Poll: Do you think the UN operates a secret space navy?


New member
Oct 1, 2009
obi2012 said:
Going to say no on this, call it a gut feeling
Shamanic Enzan said:
If the UN was running a space navy, I'm pretty damn sure a few more things would have crashed by now.
emeraldrafael said:
But to answer the question, nope. Mostly cause the UN can barely run the world.
Guys! Shut up! Can't you see OP is obviously an advance scout for an alien empire, trying to ascertain the state of our defences prior to invasion?

To OP: Yes, UN Spacy does exist and is staffed by such greats as Lieutenant Hikaru Ichijyo and Major Misa Hayase. It's capable of kicking the green-skinned alien butts of any invader clear back to their home system.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
It would be possible... IT would Be called U.N.I.T.
But i say it is not happening thanks to us being Capitalists and not having enough money to do it at present. Still if money and life was cheep and Science was golden then sure.

But in my opinion until there is an advantage of doing so it will not happen. (advantage could mean: extra space, mining, exploring, Alien Hostiles or DEATH FROM ABOVE)


New member
Feb 9, 2009
James Crook said:
Hell, who doesn't operate a Secret Space Navy nowadays? I just got mine running about two months ago, works like a charm. I just need to mount some of 'em evil death rays and spy cameras on my big mothership and all will be well, but these prices on eBay are just mad. Maybe I'll buy some from DARPA, they're having this big super-secret-so-don't-tell-anyone garage sales, and the prices are cheaper than a glass of lemonade back in the 1950s.
Anyone else here a Secret Space Navy enthusiast? I can give advice if you need some, and I'm also on the lookout for the best offers for parts. No yellow though, I hate yellow.
Try Amazon.spacenavy, the prices are a lot better.

OT: Nope, they'd never be able to hide it from anyone. Besides, on the basis that the US canceled their space program I'd wager that any space navy would be run by the EU or maybe China.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
thest3alth said:
I am 99% certain that the US has experimented with arming satellites with nuclear warheads, and it would not surprise me if they had several armed satellites overhead right now. Whether you constitute that as a 'Space Navy', I dunno. I answered yes, because it would be possible to arm a space station.

I that case, I'm sure the US has tried other ways to further the weaponization of space. That being said, we're not gonna see proof of an enterprise, or an X-302, or a star destroyer in orbit.

I think it's more scary that the USAF has such nutjobs so high up the chain of command.
While there is a good chance they have played with them (they are often known as orbiting nuclear missile platforms), what does hold them off is the fact that they are currently banned under international treaties. More directly the Outer Space Treaty & the SALT II treaty. Both of which state that space based weapons systems neither be built, nor used. Plus the two treaties are still in effect, so no "offical" development has been done with or about them in the last 40-50 odd years. Still there are gaps with it, which people want corrected with a Space Preservation Treaty which is designed to bring those treaties into the 21th century, or at least not have them limited to the Cold War mindset which created them in the first place.

Saying that, systems like the SDI are allowed and have been used (see when the US Navy shot down a satellites pretty much because the Chinese did it to show off), but those weapons systems are not something that nations plan to use all that often for the simple reason it is not a great idea to trash an area you want to use in the future ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_Syndrome ). But who would be dumb enough to ever do something like that really.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Pyro Paul said:
Right on the money.

We're still a ways away from having orbital lasers that would actually be combat effective for ground warfare, but we can intercept and shoot down ICBMs and the like. So we do have a "space navy" but there are no rocket ships going to Mars... yet.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
yes, totally. because a bunch of space ships would not at all be expansive and money grows on trees in the UN lobby.
Sep 19, 2008
I think the thing here is UN that level of co-operation between countries like USA UK Canada Australia is possible but now imagine it being the UN getting Russia and china on-board, so even if this was a real thing I think it would be more likely NATO controlled than UN.

and of-course you have USA, EU, Russia and china all working towards them seperatly as well.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
On the possibility for the US to operate a space navy? Yes, if they put their minds and money to it I'm sure that they could develop and build some counter-spacecraft-robot-satellite-like device and operate it. I don't think they have a secret space navy though as it would be expensive and at the moment, irrelevant. Think about it, you would most likely have expensive weapon systems up there which you either dispose of every now and then or you have to have a system for them to re-enter to be serviced just so you can *remove* unwanted orbiting contraptions.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
So... this man is a ranking officer in the USAF and is also a crackpot conspiracy nut who blames his own government for acts of terror?

