Poll: Do you think Star Wars VII will be a good movie?

Halla Burrica

New member
May 18, 2014
I think it will be good, at least very watchable and not boring. This is a new installment in a franchise coming from people who watched and loved the previous installments as kids and now finally have aquired the big boy-pants Lucas was always hollering around in. They must have in total spent decades dreaming about new corners of the universe yet to be explored, new planets and characters to fall in love with, and now they're actually in charge of making that happen. What kind of person would waste such an oppurtunity on a mediocre or boring film. I have no idea if it will be well written, but I find it hard to believe it will be boring.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Okay, define "good" before I vote. Like, how good is good? My standards are pretty much summed up by "I'll be thankful if it's better than the prequels." Granted, Abrams seems to like Star Wars more than Lucas does these days. He even made a somewhat competent fan film a couple years ago. Into Darkness, I think it was called?

Like, I've never really expected genius from Star Wars (except maybe in a technical/effect sense). They're B-movies with giant budgets. They harken back to the pulps and old serials and whatnot. It's schlock, but it's well-crafted and entertaining schlock. If they can nail that, I'll be fun.

Dagra Dai MC. VSO. said:
I have no idea, but I suspect it won't be worse than the prequels at least.
Shhhh...you're going to jinx it!

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Mikeybb said:
Less thinking it will be good and more fervently hoping.
From what we've seen so far the components of the recipe are in place.
The poster looks right.
The scenery and props look right.
The effects look right.
So on and so on.
All that remains to be seen is if the director can combine them in the right way.
Yeah, there's a difference between emulating something like some sort of weird piecemeal zombie and getting it right.

It's often worse to see a movie/game/whatever shambling around like an empty husk.

I seem to be in the minority that the trailer didn't really excite me, and I think that's part of the reason. Okay, yeah. They have a John Williams score (or a Williams-inspired one, don't know which). They have starship dogfights, lightsabers, and Harrison Ford. It's still a disconnected bunch of scenes that doesn't tell me what I really need to know. And at this point, I think only the movie can.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I'd be willing to take a bet that it's going to be better than the prequels at least.

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
I have no idea if it'll be any good, but I'm incredibly excited for it. The promotional material has been praised for "returning to the original trilogy roots", which isn't actually hard to do when you're not tied down to doing a prequel and still have the actors and can rebuild the sets. It looks like the original trilogy because the actors, spaceships, and locations of the original trilogy are all in it. Look it's Han Solo! Look it's an X-Wing! Look they're inside the Millenium Falcon! That's not hard to do with promotional stuff, what the film will actually deliver is another matter entirely.

Whatever happens, it won't be as harmful as the prequels were. They were tied in tightly with the original trilogy, they're always going to be a part of Star Wars that can't really be ignored. But the new films can be discarded if they're bad, though it'd be almost impossible to have another crack at them with actors from the originals. They've wiped the slate clean of all the Expanded Universe stuff and anything onwards from this point isn't tied in so tightly to the existing Star Wars saga. If necessary they can sweep it under the rug and do a reboot of sorts. The original stuff would still be the jumping off point, but they'd be able to do almost anything off that.

Saying that, I'll be looking forwards to going to see it anyway, and I really want the new stuff to do well. This is probably the only shot they'll have at bringing back Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher to tie the new films into the older ones. I will be going into the cinema thinking "please don't be bad" all the same.

I'm oddly optimistic about how they'll turn out, though I'm not sure if they'll feel quite like a Star Wars film, that might be impossible though. Having the iconic actors back will certainly help make it feel like proper Star Wars. JJ Abrams has some experience bringing back a beloved Sci Fi property and making it into a successful movie or two. Even with Leonard Nimoy showing up in both new Star Trek films, it didn't feel quite the same but that's possibly because of the significant time difference between the iterations. Almost every piece of entertainment made is a product of its time in some way, you can look at stuff you used to watch and think "That's a really 90's show, I didn't realise that at the time." and see how different it is to entertainment nowadays. The tone, the character archetypes, the way the actors play those characters, the very feel of the film will be somewhat dictated by the time it's made.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I suspect that it's going to be another hyperkinetic braindead action flick filled with shaky camera work and lens flares that looks like a reboot of the source material rather than a continuation, despite being transparently fanservice-y and overly referential of past movies. I expect that most of the 'old cast' is going to have small roles, and are going to be there for cheap nostalgia theater tickets and to lend legitimacy to the 'NuStar Wars' through their bit parts. And possibly to lend some cheap drama when JJ kills off one or more of the beloved OT characters. And because JJ is an unimaginative writer/director, I expect that it will be another superweapon. Who knows, perhaps there will be more than one. It might be used to blow up some marginally important planet. Not coruscant, but perhaps Yavin or Naboo-somewhere we have been before-for (again) some cheap drama...perhaps it even blows up systems instead of planets as a way of 'one-upping' the deathstar.

