Poll: Do you support gay marriage?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
So in the United States the margin has been set around %40-%60 (up for correction) nation average for in favor of gay marriage.

No doubt that this site will overwhelmingly be in favor, but I want to see a real number.

Please try and keep ultra-religious or ultra-antireligious/political flares to a minimum... if you can!

As a religious christian, but more importantly as an individual, I believe:

If people truly believe that they find companionship with another person of the same gender, fine. People close to me in my life are gay and I am perfectly fine with it.

Go ahead and be happy.

There are more detailed things that I could go into but I believe that would cross the line that I already set so... Yeah sure, all-in-all I support gay partnerships.

That's it people, now give me your input.


Edit: Obviously people didn't understand what I meant by Stay Classy.
To further keep pointless arguements over the definition of words to a combfortable low (for my inbox), I will edit this post.

Thanks for your participation in the poll! :)


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I support gay marriage principally because the term marriage in most (if not all) countries bestows legal rights and obligations that civil unions don't, and because some people want them and there's no valid reason why they shouldn't. If you take out the legal differences between marriages and civil unions, it's just a fucking word, let them use it.

The whole 'marriage has meant XX for a while!' argument is just dumb. Words change meanings often. Hell, gay didn't used to mean homosexual until the 20th century, fully 8ish centuries after it's first usage.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Yes and to be honest the only reasons can give are

1) I lack bias
2) I am not a prick

"It is tradition" is simply not a good reason, in fact if "It is tradition" is what we should adhere to then not one single person in any nation with gender equality is married. Is just has never had equality in tradition women have almost always been subject to and even owned my men in "traditional" marriage.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I personally don't think marriage as it is now should exist at all.

But yeah, fine. Equal rights and so forth.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Sure i support it , i don't care what people do in their homes . It's when it's made public that it bothers me . Two guys are girls kissing in the subway bothers me . But also a hetero sexual couple going at it annoys me too . Get a fucking room . Live and let live as i always say , but respect one another at the same time .

I dislike gay culture , though , the stereotypical gay people annoy the hell out of me . The average gay person does not though . Where did this weird culture come from ?

But the marriage issue doesn't really bother me . Being around homosexuals does make me uncomfortable but i won't start gay bashing , a sit and bare it like everyone else . You are free to do as you like , but with respect . And in turn i shall respect you . Even if i frown upon your practices , it is your life and i shall not interfere .


New member
Apr 23, 2008
My favourite quote on this issue is: "Saying gays should be happy with civil partnerships is like saying blacks should be happy to be able ride the bus at all".

Frozen Fox

New member
Mar 23, 2012
Jaeke said:
Leave the term "marriage" to Man-and-Woman relationship.
Only onene you leave the term marriage to mean men owning as many women as he can afford. I it did always mean that at one time, thus it should always mean that. Right? No? Not right? the i do not care what it has "always" implied, fact is it no longer does.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Absolutely, yes. Even if I personally had something against homosexual people, which I do not, I still see no reason why a homosexual couple doing anything, be it marriage or otherwise, has any impact at all on my life.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Vault101 said:
I've yet to see a decent argument in its oposition
The only argument I've heard from the opposition that isn't really stupid is they just personally don't like the idea. That's it, and I find that really pathetic.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I don't support gay marriage, but nor am I against it. For the purpose of this poll I'll answer a possible scenario. If someone told me I either had to vote for gay marriage or against it, and I truly had no choice, then I'd answer for. However I wouldn't go out of my way to support it. If that makes any sense.

So since this is black and white poll, I'll simply answer 'yes'.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I don't oppose gay marriage. Nor do I support it. I'm not gay and I don't know anyone is who so it's an issue I stick away from. Support is a strong word. That implies going out of your way. I wouldn't. If there was a referendum I would vote in favour.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Yes, sort of, as far as I'm concerned there is no possible justification for denying two consenting adults the right to be together. I do however object to having marriage in general a legal thing, I personally think that the legal term for all relationships of that kind should be civil unions or something similar. And I mean ALL OF THEM man and woman, civil union, man and man, civil union, woman and woman, civil union and so on and so forth.

You can still have a 'marriage' but it should be a purely ceremonial title, you can still go to a Pastor or whoever in your preferred religion performs marriages and have yourself a bitchin' party. But in this proposed system it is in no way a legal bond until you go to your local courthouse and sign a 'Civil Union Agreement' or whatever the hell they decide to call it. Seems like a good compromise to me at least

With that out of the way this sentence needs to be commented upon.
Jaeke said:
Since man could write and record, marriage has been used to define a Man and a Woman together.
I know it's not very classy for me to say this, but you're either lying here or you're stupid. That has never ever been the case in this universe, I mean your own Bible said at one point that marriage is not one man and one woman, it's one man and as many women as he can properly feed, clothe and sex up on a regular basis (and those women were barely a step up from being slaves). If I as an Atheist know that, how are you a Christian and yet do not know the words contained in your own damn book?


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
StriderShinryu said:
Absolutely, yes. Even if I personally had something against homosexual people, which I do not, I still see no reason why a homosexual couple doing anything, be it marriage or otherwise, has any impact at all on my life.
Dude, don't be saying that. Gay marriage could have a very big impact on your life

OT: For or against? I'd choose "for" in that case. Because black and white polls, that's why.