Poll: Do you think Star Wars VII will be a good movie?


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Title says it all. The upcoming seventh Star Wars film has a lot of people divided for a lot of reasons, and while I myself am excited at the prospect of seeing a new film in the series, I would nevertheless like to get a better feel for what others are expecting of it.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I've been trying not to give into the hype... and failed misrably so yes I think it will be good. Or at least I'm very much hoping.

I don't think it will be as good as Empire, which is my favourite movie period. I doubt it will beat the original, or if it does I will be very surprised because it's a very good movie. However possibly could beat Jedi which despite the Ewoks I thought was really good.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
I think, at the very least, it will be a good action sci-fi movie.

Will it be a an amazing movie which I'll want to watch over and over? Probably not, but I think there's hope for that.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, I think it'll be good.

Nothing about it yet seems like it'll be a complete disaster. Although we'll have to see how Carrie Fisher is gonna hold up.

It looks to be shaping into a neat space adventure movie, and that's all Star Wars needs to be.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I hope so. When I saw Abram's Star Trek trailers, I thought, "That's not Star Trek. That's Star Wars." So, there's a point for it right there, because it looks like Star Wars. Of course, the prequel trailers looked like Star Wars, and they were decidedly...not Star Wars.

I want it to be good. I am excited about it, but I grew up reading the Expanded Universe, so part of me is already bitter and thus will be judging these new movies very harshly. Another part of me sees the trailers and I keep seeing Abram's little 'touches'. And to be fair, they might not even be his touches. They could just be technology advancing. But the camera shots and angles during a lot of the of ship fighting scenes just feel...off.

Anyway, I want it to be good. I'm sure it can't be worse than the prequels, especially with Disney backing it, and the trailer do get me excited, but there's this little voice in my head that isn't allowing me to get super hyped like I should be.

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
I think it'll be an above-average movie, probably 'good'. I don't think it'll be a good Star Wars movie, but I'm still salty about the EU and remember the prequels.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
AccursedTheory said:
I think, at the very least, it will be a good action sci-fi movie.

Will it be a an amazing movie which I'll want to watch over and over? Probably not, but I think there's hope for that.
This summarizes it nicely, I think. Will it be a landmark cinematic classic? Odds are long. Will it be a passably entertaining event movie that will help revitalize a moribund franchise? Most likely.

People like to dick on Abrams for his baffling abuse of lens flare and abandonment of the core principles of Star Trek, but the guy is a competent director. He knows his craft. Is he a visionary at the top of his field? Not really. He's just a solid, workmanlike director, who has been handed a franchise he adored as a kid that he is extremely passionate about. Odds are he delivers an admirably capable film that neither disgusts nor hugely disappoints, and honestly that represents a huge step forward given the last three films.


Regular Member
Feb 26, 2014
I've seen six other star wars movies and none of them were good. Star Wars introduced some influential and interesting visual imagery to popular culture like the lightsabers, the ships and the aliens. Taken on itself though, it is bad. Luke Skywalker was a complete dipshit and a complete dick. Some of his dickishness and stupidity was clearly put in deliberately but that doesn't make it any easier for me to symphatise with him which I am apparently supposed to. Anyone without the force is also apparently doomed to being a complete numbskull.

The whole first movie or part IV or however I should call it had a bad arc and ended too quickly. The entire scene on the death star made embarrassingly little sense. It was all supposed to be an elaborate trick by Vader but that trick failed to take into consideration that they needed the plans of the death star to stay out of enemy hands. Those plans were also a ridicolous plot device. It was clear that the good guys won because they had protagonist armour and plotdevice weapons and not because that was were the story was sensibly going.

The second one at least had Yoda who, being the voice of reason in the entire series, was the first person to state the obvious, Luke Skywalker is a mediocre person and a poor excuse of a hero. Or as Yoda states nearing the end of the film. Luke is expendable and we should just train Leia since she might be any good as either a force bender or a person. Besides Yoda the film had a better plot in general. The best part about it was that the bad guys were winning which is what would logically happen given the premisses of the series. There weren't so many nonsensical events because those weren't needed to move the story in the direction of the bad guys winning. That said, the whole Han Solo and Leia thing: if a high ranking officer in a resistance force and was threathed the way Leia was hit on by Han Solo by an outsider I'd expect the creep doing that to be executed in a rather cruel way. Even if we assume that the rebels are too good for that, Han Solo was a creep and the whole 'love'-subplot was creepy.

The third movie killed off Yoda, the voice of reason which was a means of being thouroughly unreasonable. Luke keeps being a stubborn fool and tries to do things in the most unlikely and dangerous way possible. Vader turns on the emperor for some unlikely reason. Some irrelevant fight is won by irrelevant side charactars with the help of teddy bears. The whole thing isn't even interresting to rag on because nothing in it is remarkeble.

I don't really think I need to explain why the prequels aren't very good.

So using inductive reasoning I'm expecting the seventh iteration in an overall bad series to be bad.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
People have their doubts about JJ Abrams, especially those who disliked his run of Star Trek films. I get it. I liked the Trek films well enough, but I can see why others didn't, so I get it.

But here's why I'm not worried about Episode VII at all: Abrams mentioned repeatedly that he was not ever really a Trek fan, but he has also mentioned repeatedly that he has always been a HUGE Star Wars fan. Fans can screw things up in their own special ways (looking at you, fanfiction), but in general, a fan of something will hold it sacred and try hard to do it justice. I feel like a lot more heart and passion will go into Episode VII that wasn't in Star Trek. It could still fail for numerous reasons, but I feel it's unlikely.


