When I say it, it's not in the sense of," Ah man, this game sucks but I like the main dude, kinda sucks that he's stuck in his crap game/anime/cartoon/manga/comic," I mean it as in," Oh my God! He really does this stuff!? Wow, being him sucks!" Like to where it's basically sucks out loud to be that guy. I know we all have that one guy we want to be because he's awesome, whether it's someone like Aragorn or Travis Touchdown and we all have our little plans on how we would do it differently from what they did, but we all have that one main character that we would just hate to be. For me it's the main character from Bioshock (I call him Jack Nealson, seems like a real late '50's kinda name). As if being stuck underwater in a sea city with mutants, robots, and big daddy's isn't bad enough, the plasmids have got to suck worst of all! It's not like magic where it forms at the hand than leaves it so you don't feel a thing, the plasmid develops inside his own flesh! That bee power up plasmid doesn't just make a swarm appear from nowhere, they hatch and evolve inside his skin. Plus, have you seen the size of the needles on the EVE Hypos? Those things have to hurt like a ***** when he injects himself. And the whole time we don't even know his name, we just remember,"would you kindly," and whatever the religious splicer sings(I'm sure there's more I don't know about). Runner-up goes to everyone's favorite non-space marine space marine, Alcatraz. As if getting blown-up by aliens is bad but losing the ability to speak, becoming bonded to the suit because it's life, and being forced to interact with the alien plague to make a cure is just pouring salt on the wounds. What's worse is that he can't tell anybody that he's a US Marine and not Prophet so they can stop shooting him and let him help people.
So who do you feel sorry for and why? Regardless of game, comic, anime, etc.
So who do you feel sorry for and why? Regardless of game, comic, anime, etc.