Poll: Do you like Sony?


New member
Jan 5, 2013
I loved the PSP and PS3, but they've been losing me. I don't care about graphics or gimmicky movement controls or the fact that small children can play this console too. Also, to me the PS4 looked aweful. I guess I'm on the fence about this one.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Sony encompasses a lot of things, working as a salesman at JB HiFi for the past 5 years has added plenty to how I see sony.

As far as gaming goes, I like sony, I like the PS3, I liked the PS1 and 2, I liked the PSP (after I was able to get CFW running and all that) and I even own a Vita now but in gaming the only ones I dislike are microsoft.. I loved my segas and I doubly love/d my nintendos (The gamecube is still my favourite console).

Now for other things;
Sony's TVs are overpriced and quite frankly rubbish in comparison to a similarly priced Samsung or LG - The colour palette isn't everything but for some reason sony seem to think it is.. and they sacrifice motion rates and smart TV functions to get their brilliant colour palette which is only marginally better than cheaper samsungs that also have a smoother picture (better motion rate), built in wifi and a thousand and 1 other smart tv functions.

Sony laptops are also overpriced, a backlit keyboard (on the vaios) should not increase the price over an identically specced laptop from dell or asus by $200+.

Sony has recently picked up in the phone market (which is my area of expertise, telco at JB hifi and telstra before that), the xperia z is a fantastic smart phone and I actually own one myself (along with a s3 4g and note 2), the waterproofing on such a sleek, high end device is nothing short of amazing, problem is, in their rush to get to the market first they have sacrificed performance vs. the next 3 next gen devices - the newer chipsets in the Samsung S4, LG optimus G pro and HTC pro just destroy sony's older snapdragon so it will suffer.

Overall, I like sony, I think (in recent times) they have been making better and better decisions and they have been producing great products (albeit some overpriced, but they are still good products).


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
I sure do. PlayStation 1 is still my favorite console of all time and my Vita, despite its flaws, is an awesome piece of machinery.


New member
Mar 3, 2013
The PlayStation Brand is my favorite so I guess I "like" them, I put "like" in quotes because I don't really care about giant corporations, I feel no need to defend them, I'm not a share holder. They just happen to make great products and I feel they treat me better as a consumer than MS ever did with the 360.

But like I said above, I don't care about them really. And I will play a good game on any system regardless, just because PlayStation is my favorite doesn't mean I should limit myself to only PlayStation games. That's just stupid, I enjoy both Smash Brothers and Brawl, I like Gears and Killzone, I don't see why someone would hate another system.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I grew up with the PS1 and PS2, both were pretty awesome.Then the PS3 happened and I thought they had pretty much lost interest in the gaming market. High price, not many decent exclusives and I think they were last out of the gate too. But Blu-ray won the format 'war' which was nice, none of that disc swapping for Sony! Originally I preferred Sony over Nintendo, in the current generation I was swayed towards the Wii and 360. But now I'd probably go with Sony again.

I wouldn't buy the PS4 just because it was made by them though, they need to show that they have stepped things up or I will just ignore their efforts. But out of the PS4 and Nextbox, Sony have my attention more than Microsoft.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Free PSN and some really out there IPs they created/Published (Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain, Tokyo Jungle) put them in a good place in my books. I also do love Uncharted


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I really liked the PS2 but it feels like they peaked there.
The PS3 & PSP have annoyed me because of the horrible support. The firmware updates are weak and many of the multiplatform games are broken. I guess I should be glad that I don't have to pay for online and it hasn't spontaneously combusted.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
Zeh Don said:
Could we at least get a middle ground answer?

I have no feelings one way or the other. They've simply never had exclusive games on their consoles that I want to play. But I love their TVs and Blu-Ray players.
Here it is:

Basically what I think to. They seem pretty cool, but I have no particular loyalty, especially since I stopped playing on the 360.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I am slightly more biased towards Sony than Nintendo and much more biased towards Sony and Nintendo than Microsoft who I dont like and never have from windows 95 onwards.

That said do I like them er only in light of the competition I suppose I dont go around thinking you know what Sony is a damn nice company. Basically I dont like or hate them they occupy a middle ground along with Nintendo.

I usually end up buying all 3 consoles I have no favoritism on that front but that may change next gen depending on what Microsoft decide to do with the nextbox.

I am generally quicker to dislike than like someone or something.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Eh... I know that every company out there has at least one or two reasons for people to dislike them, but I've been playing on Sony consoles since the late 90's. Apart from removing BC from the PS3 and their security issues, there are really no big reasons for me to not like them. They have better exclusives than Microsoft (imo) and they have a more diverse library of games.

We'll see if my opinion changes come the release of the PS4...

[sub]And the PS2 is still the greatest console of all time![/sub]


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I may get a ps4.
I am generally pretty ok with Sony, in fact I own multiple Sony devices, but I'm not so sure that there are any console games coming out in the next generation that won't work fine with a decent laptop.
Everything I look at nowadays is pretty much on steam anyway.

Watch dogs looks fun though, so if that's exclusive and I can afford a ps4 in terms of time and money, I might get one.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
PS3 is my console of choice. My old one died, so I just bought a sexy new white one.

The exclusives are just too good, I can't quit you, Sony. </3


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Yes i like Sony. i like the ps2 and will buy the ps3 sometime in the future. but am also quick to hate them like vita memory card pricing, overpriced tv's, mediocre phones, etc


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Yeah, I like sony. Not so much for the hardware (could really take or leave the Playstation brand), but more for their delicious stable of fantastic exclusives. A number of the best games this gen, last gen, and the PSX gen have been Playstation exclusives; how could I not love them for that? :D

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
I like sony, everything i've purchased from them has justified it's price tag with Representative quality

the only slightly dodgy thing i've bought is the psp 3000 which has in my opinion a terrible battery life (1200mah)
so i got a third party 6000mah battery for it, now it's a champ.

now, that doesn't mean they're the best or even the best price / performance
just that you can see where your money is going.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
They won with me because of the ps2. They could add a feature to the PS4 where it comes alive at night and sits by my bed, gently murmuring "blood, blood, blood..." into my ear as I sleep and I'd still like Sony.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
I was pretty disappointed with their hardware choice for the ps3 and there were several times where I felt like they'd completely missed their consumer.

But it feels like things are starting to change and like they're learning from their mistakes. I've always felt like they had the strongest exclusive games lineup and that's really what has been important to me. The 360 had a few good exclusives but the majority of 360 games were cross platform and that serious watered down Sony's competition then in my opinion.

So right now I'm feeling really positive towards them. Ask me again when the ps4 has actually been out for a month or two.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
I do like Sony. Not as much as I used to, not as much as I want to, but I do like them.

They have been trying to fix a lot of their problems recently (PS Plus is the best example), but at the same time they seem to just let other problems just keep happening (the never-ending firmware comes to mind...).

I'm going to wait and see with the PS4. There are a lot of ways it could go right, and just as many ways it could go wrong. And Sony is a lot harder to predict that Nintendo or Microsoft, so any of those ways is at least somewhat plausible...