Poll: Do You Think Kids Would Be Happier Playing The Games We Grew Up With And Not Knowing Of Modern Ones?


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Hell no! I grew up on a diet of Timesplitters, Medal of Honour and Crazy Taxi, and I think games like MW2 are better in every conceivable way. Nostalgia prevents progress and impedes logic, and a society without logic and progress is worth shit all.

EDIT: Look at the graphics on Golden Axe, and then look at the graphics on Crysis 2 and tell me the first one's better. Crysis had a good story, solid gameplay and good dialogue and you want to tell me a 2.5D game is capable of being more fun?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Hmmm...I don't see any reason they would be.

Also, you could argue that games are designed to fit the culture they are created for (hence, USAliens complain about Japanese games), and that would have changed significantly over teh years.

Velocity Eleven

New member
May 20, 2009
TheKasp said:
Kids won't give two fingers about it. As long as they have fun playing the games it won't be any different. In 20 years they will be the one asking themselfes what those dang future kids like about those dang modern modern games!
thats what I think


New member
Jun 18, 2008
No. While some look down on modern games, they do offer levels of refinement not present in older titles.

Of course, some still manage to fuck that up.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Really I think it depends on the circumstances. I had my nephew play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with me when he came over to my house and he had fun with it. He also enjoyed games like Call of Duty as well. (Single player only, he's too young to play online.)

So really as long as the game in question is fun I don't think it should matter whether it's modern or not. Of course then you have to take into consideration that most games haven't aged well over the course of 10-20 years.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
No, why because we have a lot of great games right now and not just 3D shooters, spend a bit of time on steam or online and you'll find things like Cave story that do a great job of recreating that old school feel. In other words they can get the same kind of games of yesteryear plus all the great games of today.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Don't see no reason why you can't mix and match the best of old gen with the best of new gen.

Satsuki666 said:
Why the hell would I ever want to deprive kids today of all the amazing games coming out. Older games for the most part were complete crap. They were generally extremely basic, easy and short. Nearly every single concept in games back then has been improved upon multiple times. Gaming is far far better now then it ever was.
Still waitin on a modern sequel to Xcom (dont mention that..other one plz), Masters of Orion 2, maybe some city builders like the old Pharaoh or Caesar 3 and just general awesome strategy games like Shadows of Magic and ooh ohh, Dominions 4 please! :D Fuck yes I'd love an update of dominions with spanky new graphics and updated interface.

Clearly our tastes differ a lot as I'm well placed to tell you a lot of old games I love have formulas which have NOT been improved or updated (to my chagrin...) likely due to there not being a large enough market compared to more established formulas.

Thank god there are exceptions like jagged alliance 3 or stronghold 3, we will see how those turn out, point being, what you said doesn't apply to quite a few genres ;)


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

Games have only gotten better over the years.

Restricting someone to Doom in a world where Bioshock exists would just be cruel.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Not at all. The problem now isn't that kids are aware of modern games, it's that parents don't bother trying to teach their kids what a good game is because parents don't know or care. They regard all games as a waste of time, so when their kids waste their time by playing a single game that doesn't stretch their boundaries at all but simply feeds into the juvenile desire for violence, parents just got what they expected. They don't encourage gaming in the same way they encourage reading or film-viewing, because they don't consider gaming worthwhile from that perspective. And that freaking sucks.

Yet another reason why it's important for games to be viewed as art.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
No. Games have indeed become much more refined over time. If you honestly compare Doom to Bioshock, which is better?
Sure, some of my favourite games are older ones. But I still regularly play them and enjoy it, not out of nostalgia, but because they are GOOD. However, being the age I am, 17, the 'old games' I'm talking about are Age of Empires, Homeworld, Tachyon: The Fringe. All good games at their time, all of which I play now. They have a place, but frankly, games are getting better. I only really still play Tachyon because it was one of the last full 3d space sims, Homeworld has a fantastic story, and Age of Empires has a solid LAN multiplayer system


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Doom to bioshock is not a cool comparison, on the other hand I'd take Timesplitters over Bioshock, Cod, Mw or whatever modern fps was being touted as pinnacle of the genre.

What is all this about old games being short and easy though?
I thought this was the exact complaint most level at MODERN games.

And for old games being more "simplistic" whereas modern games have "refined the formula", again, ain't "dumbing down" one of the usual complaints of modern games?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Well I grew up with Halo, so, yeah I guess, but if you mean 80 - 90 games, No, honestly most suck to be honest.

*Flame shield activated*


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Would they be happier, having grown up with the likes of Battletoads, Dragon Warrior (1, 2, 3, 4), the cartridge-based Final Fantasys, et cetera..?


But they'd probably be a little more patient.