Poll: Do you own/use a tablet?


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Got a Nexus 7 and I love it. My view is the trick to tablets is they aren't meant to be used exclusively instead of another product - they are companion devices to be used in conjunction with other devices to enhance the usage experience.

When I'm gaming on my PC I have my tablet next to me for wikis, forums, random youtube and when I start Twitch streaming I can use it to display the audience chat window.
If I'm working or just browsing forums on my main PC I usually have Netflix going.
When I need to go on a trip for business etc, I've got movies and emulators that I don't need to squint to watch them on my phone and there's enough screen real estate for touch controls without getting in the way of anything on-screen.

It's also handy for displaying information when meeting clients etc.

That said, I don't read e-books on it - I much prefer the the basic Kindle because those thumb buttons are far better for page turning than swiping the screen and they've spoiled me.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Gorfias said:
Thanks for finding that video. I'm actually ashamed I didn't look for a comparison prior to this. What stands out most to me regarding Android is the different flavors and it kind of alarms me.

Regardless, I've been reading up on getting KitKat on the Transformer TF300T [http://www.android.gs/update-asus-transformer-pad-tf300t-to-android-4-4-omnirom/] and it's an intensive read, although I imagine you might be trying for Jellybean. Man, reading all of this just makes me feel old.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
FizzyIzze said:
I've been reading up on getting KitKat on the Transformer TF300T [http://www.android.gs/update-asus-transformer-pad-tf300t-to-android-4-4-omnirom/] and it's an intensive read, although I imagine you might be trying for Jellybean. Man, reading all of this just makes me feel old.
I might be interested in KitKat if it will make my wireless controller work again. Otherwise, I will be looking for drivers and/or rooting the thing (no built in telephone network so safer than doing this to a cell phone.)

A big difference between apple and android is just how open it is. The more you know about the tech, the more I'd predict you can do with an Android. Apple is a simpler consumer device but relatively locked down.


King of the Celery people
Jan 18, 2012
I have a Nexus 7 T3 and I use it sometimes back when I didn't have a phablet. Now I barely use it since there are too many overlap between it and my Galaxy Note 3.

My next tablet will be x86. There is not enough utility with an ARM tablet for me to get another. The problem is they barely do more than what my phablet already does, and do too little when compared with a proper laptop.
Apr 5, 2008
Despite not being precisely scientific, the poll is interesting. Almost half of people neither have nor desire a tablet, android is slightly more popular than iPad with the remaining 50-60%. And interesting that there's so few rooted/jailbroken devices...I imagined there'd be more :)

I cancelled the order I placed for the Lenovo Thinkpad 8. It's close but not quite right and I realised I didn't really need it so much as want it. My android phone runs all the apps I need (at least for now) and thus renders android tabs pointless for me. I have nothing invested in iPad/iTunes/Apple app store so don't think entering a new, closed ecosystem will benefit me. The main draw of X86 programs on a tab stands, but considering I have a desktop and laptop already, I couldn't think of a time when I'd benefit from another device.

It's been very interesting reading though, to hear of everyone's uses and the number of tabs being discussed is as varied as the number of posts.

Inconspicuous Trenchcoat

Shinku Hadouken!
Nov 12, 2009
Notes: I don't have a laptop, because I'm too cheap to buy one I want, but any that I can afford I don't want. I also don't have a big screen, nice smartphone. Having either of these might make a tablet much less desirable or used, for me.

I used to listen to this podcast. One of the hosts railed against tablets when they were brand new. Saying how stupid they were. One day, his girlfriend bought an iPad, and he fell in love with it. Wouldn't stop talking about how great of a niche, but useful and fun device it was. That occurrence has been implanted in the back of my mind ever since.

I've never thought I'd actually use a tablet. They seemed mostly pointless, but then I would always remember the above. The thought gnawed away until I finally relented. I decided to get a Nook HD+. Try not to laugh, but at the time it was the best value tablet around. $150 was fairly low risk for trying out a tablet, and it had a nice screen and specs for the price. I now use it almost every day.

It's a good thing I bought a casual tablet, because that's the only purpose I use it for. It's great for looking up something on Google that pops into my head in the middle of the night. Good for paying my credit cards off while traveling. I should reiterate that I don't have a laptop. Most of the time I casually browse internet forums, or read books on it. It's also easily useable while on the toilet. Not essential by any means, but I'm surprised by how much I use the thing. Because it's so small, light and portable, it's really great for consulting DIY guides and videos on it while I perform the task right beside it.