It might be entertaining, and I'm sure it will make an obscene amount of money, but I don't expect anything remarkable from it. The last two Trek movies were only remarkable in that they were remarkably adept at manipulating their target audience in order to put a maximum amount of butts in theater seats by playing it as safe as possible and being as generically appealing (bland) as possible with no ambitions beyond that. This is what I expect from the new Star Wars movie.

JJ as director does not fill me with anticipation. JJ as writer does even less. That being said, I'll probably show up for it anyways, because my friends are remarkably adept at peer-pressuring me into seeing movies I'm apprehensive of.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
I don't know. Honestly.
Star Wars is like a very abusive husband that I used to love very much in the beggining of the relationship, then things started to became more and more false, fake, like Episode 1-3. We did get a few nice moments later with Knights of Old Republic and Republic Commands, then on Knights of the Old Republic 2 it quitted on the middle of the date and hit our car into a tree. It got so drunk later that it also decided the best way to regain my love by showing up in my front yard and showing his MMO penis in my face (AKA The Old Republic) and try to remind my of that one Kotor moment we had. It just showed me how far it had gone and I wasn't gonna take his bullshit anymore.

Now it's back, clean and it brings chocolates like the new movies and Battlefront.
I am willing to take it back if shows it's reliable again, but there's always a chance that it's chocolate it's actually shit in disguise and it wants to throw it in my face and runs off with my money while I am distracted.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
Kyrian007 said:
True enough, but Bad Robot was billed right up there with Paramount in Star Trek... Perhaps that was just Paramount thumbing their nose at CBS for Trek. But it could be Abrams not bothering to claim the result of Wars.
If it helps, I find it extremely unlikely that Abrams is pulling an Alan Smithee with the new Star Wars film.
I wasn't so much thinking Alan Smithee as this scenario.

For Star Trek: Paramount "did you have to put the Bad Robot tag up front on the trailer... we prefer you just get right to the action." Abrams "no I insist."

Possibly for Star Wars: Disney "did you have to put the Bad Robot tag up front on the trailer... we prefer you just get right to the action." Abrams "sure thing, I don't care."


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
Something Amyss said:
Yeah, there's a difference between emulating something like some sort of weird piecemeal zombie and getting it right.

It's often worse to see a movie/game/whatever shambling around like an empty husk.
Horrible to see and made worse because you know the doctor frankenstein responsible just cant understand why people are so put off by the stitching holding the head on.
I think I'm stretching the load tolerance on the analogy there, but I do get the feeling that when someone produces a 'shambler' of a movie or game, they don't quite get why it didn't come out right.

That could well be the reason why it didn't.
They could only ever see the constituent parts of the original, never quite managing to notice the 'soul' of the subject and therefore not even realizing they left it out.

It's strange what constitutes "StarWars" done right.
Some ephemeral thing other than all the ingredients, unseen but notable for its absence.

An unseen element, a force of sorts if you will, that binds everything together.

Sounds familiar for some reason.

I think you're right.
This is going to be one that has to be watched as no snippet is going to convey the whole.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Mikeybb said:
Horrible to see and made worse because you know the doctor frankenstein responsible just cant understand why people are so put off by the stitching holding the head on.
I think I'm stretching the load tolerance on the analogy there, but I do get the feeling that when someone produces a 'shambler' of a movie or game, they don't quite get why it didn't come out right.

That could well be the reason why it didn't.
They could only ever see the constituent parts of the original, never quite managing to notice the 'soul' of the subject and therefore not even realizing they left it out.

It's strange what constitutes "StarWars" done right.
Some ephemeral thing other than all the ingredients, unseen but notable for its absence.

An unseen element, a force of sorts if you will, that binds everything together.

Sounds familiar for some reason.

I think you're right.
This is going to be one that has to be watched as no snippet is going to convey the whole.
I don't know, the metaphor's kind of apt. There's an episode of Star Trek Voyager (I know, people hate it) where a race of organ harvesters kidnap Voyager crewmembers because they believe one of them can cure the disease they suffer from. One of the aliens decides to literally take the face off one of them and seems to think this will allow him to seduce another member. And that's sort of what a lot of these movies remind me of. Looking at someone staring at you from behind the skin of your friend, and not understanding why you don't find the sight appealing.

If that's not pop culture enough, think the Edgar suit from Men In Black.

...in fact, that might be the only reason I remember that episode.

I am, of course, hoping this will be a legitimately good Star Wars movie that feels like Star Wars, rather than some hollow automaton wearing the skin of a beloved franchise. But it's hard to tell the difference from disjointed clips.

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
I doubt it will take Star Wars to new places, only the extended universe dared to glimpse beyond the good vs. evil space opera. I'm not really feeling it to be honest.

But if they have the balls to kill off Luke Skywalker, then I'll nod respectfully.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
It's fairly easy for me, i dislike all the Star Wars films but am ok with The Phantom Menace due to Darth Maul and pod racing, chances of me liking this one are slim. Putting my own opinions aside will it be a good movie? Sure i guess, as long as people talk about rebellions, Han Solo says Chewie and there are light sabers people will love it.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Yes, I think it will be a good movie. It won't be what any of us is expecting as our ideas and expectations created in our minds during all these year is simply impossible to please.

