Poll: do you believe in any conspiracy theories?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
do you believe in any conspiracy theories? if you do which ones and why?
JFK assassination done by the government, 9/11 caused by bombs in the building, bin laden drinking a coffee at starbucks with Elvis and leader of the lizard people(i can make up crazy stuff too), etc

personalty i don't bealive every thing i hear but i chooses to use Occam's razor when dealing with these crazy theories. this is Occam's razor in case you have no clue what it is "The simplest answer is usually the correct answer". this is not always the case but all theories i heard so far are overly complex, crazy, stupid, and are pure speculation; so Occam's razor has yet to fail me there.

the government lies that is the only thing those nut jobs have right


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I think the one about 9/11 being an inside job has some merit if you listen to the engineers and architects who have some genuine concerns with how the buildings fell.

Sober Thal said:
-'Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?'-

Yes. But I can't discuss them here, they are listening!
Oh no, you're right! Code Wilco Charlie Foxtrot - bunny needs a new home, I repeat bunny needs a new home!

Devi Darkside

New member
Sep 3, 2009
trollnystan said:
I think the one about 9/11 being an inside job has some merit if you listen to the engineers and architects who have some genuine concerns with how the buildings fell.

Sober Thal said:
-'Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?'-

Yes. But I can't discuss them here, they are listening!
Oh no, you're right! Code Wilco Charlie Foxtrot - bunny needs a new home, I repeat bunny needs a new home!
I found that after watching Loose Change it was hard to come up with a logical way to have those buildings fall the way they did from plane crashes.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Not really. After all if you can see the conspiracy then chances are it's an either fake or trivial conspiracy. If a conspiracy is doing it's job then no of us know about it. People do conspire things, but faking moon landings and inside job 9/11 and other such things, it's just too...



New member
Apr 24, 2010
No, conspiracy theories stem from the theorist's inablility to accept a praticul event so they look for "facts" to support their alternate preseption of the event.

How could a promising polition (Kennedy) at the hight of their career be taken so easily by one man?
- There had to be more people involved. Look when Kennedy's shot he jerks backward, torwards the shooter. And the bullet's flight path doesn't match up.
- Nope it was one man. When a sniper bullet hits someone's head it enters without a lot of force transferred, but when it exits it creates a jet of bones, brains, and blood which forces the head toward the shooter. If you look at the seating arrangements when Kennedy's shot he was actually sitting toward the middle of the car so the bullet's flight path is possible


New member
Jul 12, 2010
i couldn't resist choosing the tin-foil hat one, but i do believe in some conspiracy theories. this poll raises another question though; Is there one conspiracy theory that mostly everybody believes to be true?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Now, a lot of conspiracy theories have the "conspirators" being close to able to pull it off, but nobody ever thinks to come up with a motive.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
When you have already decided upon what the truth is and then you go looking for evidence you always end up finding impractical bullshit that defies Occam's Razor.

It is possible for the government or other entity to do shady stuff but all of the essentially pop culture conspiracies (they aren't much else at this point but pop culture) are almost too stupid to comprehend.

Might as well just say Japan was an inside job to support Obama's radical Islamic, soviet communist agenda.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Just one that I really believe in. It's lesser known I guess. If you know anything about the Spanish-American war, you know that an event preceding it was the destruction of the USS Maine. From what I know, it really seems like the US blew up with ship, just so they could blame their enemies and go to war.


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Some are fairly believable, there are a few accidental deaths and suicides that I think were really murders (Turing, Princess Diana. Ok I'm lying about Diana), and theres a few I believe on a "probably not true but I wish it was" basis. Examples include Area 51 having alien tech, the existence of materials from a second island of stability, and anything from Assassins Creed.

Also this http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/trailers/3026-The-Secret-World-Everything-is-True


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Egh. I don't believe all I'm told, certainly, but I think that applies to most of the world's population.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Devi Darkside said:
trollnystan said:
I think the one about 9/11 being an inside job has some merit if you listen to the engineers and architects who have some genuine concerns with how the buildings fell.

Sober Thal said:
-'Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?'-

Yes. But I can't discuss them here, they are listening!
Oh no, you're right! Code Wilco Charlie Foxtrot - bunny needs a new home, I repeat bunny needs a new home!
I found that after watching Loose Change it was hard to come up with a logical way to have those buildings fall the way they did from plane crashes.
If you are going to listen to the arguments of experts on one side, you have to listen to the experts on the other. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/4220721?click=main_sr


New member
May 9, 2010
The whole thing about the pony cult planning to take over the world? Totally True.

I don't really believe any, but a few may have a couple logical arguments going for them.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
FalloutJack said:
I believe only in the NHK, and only for laughs.
what exactly is the is the NHK? when i searched it in Google it had something to do with japan.
Okay, okay. This is from an anime revolving around conspiracy called "Welcome to the NHK", featuring a guy who has come to believe that while 99% of all conspiracies are false, there still has to be one that is tweeking everything out of control. Yes, one singular master conspiracy that is everywhere and in yout face that you can't see because you never thought it was there in the first place: The NHK.

What is the NHK? It's keeping you awake at odd hours at night. It's making everybody hate you and talk behind your back. It's trying to change the way you think and act without your consent. It's the sun on your back and even the voice of your parents. The NHK is every looney thought possible which has to be right because NOBODY thinks it can be right.

And yes, it is as insane as that all sounded. Enjoy.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
The simple ones like the government covering up minor things.

But my view of conspiracy theories is that they're made up by losers with terrible and boring lives, so they make up some exciting secret story so they can imagine they're lives are more exciting.

There. I said it.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Well I mean, odds are at least ONE of them are right XD since there are so many.

Basically, I don't REALLY believe most conspiracy theories, but it's healthy to remember that what you're told in books or by the government has no guarantee to be true.