New member
Feb 27, 2014
With me being rather apathetic about the series ,in general, I haven't really put that much thought into it, but from the looks of it it seems like fans are waiting the thing with a positive mix of anticipation and enthusiasm...
If anything... I guess the main appeal of the original series _which the prequel one missed_ was the sense of discovery and exploration that a journey through a galaxy far far beyond gave, and if this new sequel capitalizes on that I guess it would score well with the fans...
I don't think that would be an easy task, as the people interested in the movie, at the moment, already seem to know the geology of this world like the back of their hand, and it would take some serious effort and creativity to pull off that sensation the virgin viewing of the movie provide once again, something Hollywood isn't particularly known to pull off all too often. And there's the probable chance is that the people behind the movie would taking the easy route harping on the audience's nostalgia rather than taking the dangerous, untrodden path ( which a large portion of the audience doesn't seem to mind )....
It's not like I would be angry if turned out well, while I do think it would be a bit disheartening if it didn't.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I certainly hoped so!

From the look of it, Abbram seen to be more faithful to Episode 4-5 than Lucas himself when he did the prequels!

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
AccursedTheory said:
I think, at the very least, it will be a good action sci-fi movie.

Will it be a an amazing movie which I'll want to watch over and over? Probably not, but I think there's hope for that.
Basically what I think it will at least be entertaining. People get mad at JJ Abrams because of the last Star Trek movies, but really the biggest flaw in those was they where Star Wars movies.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Eddie the head said:
Basically what I think it will at least be entertaining. People get mad at JJ Abrams because of the last Star Trek movies, but really the biggest flaw in those was they where Star Wars movies.
That's still a pretty massive flaw that can easily be big enough to brake those movies for lots people. Taking Trek and turning it into a dumb generic action movie in space with a plot shat out by a lunatic doesn't make a good impression on fans.

OT: my guess is they'll be better then the prequels but not nearly as good as the originals, mainly because there's really no way to top the originals at this point without doing an immediate follow-up to the events of Jedi, and given how it's 30 years later we know that isn't happening.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Not sure, but I'll admit nervousness.

The first two trailers had all the style needed, but left us light on anything plot related. The new one drops enough to get most people interested, but also leaves a bit of vulnerability to "the EU did it better" complaints with certain plot elements.

Factor in JJ "mystery box" Abrams and we get larger problems. Plot details are still light, and looking into a release schedule, I'm surprised at how much literary material isn't hitting shelves until the movie does (the prequel novelizations hit a month before each film), implying the surprise is central to everything. This can be good if he pulls it off, then I remember how badly he misplayed the surprise in Into Darkness and I'm left thinking, no.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I hope so.

History, both of Star Wars and JJ Abrams, tells me to do nothing more than hope. If the reviews are good I'll be delighted and going to see it, if not, ah well.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I wish there were more options in the poll, but whatever. Over the past month I've been rewatching the Star Wars films, starting with Episode I, and I watched Episode IV yesterday. And in the context of those four films (holding out judgement on V and VI right now), I'll say this:

-If this is an "okay" film, it will be on par with episodes I and II (no, I don't consider them to be bad films - shocking, I know).

-If this is a "good" film, it will be on par with Episode III (perhaps less shocking, but probably still a contentious declaration).

-If this is an "excellent" film, it will be on par with Episode IV (yes, I went in with a critical mind, but if anything, a New Hope has gone up even further in my eyes)

At the least, I don't think this will be a "bad" movie. Even if it's "okay," it'll probably be better than Episodes I/II. Honestly, in a best-worst list of SW movies for me, my guess is that RotS will be its main competition. Which will be interesting, since they look set to be very different films.

-People have mentioned the "feel" of Star Wars, and how the prequels lacked it. Under the premise that the "feel" of SW is "space adventure, good vs. evil, a harkening back to fantasy tropes and adventure serials, etc.), I mostly agree that this was lacking from the PT, with the exception of Episode I (to be honest, Ep. I does carry a bit of an adventure feel to it, but a far more muted one when compared to, say, Ep. IV. Or, in the case of the ending scenes of both movies, a more over the top one.). That said, I don't think that's a bad thing. The prequels feel different from the OT, in terms of themes, aesthetic, and even characters. Which, to my mind, is good. I'm glad that the prequels feel like a different beast from the OT. Not as good a beast, but one that I still enjoy overall.

On the flipside, there's Ep. VII, which if anything, seems to be trying to harken back to the OT in most regards. X-Wings, TIE fighters, Star Destroyers, same uniforms, etc. To be honest, this doesn't bother me as much as it used to, after seeing both the prequels and the new trailer. As:

1) The prequels showed a steady progression from the era of the Republic to the Empire. It's no coincidence in my mind that in Ep. I, there's practically not a single starship design that bears resemblance to anything in the OT, but after that, the similarities start to mount up. And, by the end of it, we have a bona fide Star Destroyer, bona fide TIE fighters, an ancestor to the X-Wing, etc. (eschewing technical details for now). This, in my mind, is a strength of the prequels. And what changes at the end of Ep. I, you may ask?

2) I can see the sequel trilogy doing the reverse of this - starting with Ep. VII being the closest to the OT, then moving away from it. I'm not counting on this though, and so I'll bring out a reservation I still have. Like or dislike the prequels, most would agree, I think, that they feel different from the OT. The sequel trilogy, on the other hand, comes off not so much as an aping of the OT, but still being derivative. Same conflict, same designs, etc. After seeing the trailer, I'll cross off "same characters" and more importantly, "same themes" off that list (which is another conversation entirely), so that's a plus, but, well, to be honest, that Abrams is a fanboy of Star Wars isn't exactly a plus for me. But in fairness, isn't a negative either.

So, yeah. Rambled on long enough. TL, DR, I voted for "good" on the poll.