If I had less sense and more money, I'd buy a fully loaded Surface. That thing is sexy, but way too expensive. It also needs a slot to hold the touch pen. Maybe Surface 3 will fix that, and I'll move on from the world of tablets and live in the glorious hybrid future? (I have a powerful desktop for real play, and work) Ideal setup: powerful desktop for work and play, Surface 3 for laptop and tablet purposes and an e-ink e-reader for books (or just a real book).

Denny Crane

New member
Nov 6, 2009
I bought mine because I'm a musician and when I gig I use it for lyrics and chord charts. Other than that, I listen to music on it and sometimes read the local rags.

Ubiquitous Duck

New member
Jan 16, 2014
I have a Nexus 7 collecting dust on my desk at home.

It is always sitting in eyesight as a constant reminder of what people told me would be a gadget that I just wouldn't use. I told them they were wrong, they weren't.

It's not to say it doesn't work fine, I just don't really know where it fits into my working day life, which is what I wanted it to fit around. If I'm driving into or out of work, I obviously can't be using it. If I'm at home, I'll be on my PC, it's just the way it is. I can't put down my PC for a tablet any more than I can to pick up my Nintendo 3DS.

Not saying either are bad, I think you just need to be sure where it fits into your life and if you would use it.

My intention when I bought mine was to use it on the bus and read on my commutes. I did this, briefly, but then I got a new job and a car and it kind of became redundant.

So my advice would be, make sure that you know it will be a useful addition to your kit, or else it could end up as a paperweight.


New member
May 19, 2014
I have an Android, but not using it very much. I am not very used to the touchscreens and more grew up on keyboard & mouse.
Rarely do I find something productive to do with it. Everything's already on the computer, including music, videos, games and most other things I use.


New member
May 18, 2011
Don't have one. If a situation arises and I end up needing one, I will consider it. Between my phone, laptop and PC, I've got all the functions I require to, eh, function, covered.


Golden pantaloon.
Dec 19, 2007
I've got the original iPad mini, with cellular. I've gotten used always carrying a satchel along with me which was the main reason for going with the 8" over the 10" iPad. I find that I use that for pretty much everything that I used to use my smartphone for, so I'm considering downgrading to an old super small feature phone for those odd situations where you actually need to call or SMS someone.
I'm interested in the windows tablets since, the pressure sensitive screen is quite attractive since I draw a fair bit for work as well as for fun, but I'm struggling to see the windows device completely replacing the iPad mini at this point in time.

Hannabella Doe

New member
May 7, 2011
I own a iPad, I mostly play games, and read from the iBooks, and watch videos on it (it's the only way I can watch videos on blip) and that's mostly it.

Greg White

New member
Sep 19, 2012
I have a Kindle Fire. Mostly use it as a PDF or book reader that plays music.

It may not be the best, but it got me through a week-long field exercise.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
I've got a Nexus 7. I didn't "opt" into it, it was a Christmas gift. I don't get half the use my gadget-addicted brothers-in-law promised I would. "You'll wonder how you ever lived without it!" Yeah, sure. I didn't even unwrap the freaking thing for six months. All I do with it is Shazam and Plants vs Zombies. For me, tablets occupy a no-man's land: too small and featureless to be a laptop, too big to fit in your pocket like a smartphone.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
When I saw the thread title I thought it was going to be about Graphic tablets...but alas...

I personally don't own a tablet and I don't really intend to. My sister however has a Nexus 7 and the few times I bothered to use it I guess it's pretty damn cool. Better than those overpriced Apple tablets that's for sure.


Apr 28, 2008
I just don't want a tablet. I have a laptop for using an actual computer when I'm out somewhere and a phone for portable dicking around. Tablets just seem like the worst of both worlds to me.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Never seen the point of them tbh. They're not as compact as Phones and not as powerful/versatile/both as Laptops


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Aeshi said:
Never seen the point of them tbh. They're not as compact as Phones and not as powerful/versatile/both as Laptops
Well for me personally mine is as versatile as I need it to be. A phone isn't going to cut it. The screen is to small and I can't type, read or use word on it.
I don't really need much on it other than office and internet. Everything else is a bonus so beyond having the power to run those being light, quite and having a long battery life because I'm at tech all day sometimes and I don't want to carry around a charger or even have an available power outlet is more important than being powerful. Being able to draw diagrams with touch screen is useful and being able to detach or flip back the keyboard when I'm not typing makes things easier when I'm trying to read or showing/explaining something to people.

I don't see much use for them many of them, at least not for the cost if it isn't for business or study though. For reading sure, it might even end up saving you money because e-books are considerably cheaper that physical copies but you only need a very cheap one for that. Maybe for digital artists. Mine isn't built for that but I think some of them are.