form of visual media.

There's evidence to suggest that there is some increase in aggression in people, particularly kids, after playing violent videogames, but there's also evidence to suggest that that influence is easily countered.

AT WORST, videogames serve as a model for already violent or unstable people to base their violence on, and as a reinforcer of aggressive tendencies. No normal person is going to be made to commit an act of criminal violence as a direct result of playing videogames.

The main problem when it comes to child gamers is that while the increase in aggression and violent behavior are certainly an issue, there is always a media field day whenever a young gamer is involved in a violent crime. This article is a fairly good example...


While the article initially tries to tie the crime to violent video games, it also gives details that paint the true picture. Instead of being influenced by Grand Theft Auto, this is a case of a father who leaves loaded firearms in an unlocked gun cabinet while not teaching his son about gun safety. It's a gun accident, not a video game influenced violent crime. Video games weren't the cause, but the media spun it as such. If anything I'm questioning who thinks Grand Theft Auto is appropriate for 13 year-old kids...


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
i think that if it has anything to do with people being violent, than the person must already be mentally unstable in the first place. if a video causes you to be violent, then check into the nearest mental hospital, cause your crazy. most of the time video games are the only reason we're not violent. and when ever a game comes out, the media focuses on the sexual part of it, but no one cares about it being violent until a nut job has killed a few people. not to mention when people become whores, it's blamed on daddy issues, not games so the media needs to pick on thing to pick at and stick with it the bastards. i'm nearly positive that the most serial killers out there started before video games, and they were more fucked than today's killers so does that say something or not. what a bunch of retards.

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
People stupid enough to become violent from video games are already going to become violent. Otherwise video games are just a convenient outlet for all your murder and gore.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
also, saying video games cause aggression in children is true, but it's because they're playing the ones that are rated mature. there's a reason for that isn't there. don't blame the game, blame the parents for letting the kid play the game. also, though i may be a little more aggressive now later in my life, i don't blame games, i blame reality for all the shit it has thrown at me in such a short amount of time. games help me forget, not increase the anger levels.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
well, if it's 8-year old spoiled brats playing games they are to young to play, maybe. but i have never met anyone that became violent because of a video game. that's just an excuse to get people to stop playing them.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I was confused about the level in the violence chain it would lie at, but I voted no once I saw the word "directly".

Video games are, just like all forms of media, designed to invoke many different emotions in its players, including anger. All violence stems from anger, but not all anger will sprout into violence, persay.

The next step in this line of thinking is the degree that video games can incite anger. This is one of the reasons I do not like the online multiplayer age, because it is inherently capitalist in nature and by definition, will screw over a lot of players. It is easier to cause frustration in video games than in most other forms of media, and frustration is a large cause of anger. But video games also provide one of the better methods of treating frustration, and this is particularly true for games like GTA. Face it, when you can take out 50,000 random people with a giant arsenal strapped to your back and you got the army after you in your pickup truck, and you're still shooting, it's hard not to laugh at the sadistic humor of it all.

Above all, however, I feel that the reason some people simply go out and take their anger out on others, is simply because they don't have the mentality to take it out in the form of challenge. You see this other characteristic in boxers, soldiers, mountain climbers. Only recently did I start taking out the frustration of my life in the weight room, and my growth has been phenomenal since then. The people who use their low moments to push themselves are the ones society admires the most, we simply love the coming-up-after-falling-down stories. Unfortunately, it's becoming increasingly harder to teach that quality. Are video games a cause of this? Yes, but not to the extent that the media makes it out to. Music, movies, etc. are all guilty of the same crime.