But, it will still be an enjoyable movie and I hope it's at least on the same level as Star Trek.

Whatever happens I'm optimistic because I know we won't get another Phantom Menace.

What I would like for the movie is that it is a mindblowing, epic experience that surpasses Empire Strikes Back, but let's be honest, that's not gonna happen. It will be a fun, entertaining movie, pretty much a remake of Episode IV that moves forward the story.

I still think that it will all get better with Episodes VIII and IX, so there's a lot of new hope, ehh, awaken force... Whatever. I'll watch it and I believe I won't disappointed again.


New member
Jul 27, 2014
DirectorK said:
Well, I might as well repeat what I said on another thread.

You know, I'm starting to get the feeling that this is going to be an unofficial remake of Episode IV with some obvious differences. I know that sounds crazy but think about it.

From we've seen so far through the trailers:

1. Kylo Ren gets show down and lands on a all but desolate planet like C3PO and R2 did.
2. Rey finds him and helps him like Luke Skywalker did with the driods.
3. They eventually meet Han and Chewbacca and escape the planet from the New Empire just like they did with Luke and Obi-Wan.
4. Kylo will fight against Supreme Leader Snoke is a lightsaber duel like Obi-Wan did with Darth Vader(I highly doubt it but I'm seriously going to laugh my ass off if Kylo ends up sacrifices himself to motivate Rey like Obi-Wan did to motivate Luke. That would just be insulting given the "diverse" cast they've been bragging about over the year).
5. And then we have a big climatic battle against the Death Star 3, just like in Episode IV.
6. Luke will basically be the new Obi-Wan.

Yeah... I think it's safe to say, "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Who knows? We'll see.
Kylo Ren is one of the bad guys. You're thinking of Finn.
Nov 28, 2007
IOwnTheSpire said:
DirectorK said:
Well, I might as well repeat what I said on another thread.

You know, I'm starting to get the feeling that this is going to be an unofficial remake of Episode IV with some obvious differences. I know that sounds crazy but think about it.

From we've seen so far through the trailers:

1. Kylo Ren gets show down and lands on a all but desolate planet like C3PO and R2 did.
2. Rey finds him and helps him like Luke Skywalker did with the driods.
3. They eventually meet Han and Chewbacca and escape the planet from the New Empire just like they did with Luke and Obi-Wan.
4. Kylo will fight against Supreme Leader Snoke is a lightsaber duel like Obi-Wan did with Darth Vader(I highly doubt it but I'm seriously going to laugh my ass off if Kylo ends up sacrifices himself to motivate Rey like Obi-Wan did to motivate Luke. That would just be insulting given the "diverse" cast they've been bragging about over the year).
5. And then we have a big climatic battle against the Death Star 3, just like in Episode IV.
6. Luke will basically be the new Obi-Wan.

Yeah... I think it's safe to say, "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Who knows? We'll see.
Kylo Ren is one of the bad guys. You're thinking of Finn.
Huck? :p

OK, on-topic, I'm quite looking forward to the movie. I've been avoiding the hype train as much as I can, but after watching the last trailer, it looks like I will be able to enjoy it as a spectacle at the very least. And while Abrams may be hit-and-miss in terms of good Star Trek movies, he's always been a Star Wars fan, so hopefully, that passion will translate on screen.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
IOwnTheSpire said:
Kylo Ren is one of the bad guys. You're thinking of Finn.
Yeah, I know. I found that out on the other thread I'm posted that on. But my point still stands.


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
Something Amyss said:
I don't know, the metaphor's kind of apt. There's an episode of Star Trek Voyager (I know, people hate it) where a race of organ harvesters kidnap Voyager crewmembers because they believe one of them can cure the disease they suffer from. One of the aliens decides to literally take the face off one of them and seems to think this will allow him to seduce another member. And that's sort of what a lot of these movies remind me of. Looking at someone staring at you from behind the skin of your friend, and not understanding why you don't find the sight appealing.

If that's not pop culture enough, think the Edgar suit from Men In Black.

...in fact, that might be the only reason I remember that episode.

I am, of course, hoping this will be a legitimately good Star Wars movie that feels like Star Wars, rather than some hollow automaton wearing the skin of a beloved franchise. But it's hard to tell the difference from disjointed clips.
That was one of the later Phage episodes, I think.
Memories of that series have been a bit blended into others over time.
All I'm sure about is I miss star trek on tv.

Here's hoping December brings us a force to be reckoned with instead of a shambler with midichlorians leaking out of the stitching.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008

It's pretty much guaranteed to not be as bad as the prequels, because after a decade of people bitching and moaning about how terrible those were, even Hollywood folk realize their reputation will be utterly trashed if they pull anything even approaching that caliber again.

As for whether it will be amazing, or even just great, well... I've been getting the impression that nostalgia will probably play a huge factor into people's enjoyment of the next 3 movies, so probably not for me, as I was a wee-babe when I saw those movies, and frankly I remember and care very little.