Poll: Do You Run?


New member
Jun 23, 2010
I hate running, but right now for me it's the most viable way for me to lose some weight. I find it helps me keep my depression in check when I work out, and seeing that number go down on the scale gives me great delight. I used to lift a lot, being a former football player, and trying to refocus my workouts away from weights and on to cardio has been really tough. I'd much rather play basketball or something to get my cardio in, but being as I just moved to my neighborhood, I don't know anyone yet to get any kind of pickup games going.

We'll see though. Maybe when the weather warms up some (and I feel more comfortable about myself) I'll hit the pool and do laps.

So, I run, but in very short distances because I'm really out of shape.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Nope. Hate running. Didn't like it when I was relatively fit, like it even less now that I have to stop for a coronary every few minutes. I do understand why people like it though, there's a certain sense of freedom in being able to run, plus the exercise related endorphins. It's the same reasons I like biking (plus it's faster!)


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Crap. I was hoping this would turn out to be a Pokemon thread. Anyway, I went with "Only when chased," but I'm disappointed that "Only when chasing" wasn't an option.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
I started getting into it, and then I hurt my knee (not even by running; I slipped on ice while walking to school). It's fine now -- it wasn't that serious -- but I haven't started back up again. I really should, although I know that in less than a month I'll be biking about half an hour a day in addition to being on my feet for 8 hours.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
I played tennis for a long ass time and a lot of the training was running (speed and endurance). It was terrible.

I quit a couple years ago and tried to run on my own, and it's just an unpleasant experience in every way. Your legs hurt, you can't breather, you get blisters if you don't put way too much money down on nice shoes, it takes a long time (the only reliable way to fit it in each day is getting up early, and fuck that shit), plus you're sweaty and tired for like an hour afterwards and you'll most likely be sore for at least a day. You have to be either really fit or really committed to becoming really fit.

Julius Terrell

New member
Feb 27, 2013
I probably might be considered the expert here. Despite being a hardcore gamer and otaku. I've been running for almost 20 years. I'm trying bump my base up to 70 miles a week. I was born to run. That's all I can say. Running for me is how my body expresses itself. My motivation is simply to get faster and run farther. I hope to become an ultra runner some day, but it's all about how much the body can take. My average pace is about an 8 minute mile, but I can do a mile and about 6 minutes. I'm still trying to get that sub 20 minute 5k. Hard stuff and I'm trying to currently aim at a 3:30:00 marathon.

Not bad for an african american. I'm somewhat of an annomily whereever I go.

Edit: Nothing beats the sense of speed I obtain when I'm hitting that 7 minute pace. Mix that in with some good music such as speedcore. It's better than sex!!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
My dumb ass started smoking last year, but prior to that I used to run 14k 3 times a week.

Need to start again and soon, I have a police physical coming up in 2 months, need to get back in shape.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I don't run just for the sake of running, I hate that. When I run it's for sport and I would maybe run between 5 and 10 km's during the match.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I run a little on the treadmill every time I am finished with my workout schedule. I usually go 20 minutes with medium intensity (12,5 km/h 1,5% gradient) because my back can't handle high speeds. 2 minutes of running high intensity and my back is killing me. I intend to run a marathon at some point just to have done it. I could probably finish one at this point, but I want to finish with decent time too.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
I'm an excellent sprinter. Seriously, don't even think about running from me. I've only ever jogged for health reasons, to help reallign my lower back and neck after I was forced off the road once and rolled my car. I'm kinda on a health kick though, decreasing soda intake, exercising more. When the weather warms up, I might possibly jog a mile a day. It doesn't hurt that the area I live is very rural woodland where deer overpopulation is an actual thing.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
No, but I cycle, bushwalk, and most importantly for internet purposes, I lift. Running for me isn't an exercise, it replaces walking.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Well I try to, just so I can keep fit.
Though I only run two days a week thanks to University.

It would be nice to get the opportunity to do it more. >.<


New member
Jan 2, 2012
only short distances, though i should run more, my left ankle and knee are a little dicky after pulling some of the tendons a few years back (it makes my ankle roll really easily in shoes that have an arch, like say, most joggers), i can run short distances just fine, but then my ankle gives and i'm back to square one.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Used to, being in the army and all. Completed a half marathon once and got the t-shirt... but that shit can fuck up your legs and back (or rather, it did mine... but then, I'm considerably heavier than most people my height even when I'm under 10% body fat). Can't do any such high-impact exercises anymore if I value my nerves and tendons, but I do swim quite a bit. I heartily recommend swimming, much less dangerous.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Sadly, no. I would like to run or even jog but a combination of my weight and my Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis makes it almost impossible for me to run because of the extreme pain. Even walking is really painful. I am eating better and healthier though and I do seem to be losing weight which is nice. I do walk when I am able too so hopefully in the next few months I am able to start jogging.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
You crazy? D: Do you have any idea how bad it is for your health, legs and self-esteem to run?!?