Poll: Do women find it easier to get into relationships than men?


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Oh yes, an annoying thread about women and relationships and stuff...I know how much everyone loves those...

Anywho, another thread prompted me to question something I percieve about such things. To my eyes, it has always seemed that women can get into a relationship easier than men can.

I dunno exactly why, a combination of things, I guess. I know far more single men than single women, and most of the women I know are in relationships, at the end of a night out I see far more men without a partner than women, stuff like that.

It could be that I fit in with the film fan/gamer/metal fan social groups. Not things that the fairer sex is usually greatly involved in, probably due to societal roles telling them they can't be.

So, Men and women of the escapist, do you think this too? Why?


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Via general observation and anecdotal experience, both mine and that of female friends, I'd say "yes", with the obvious caveat that this clearly won't apply to everyone.

But I'm probably biased.


New member
May 23, 2010
I don't think you can make a generalization based on sex on this particular issue.
I think personal differences are what decides this, sex coming very little into play.

Although I will say: Men appear to normally be more interested in casual sex while women tend to gravitate towards relationships. Thus you see more women in relationships by percentage.
And on a day out on the club, there will be more men looking for casual sex than women, meaning a given woman has several men to choose from, while a given man must compete with others for a woman.
Thus you see more men alone after a night on the club.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Jonluw said:
I don't think you can make a generalization based on sex on this particular issue.
I think personal differences are what decides this, sex coming very little into play.

Although I will say: Men appear to normally be more interested in casual sex while women tend to gravitate towards relationships. Thus you see more women in relationships by percentage.
And on a day out on the club, there will be more men looking for casual sex than women, meaning a given woman has several men to choose from, while a given man must compete with others for a woman.
Thus you see more men alone after a night on the club.
Think you may have hit the nail on the head there. Damn, I try to get a good conversation started, and someone answers on the second post...


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Considering every relationship is (on average) on man and one woman id say the number of non single men and women are exactly the same. Therefor they are equally likely to get into a relationship. Statistically speaking. In fact since the majority of the population is female by a small amount the % of men in relationships and the % of women slightly favors men.


New member
May 23, 2010
BiscuitTrouser said:
Considering every relationship is (on average) on man and one woman id say the number of non single men and women are exactly the same.
I didn't think of that.
How did I not think of that?
That sort of pricks a hole in my theory.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
BiscuitTrouser said:
Considering every relationship is (on average) on man and one woman id say the number of non single men and women are exactly the same. Therefor they are equally likely to get into a relationship. Statistically speaking. In fact since the majority of the population is female by a small amount the % of men in relationships and the % of women slightly favors men.
Except that there are, on average, more women than men, some relationships are same sex ones and others aren't on a 1:1 ratio. Also, consider that when a relationship ends, one partner can go almost immediately into another one, while the other stays single for a while. Repeat that and one of the partners could have gone through more relationships (also spent more time in relationships in total) than the other one.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
I have a few guesses

Men are more willing to go home with a stranger.

Women and men are picky.

Women have the goods that men are trying to get, men dont have that much to offer besides a penis.

thats what I say.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
I came to the revelation recently that men don't pick women,it's the women who pick men,they just give the illusion that the male is choosing because they're manipulative bitches like that /jk
I do believe it's easier for women to get into relationships,hell it's both a psychological and biological necessity for them.

Yuno Gasai

Queen of Yandere
Nov 6, 2010
BiscuitTrouser said:
Considering every relationship is (on average) on man and one woman id say the number of non single men and women are exactly the same.
I presume this statistic deliberately overlooks gay relationships?

When you take those into account, it tips the balance a little.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Yeah, and before people say that same-sex relationships are in the minority, they're wrong. There are more non-heterosexuals than people think, but they're hiding among us. Not to mention the fact that sexuality is a fluid and varying scale that is by no means as black-and-white as those conservative douchenozzles like to think.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Kendarik said:
Female here.

It's easier for a female to have sex any time they want.

It's no easier to get into a relationship. It takes two...
It might be easy to go sleep with some random jerk at a pub, but a fulfilling relationship is just as hard to find for women as it is for men.
If you have the attitude of `any man will do` then yeah maybe it would be easier, but hardly any people conduct themselves like that.

But of course everyone here is just going to say it is easier, when trust me it is not.
When guys think of the women they imagine having ease in getting into relationships, they're not thinking of real women. Awkward women, nerdy women, not so feminine women.
It's hard to find someone you can connect with.
It's not hard to find someone who will have you just cause you are female, but I dont really know anyone who would really want that.

T3hSource said:
I do believe it's easier for women to get into relationships,hell it's both a psychological and biological necessity for them.
You've lost me.
I'm just going to point out that its neither biologically nor psychologically a necessity. Because, thats dumb.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Well relationship wise i'd say it's about the same. I've turned down 5 women already in my life because I just don't feel anything and just because its the rare occurence of a female asking a man out doesn't mean i'm going to jump right into it.

As for sex, well lets not bullshit. Women really don't have to do much but pick a guy. Unless we're the most attrative man on earth, it'll never be easy for guys to just get laid whenever they please.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Ahri said:
I presume this statistic deliberately overlooks gay relationships?

When you take those into account, it tips the balance a little.
I used "on average". I went on the assumption that lesbian/gay relationships are equal in quantity and thus cancel eachother out. They were not excluded. Just rounded. But yes youre right. Looking at purely % of men/women in a relationship at this minute this would change the balence somewhat.

DoPo said:
Except that there are, on average, more women than men, some relationships are same sex ones and others aren't on a 1:1 ratio. Also, consider that when a relationship ends, one partner can go almost immediately into another one, while the other stays single for a while. Repeat that and one of the partners could have gone through more relationships (also spent more time in relationships in total) than the other one.
It depends how we measure it. At any given time the number of men and women currently dating someone is 1:1 assuming gay and lesbian cancel eachother out. I mentioned there being more women than men, and im sure mean age would also affect datability, for example women may be on average younger than men meaning more women, or girls really, are in the pre dating 1-10 age bracket. However looking at total people dated rather than whos dating right now each woman could date 3 men which are also dated by another woman after time ect meaning that the statistic would change. My model assumes dates are evenly spread which is bad. Usually one person will date like 6 people in their lives while another might only date one or zero. Looking at "whos dating who right now" or "total hours spent in a relationship" it would be 1:1 roughly though.

the Dept of Science

New member
Nov 9, 2009
I think amongst women, there would be a large disparity depending on how attractive the girl is. Also, what type of attractive the girl is. An unattractive girl is going to find getting into a relationship harder than an attractive girl. A girl that is model hot will find it harder to get in a proper relationship than a girl that is "girl next door cute", because men project certain qualities onto women depending on how they look. Most men don't feel like they can get model hot girls, and the men that do generally aren't looking to start relationships.

I know it's a cliche, but for guys it's far less dependent on looks. Also, the ability to get laid and the ability to get in a relationship require completely different skillsets. I know tonnes of guys that are in good relationships but couldn't pull to save their lives. On the other end of the scale, I remember watching a TV show a while ago about a man who had sex with over 300 girls, yet was despairing because he wanted a relationship and had no idea how to get in one.