Poll: Do you still like Doctor Who?


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Lear said:
Dangit2019 said:
Lear said:
Do I still like Doctor Who?

Is the pope Catholic?

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?

Did London host the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Is this post getting clear enough to everyone?
Lears, you're really just not making sense. What do any of those things have to do with Doctor Who?
Absolutley nothing! It was supposed to mean that I still like Doctor Who, since the Pope is in fact Catholic, etc.
I was just playing along with the joke...


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Dangit2019 said:
Lear said:
Dangit2019 said:
Lear said:
Do I still like Doctor Who?

Is the pope Catholic?

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?

Did London host the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Is this post getting clear enough to everyone?
Lears, you're really just not making sense. What do any of those things have to do with Doctor Who?
Absolutley nothing! It was supposed to mean that I still like Doctor Who, since the Pope is in fact Catholic, etc.
I was just playing along with the joke...
But I didn't notice, but then... maybe... but of course!



Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
It's funny--all the Whovians on the Internet I know hate River Song, but all the Whovians I know in real-life love her.

Personally, I like the Ponds and River. I will concede that Smith's "angry Doctor" is a bit underwhelming, but I still like him as well. I don't really compare him to Tennant, just because the idea of comparing them is a bit too strange. There's not too much that's inherently "good" or "bad" about them, just different.

In the latest episode...well, I'll do spoilers in case some people haven't seen it.

I feel like hinting at a divorce with the Ponds was a bit too much, especially since they went and resolved it in the same episode anyway. They could have found a less melodramatic way to say that Amy can't have children, but you can tell they just ramped it up for the series opening. And you can tell they're running out of things to do with them. I did love the rest of the storyline, and I can't wait to see Oswin again, and to see what they do with the concept of the Daleks having no recollection of the Doctor.

Oh, and I hate what they did with the opening title sequence. It's like they took the old one and put it through Instagram. And while I like the new fonts for the actor's names, the new font for "Doctor Who" is ugly as all get out.

But, yeah. It didn't rock my socks in some respects, but I love what they've set up and I'm excited for the next episode. Next episode's got Nefertiti, Rory's dad (finally, something new to do with the Ponds), and dinosaurs in space and I think it's going to be awesome. I dunno, maybe I'm just easy to please.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Wolverine18 said:
FEichinger said:
That said, we can always hope for the 12th.
No, you can't. You see that's where Moffet most damaged the series. They created and end point, there can be no other doctors without creating another temporal anomoly like the one that almost destroyed everything last season. The solution out of the silly corner they put themselves in requires that EVERYONE for all time think that the doctor died that day. A new face for the doctor would destroy that plug they put in the time continuum. This guy can keep running around because people could think he was the version of the doctor that existed before he was killed, but if the doctor had a new face? Nope.

Now because that destroys a key concept of the doctor I'm sure post Moffet they will just pretend that season never happened, but, by the book, this has to be the last guy.
See, I'm not worried about that since technically it's not resolved yet. The whole "Fields of Trenzelor" event hasn't happened yet, which means there's still a loose-end in that storyline to be tied up. I feel like that's when they'll have the Doctor will make his "grand reappearance" into the universe, given it doesn't happen before.

And I see what you're saying about the "plug" thing, but it's not really a plug in the universe, it's just an illusion. The Doctor literally dying wasn't the event that happened at that fixed point. That's just what they have down in the historybooks. The event has happened as it needed to happen, and nothing will change that. He didn't trick time, he just tricked what people saw and wrote down as history.

Er, think about it like this. Back in the Tennant era, 10 explained to Donna that Pompeii was a fixed point. They knew it as a volcano going off, but the people of that time thought it was the gods raining down hell on them. It's like that--what happened at the fixed point happened, but the way people see it can differ.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
Kiyeri said:
I haven't seen the newest episode, but I do enjoy Matt Smith as the Doctor. David Tennant will always be my favorite (everyone remembers their first Doctor), but I have no issues with Smith. I dislike Amy though, I miss companions with spunk. Her go-to routine is either get kidnapped, be helpless until the Doctor comes, or otherwise be useless. I can't think of anything remotely courageous she's done. I miss Martha and Donna, those types of companions who are just plain badass.
Odd, i have found her far more courageous then Rose or Martha. When pirates lock Amy up she grabs a sword, breaks out and duels them.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
You know, I think that Doctor Who - the new one, anyway - isn't for us any more.

