Poll: Do you replay games with multiple endings to see all the endings?


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Er, yeah. Why wouldn't you if you paid for the game? You are ripping yourself off a bit if you don't.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
nah. i was a complete asshole Sith in KOTOR and KOTOR II.

i couldn't bring myself to be some stupid goody two shoes Jedi ***** and play the entire games again on the light side of the force. i wanted the galaxy to suffer.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
If it is easy to do, usually I'll do it right away, a la Deus Ex. If it is one of those lame moral choice games where you gotta be evil or good the whole way through to get the different endings, I'll usually wait until I get the craving to play it one more time before I try for other endings.

The only game where I didn't on a second playthrough was Grand Theft Auto V. Even though both Trevor and Micheal are contemptible psychopaths, all the secondary and tertiary villains were somehow worse. That game was just a mess of really horrific humans who probably should have all been strapped to a rocket aimed at the sun during their formative years.

Vendor-Lazarus said:
First play-through I always go with my true self and those choices usually lead to a good ending.
This too. On my first playthrough I usually feel compelled to play nice for some reason.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I do replay games, but not to get multiple endings. I replay them because they're good and I want to play them again. Going for a different ending is just to mix things up a little from last run.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I generally prefer not to. I'll try to save my game where the 'turning' point is and just replay the final segment if I am really curious. If that segment is too goddamn long, I might not be bothered.

I'm somewhat more lenient with visual novels which have a 'skip' feature which just pelts you through all content you've read before.

If a game is actually that fun, I will replay it regardless of whether there are multiple endings or not. If the game does have multiple endings and approaches, I will make a mental note to attempt to change up how I played the game compared to the first run. Though I'm more likely to abuse the game with the knowledge of foresight. And ultimately I play a certain way cause I enjoy playing that way, so I don't see too much point in changing my approach for the sake of doing so.
Dec 10, 2012
KingsGambit said:
To be honest, there's more fun to replay a game because you can experience it differently. Warrior vs Mage, Shotgun vs Sniper, Rogue Vs Ranger, that kinda thing. I wouldn't replay just to see the different endings usually, but might do so if I was replaying anyway. Where it allows, I might reload a save just before the end to watch them all, or in the Internet age, watch it on YT.
This is how I see it. Replayability is one of the major factors in how I make my game purchases. It's why most of my games are either big rpgs or games with multiple playstyles available, so I can go through it several times and get a different experience each time. Seeing a different ending based on my choices is a nice carrot to dangle at the end, but unless the game is worth replaying for other reasons, i.e., it's got multiple story paths or character classes or is just a great game, I'm not going to replay a whole game just for a different ending to something I don't care about.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010

I did it in Chrono Cross, but never bothered in Skyrim.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
It depends really. If the ending is just pick A. B. or C with none of my previous choices having an impact then I won't bother. If I get to see something different from each choice and from how I played then Yes I will replay to see them.

Oddly Mass Effect 3 fits both examples for me. I couldn't be bothered replaying the game after beating it the first time. Not only did I feel it ended on a downer but I'd kind of ruined it by watching the ending compilation video that was on YouTube where everything played out side by side, seeing how little changed.

Then they released the Extended Cut and I had a reason to reply the game at last. Each ending now felt like its own entity with different cutscenes and variations in the dialogue depending on how you played the game, a Renegade Shepard Control ending is very sinister.

Of course there are exceptions to the rule. I've replayed Telltale's The Walking Dead (the first two seasons) more times than I care to count and those barely change at all at the end.
Jan 19, 2016
Depends on the game; if I like it enough I will. I played every possible origin and ending for Dragon Age Origins, but I barely made it through Inquisition once.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
In a lot of games you can put off the big decisions that split the endings until later, and make multiple saves right before the big decisions so as to save yourself a full replay.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Nople. I really don't get anything out of a repeated experience unless there happens to be somebody playing it with me who has not experienced the experience. Have tried. Have found time and time again that unless I've completely forgotten the first playthrough, the promise of a slightly different outcome is nowhere near enough to bear hours of repetition. Tis a main reason for not being overly enthusiastic about trying near-a-tomato. That and the waifu-bait trash character of course.