Poll: Do you help strangers that need help?

El Dingo

New member
Sep 23, 2009
I can't count how many times I've been late for appointments because I saw someone broke down on the side of the road. I just don't see how so many people can just speed no by and refuse to offer help to people who clearly need it. If someone is in need, genuine, honest need, then people should definitely help.

As a general rule of thumb, I just put myself in their position, then ask myself: Would I want someone to help me out?

But, just like the internet, there are plenty of people out there who think social interaction with people who aren't direct friends are family has no real impact in their lives, and thus, will act like complete asshats. Just try not to be one of those asshats yourself, and offer that lending hand.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Most of the time i do. However i live in a place were drug addicts aren't that rare, and so i often take a good look at the person who needs help. Some of my friends have had to run away from drug addicts that say that the want to know the time. That's one of the most popular cases how you lose your cellphone, you take it out to see the time, and you'll never see your cell again. Luckily it hasn't happened to me.

I would have liked to see an option in the poll that says something like " Most of the time, yes. "


Elite Member
Nov 8, 2008
If someone asks me, sure I'll help. I won't go out of my way to help someone that I don't know who didn't ask though. Unless they're injured or something.


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't it all comes down to what the stranger wants. One time when I was younger a man approached me and my grandma, he wanted to use our phone in our house. My grandma said ?no? then he wanted to use our bathroom. Why did he change so quickly? Because he wanted in our house to scope it out for a break in or worse. Later on in my life walking out of a Wal-Mart a man asked specifically for 20 dollars from me. I asked for what for and he said he wanted to buy some food. So I offered to walk into the store with him to buy the food he needed, he refused and started go on about he needed to check his phone and such. Taking in consideration the way he looked and the neighborhood we were in he more than likely wanted money for drugs. But I heard of a story of a woman who attacked a man that approached her near a bus stop. It turned out the man had a speech impediment and she thought he was a junky about to attack her. It's strange that we can't even help or let people ask for help without the third degree.

But nevertheless I plan to help when I can because it's a strange dark world and you never know how much a little could mean a lot.

(sorry for the long story)


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Depends what kind of help - if someone wants cash it had better be a farkin life or death situation.

But directions to a person who is lost? If I could help I would certainly do so - hell, couple of years ago I got properly lost in Birmingham city centre and had to buy 2 or 3 copies of Big Issue so I wouldn't feel like a douche for asking directions. That said, I can't easily tell left from right so if you ask me, you are screwed anyway :)

Some things are common decency - answering a question is like holding a door open or accepting a flier someone stuck in your hand - it would be rude not to even if you didn't give a rats ass.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I often want to, but don't. But I was rather happy when strangers helped me when my car broke on the highway. Shows you that the world isn't scum like most say. Final note.


Sir Mate

New member
Sep 4, 2009
you see, if they ask for directions or fall over or their car shits itself , id help them , but if they ask for money ,i become rather suspicous.
besides ,i assume you live in america , 1/3 of the residents are dicks


New member
Dec 4, 2009
If someone asks for help, give it if you can. If they are conning you, let it be on their conscience, not yours.

And remember that the guy asking for spare change is not scamming you; the guy asking for exactly 20 dollars probably is.
And don't be afraid to ask "why" either. Maybe he really needs 20 dollars worth of gas to get home. Or maybe the guy wanted 20 dollars to buy 5 dollars credit and call his pregnant wife before he spent the other 15 dollars so he could get stuff she really needed. You know, I'd be pretty embarrassed if I found myself in that situation having to explain myself to a stranger who I figured had probably just assumed I was a junkie.

And if you're worried about getting robbed or mugged in those situations - learn how to position yourself so that this can't happen. Always keep them in front and to your good side, stand straight and make sure they keep at arms length.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
Depends on what their asking, if it's something I know, then I won't hesitate to help them. However if it's something I'm unfamilar with, then I'll just say I don't know. In a kind and polite voice of course.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
It just depends what the request is. If I know where a location or item is, I will tell the person. As long as it something within reason, I will usually help out a stranger.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
If a stranger asked me (a 13 year old) to come and help him / her, frankly I would be worried and run away.

There was an occasion when two men in a van asked for directions, in which I stayed far away from the van, and gave them. I was ready to run if they were going to come out.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
It depends on what they want. I've politely given people directions, or food, and I've told people begging for drug/booze money to fuck right off.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
Depends on my mood. I usually help them if it's something small, but when I'm in a hurry and/or in a bad mood I don't.

Also this:
Xeros said:
It depends on what they want. I've politely given people directions, or food, and I've told people begging for drug/booze money to fuck right off.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Generally i would help a stranger provided the request is not too inconvient. Sometimes my mood affects wherever i help someone or not. That said, i'm the not the kind who will buy a copy of the Big Issue in the street, and i reject flyers when handed to me. On the other hand, when people ask me for directions i always do my best to help them (even though my instructions tend to leave them more confused than they were to start with) and if i feel i should, i give up my seat on the bus too old people. I suppose i would have neutral karma then lol.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Well regardless of the incredible language slaughter, I do always try to help strangers, except when they ask for money.
I am a greedy asshole.