Us being the kids who grew up on science fiction and want that unique blend of bouncing adventure and real drama that the first couple of seasons gave us. The Comic Con goers, the Battlestar Galactica and Firefly fans.

Instead, from Matt Smith on it's being made four our kids, the ones who maybe found the bigger stuff a bit too scary, on whom the more grown-up themes were lost.

My step-daughter, a long-time Doctor Who fan, reckons that this is actually the case, that the BBC was actually losing younger viewers and wanted the show targeted back at them - hence, fish custard, Daleks who've been largely non-scary (maybe Asylum changes that, I haven't seen it yet) and at least two instances of Doom being avoided simply by Thinking Happy Thoughts (Professor Bracewell in Victory of the Daleks and Craig in Closing Time).

But you know what? I still like it, simply because there's nothing else that's just as much rollicking fun to watch.

Blood Brain Barrier

New member
Nov 21, 2011
I was done with it in 1986 when Colin Baker came in and totally fudged up the character (I'm not THAT old, I managed to watch the entire series a few years ago). Mind you, Peter Davison before him was drab and boring but I went with him, but Colin was just terrible. I gave Eccleston a go but the new series seemed to have an incredibly transparent attitude of "screw integrity - let's make this as appealing as possible to the young people by any means whatever" - and as we all know, old people trying to make old things appealing to the young never works out well for anyone. I'm surprised it's still going to be honest.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I love Doctor Who, new and old, and the new series has only gotten better as time went on.

Okay, last season was only okay, not great, but it is still a hell of a lot better than the Rose years. But then, a kick to the face is better than the Rose years, so that is not saying much. XD

And while Moffat is not the best Who writer, he is at least better than Russel T. "Let's ruin the show by making everyone fall in love with the Doctor" Davies. Why yes, I am bitter, how can you tell?

tobi the good boy

New member
Dec 16, 2007
I've come to realise that I actually hate Tennant as a doctor, he's too chirpy when he's doing things right and he angsts too damn much over the little bits where he screws up (especially for someone who's capable of repeated genocide)

Matt does a much better job in my opinion. So no, I haven't given up on it.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Last season did a decent job of making the Doctor actually seem alien. Just look at his face when he's talking to the Silence in ep 2 - I'm not sure who was more spooky, him or the aliens that have been subverting human evolution for their own purpose. So long as this season holds that edge in an episode or two, showing the Doctor as an actual alien and not just a kind old man, I'll keep watching.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Asylum Of The Daleks was fricking amazing though I am not a huge Smith fan every Doctor has is own qwerks and Smith is doing a good job he is just not my style, I want an older Doctor now.


New member
May 13, 2009
I'm really enjoying Matt Smith's run as The Doctor, though i hope Asylum isnt an indicator of things to come.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
The only thing I don't particularly like about the newer series is that all the DooM references disappeared when David Tennant did. I'm quite a fan of DooM, you see...

IMHO, though, Tennant's doctor relied far too much on Deus Ex Machina and "creative interpretation" of actual science for my liking.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I struggled through most of the first two 'new' seasons of Doctor Who (9th and 10th doctors) up until Blink (which was the best episode I had ever seen of Doctor Who). After watching Blink though, I just couldn't continue watching. It was so brilliant, I can't imagine any other episodes being as good as it.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
Do not understand the appeal of the show. I've given it several chances and I don't see really anything in it.

The main reason for my dislike is it's built around time travel, any show that includes that is wide open for story abuse and continuity doesn't matter. A show that treats continuity in such fashion is best ignored, IMO, which is why I'm so happy the Star Trek franchise as its TV incarnation got thrown under a bus.