How does he still have his job?


New member
May 17, 2009
Capable of actually forming a space navy given our current technology? No. (My answer)

Capable of micromanaging a large space navy with wars and whatnot. Leave that to me! I've played Sins of a Solar Empire!


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
No, but it would be AWESOME! I don't know what it is with people (and in my experience it seems predominantly Americans), but does anyone have any idea of what the UN actually is like?

Think of the government in your country. Do they get along? Can they keep secrets? Imagine now the UN. A committee of representatives of different countries who each have their own agendas, and widely different ideological beliefs. The UN has a hard time just keeping fist fights from breaking out during meetings, and I doubt they could organise a piss up in a brewery without lengthy and costly planning sessions.

Besides the obvious technical and financial impossibilities of a "secret space navy" the main issue I have is political. Allow me to illustrate:

American Delegate: "Israel we have proof here that you have been secretly refining Uranium for use in Nuclear weapons"

Israeli Delegate: "Yeah? Well here's proof you have a fleet of space based weapons poised to strike the earth in case of global war. In direct contravention to strict laws you yourselves introduced! Suck on that!"

Basically there is no reason to keeping such a thing secret. Anyone could out the project for MASSIVE political damage.

The USA doing it is slightly more plausible (politically, but not scientifically). Though my argument for things like this is generally "They couldn't keep Clinton getting a BJ in the White House a secret. What fucking chance do they have of keeping that under wraps?"

Also the political argument again. The country is in a financial crisis. Which ever party isn't in power would gain immensely from outing such a blatant waste of taxpayer money.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'd just for a second like to step away from all the financial, political, and engineering problems that would probably prevent this from ever happening. So, lets just for a moment assume that the UN has the financial and engineering means to create a space fleet. Now here's my question: Why? Why what purpose would they have to build a space navy? I assume that by 'navy', that this would be a military fleet. SO what exactly would a space navy be able to do that we would have any use for? Hell, for the price of building and maintaining 1 spacenavy ship, you could probably create an entire well-equiped army down here on earth.
But i still wish this space navy was real,


New member
Sep 23, 2008
They damn well better have a secret space navy what with all the money countries give them. What else could they be spending it on. I mean, its not like the U.N. has actually DONE anything with it.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
tthor said:
Why? Why what purpose would they have to build a space navy? I assume that by 'navy', that this would be a military fleet. SO what exactly would a space navy be able to do that we would have any use for?
How the hell do you think they're keeping the aliens off the planet?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
As already mentions, given social, political, and economic reasons, the UN is completely incapable of building a feasible space navy. If they did it would have been noticed instantly. The very idea of a space navy is unpractical, because in space, there is no cover, no concealment, and no atmospheric protecting. In space you are a fish in a barrel in free fall strapped to a rocket inside a pressurized metal tube. Still the idea has a certain charm.
StarkillerisDead said:
tthor said:
Why? Why what purpose would they have to build a space navy? I assume that by 'navy', that this would be a military fleet. SO what exactly would a space navy be able to do that we would have any use for?
How the hell do you think they're keeping the aliens off the planet?
The atmosphere keeps the aliens off the planet. Even if aliens did make contact, there still would be little need for a space navy.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Sir Rammington Steel said:
Sorry Sleekit, Marines and Navy are different branches.
Not necessarily, if Colonel whatever says it's part of a UN project then you could assume (saying it is true for a second) that most UN member states contribute a part to it. Therefore there Could be a Royal Space Navy with the Corps of Her Majesty's Royal Space Marines.



I call BS on this 'cause if Britain was involved then we'd find out when a spaceship crashed somewhere in Norfolk - repeatedly.