Poll: Do you think it's rude to text in movie theaters?

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
People who text during the movie should be warned by an usher. If they keep it up, they should be dragged out into the lobby and placed in stocks, where nacho cheese will be poured over their heads and jalapeño peppers will be rubbed in their eyes.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I pretty much quit going to theatres. People are rude in about a dozen different ways and seem oblivious. And they act like the oppressed if you address them about whatever it is.

But yes, texting is rude. The bright screen is distracting.

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
I would say no, but I'm biased in that I don't have long conversations via text message. With me, I get a text, send a reply, and then put my phone away, which I think is perfectly acceptable.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
TiefBlau said:
UberNoodle said:
Yes, that was a very witty retort to what was clearly my own throwaway hyperbole.
Clear perhaps to yourself.

And judging by the responses to said post, I think it's safe to say that it's clear only to yourself.

Maybe the other users didn't pick up on your clarity. Maybe you were trying to use clear to mean transparent and by extension invisible. The world may never know.
UberNoodle said:
Yet I would like to grant you the credit which you did not grant me, and assume that you aren't just a smart-arse trying to win points with easy sarcasm, just as I am not a clueless simpleton.
Clueless simpleton? Why, I never! Passive-aggressive enough to attempt to take the high road by saying you assume the exact opposite of what you actually insinuate? Probably.

Oh dear. Looks like I can pretend to be high-brow too. Guess I have to pretend to be a sociologist now.
UberNoodle said:
If you are interested in intelligent discourse about issues of social disconnection and how that is affecting society today, feel free to respond.
I'd respond, but I guarantee that if I'm going to be very disappointed if I expect intelligent discourse from someone whose ego is so fragile that the slightest taste of snideness becomes an outright accusation of being a "clueless simpleton".
And what does your epic rebuttle say about you?

Thanks for playing.

And my initial post was obviously hyperbole, to any rational human being. My appraisal of your intent in your reply was spot on. Otherwise, you wouldn't have replied in the first place.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
If they tell you to turn off your phone when you walk in, "TURN OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE!"


New member
Apr 16, 2009
UberNoodle said:
And what does your epic rebuttle say about you?

Thanks for playing.

And my initial post was obviously hyperbole, to any rational human being. My appraisal of your intent in your reply was spot on. Otherwise, you wouldn't have replied in the first place.
Bit of an awkward way to admit defeat, but I'll take it. Thanks.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
If it's not bothering me, or taking my attention away from the film, I don't care. But if you are sitting right behind me and can't keep still or quiet, or right beside me and the cellphone light keeps going off. Like that one guy who has to sit behind someone, or right beside someone. Even if there are only two people in the theater. What's that about? lol

Also: Mmmmmm, cheeseburgers.

One of Many

New member
Feb 3, 2010
Turn the gods-damned cellphone off during the movie.

If it's not a quick text of some variation of "Can't talk now", I reserve the right to beat you with your own shoe and then set you on fire with the leftover grease from my popcorn.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
it entirely depends on how distracting it is and how long it goes on for.

Someone using their phone on silent to reply to a fairly urgent question from a friend or family member, fine.

Someone having an extended conversation throughout the movie, not so much.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
I saw this and thought of this thread.


Personally, I think cinemas should be lead lined so people can't as its really annoying!


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Not especially, so long as it's quiet. Still, it's best to try and cover the screen a little to stop it from being distracting.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
If the sound is off and the screen isn't bright it's distracting; I don't care if people text in the cinema, they're wasting their money not watching the film properly, not me.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
OverweightWhale said:
So I went to the theater earlier today with some friends. A row or two in front of us was someone texting on their phone through out the movie. It didn't really bother me, but my friend seemed to be very bothered by it and proceeded to argue with the person texting that it's rude to text during a movie. So I ask you, do you think it's rude?

Edit: To clarify about sound. There wasn't a noise, but the screen did seem quite bright.
I really think this article and video are relevant to this thread.


this is an actual video they play at the theater

EDIT: oh and before someone warns me for not "adding" to the conversation even though I've previously posted in this thread. The video shows that yes texting does tend to be a problem and the article gives a good example. There are times in the theater where it needs to be dark for atmosphere and a lcd screen will kill that. But i did list some cases where it might be alright and no one would care. as long as you get up and leave the main part of the theater when you text etc.