Poll: Do you typically finish a game or get bored and play something else?


New member
Jan 3, 2011
When I say finish the game, i mean the story line or campaign, not 100% the tropohies/achievements.

For me, I really try to finish games and if they aren't engaging enough to finish, i will get rid of them.

That being said, you don't have to finish every game, just what do you NORMALLY do?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Too many games, too little time. I hardly ever finish a game, and many fall by the wayside, maybe to be picked up again. Maybe not. On rare ocassions a game will grab me and I'll play it to the end to the exclusion of anything else - most recently Crysis - but that's rare.

It's one reason I enjoy sandboxes so much these days. I can put on Minecraft or Just Cause 2 or the like and play around for an hour without having to focus on some long involved story that I'll lose track of if I leave it alone for a few days/weeks.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I tend to jump from game to game and come back to ones I don't beat later down the road when i get the urge to do something or see a certain scene.


Jun 9, 2010
I used to finish most, if not all games I bought, but lately I hardly finish any, some I have bought but never even tried.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Having ADHD, I find the second option offensive.
Just kidding.
But I usually finish games. Because of my ADHD I happen to generally stick to things that interest me, not quickly get bored.

But I did recently buy 8 games, so don't blame me if I switch it up a bit, but I plan to finish them all, and the No More Heroes games make me want to stick to them until I've completed both.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I try really hard to finish games I start. Sometimes I just can't. They're boring, or just like some other game I've played, or there is ONE GLARING FAULT WITH THE WHOLE GAME THAT I CANNOT SEE PAST NO MATTER HOW DARK MY SUN GLASSES ARE :( It makes me sad when I don't finish a game though, so I will try, and try, and try, and try. Eventually getting side tracked with something else and not coming back.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Sixcess said:
Too many games, too little time. I hardly ever finish a game, and many fall by the wayside, maybe to be picked up again. Maybe not. On rare ocassions a game will grab me and I'll play it to the end to the exclusion of anything else - most recently Crysis - but that's rare.

It's one reason I enjoy sandboxes so much these days. I can put on Minecraft or Just Cause 2 or the like and play around for an hour without having to focus on some long involved story that I'll lose track of if I leave it alone for a few days/weeks.
I know what you mean. Just Cause 2 is great for that.
This poll needs a middle ground. I like to rent because (lets face it) most games are crap. Most of them I?ll play for a little bit then send back. If a game is good, I?ll finish it, if it?s really good, I might keep it and play it a few times but these games are very few (maybe one every couple of years).
I don?t feel compelled to finish a game I started like I do for books or movies. If it?s crap, I wont waste my time.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I have a hard time playing a game and not getting all the achievements, quests and trophies. I'm a completionist like that.

I finish all the games I get. Otherwise I wouldn't buy them and not finishing them seems like wasted time and effort. If they end up really really bad, I may leave it and get back to it later, playing bit by bit but all in all I want to finish them.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
hehehe still havnt finished oblivion, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, halo reach, final fantasy... ugh whatever the latest one is... saying that i completed all the other halo games, cod4,5,6,7 (cos that is the number they r on) ahhhh so many game si just get bored half way through :p and the ones i finish r pretty pathetic lol


Good Coffee, cheaper than prozac
Aug 20, 2010
Well I tend to pay full price for my games, so I try and get the most out of it.
I'm usually quite OCD with games and thats a bad and anti-social combonation when I played Fallout 3.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Many times, I'm a driven completionist... but in most of these cases, the game fits into a pretty short list of variables. Other times, the shear mass of available playstyles or customization leads to my falling off the wagon into full-fledged altoholism. With the desire to play multiple characters within a single game guiding my actions, I may never see the "end" or "end-game", in the case of MMOs or open-play RPG sandboxes.

Fallout 3 (and its many mods), led me to NEVER see the final battle, first-hand. I did, however, play a thieving sniper, a melée/explosives expert, a scientist/energy weapons specialist... the list goes on.

Another example is my most recent game, Mount & Blade: Warbands. I've had a Vaegir archer who specialized in manhunting, a Nordic thrower (3 stacks of throwing axes and a shield) who spent more time in jailbreaks (getting others out, not himself) than not, and I'm just starting a Scalian tactician who uses a sword and shield only when absolutely necessary. In all cases, I've not taken a side or sworn to a king or rebel usurper... just explored, taken odd jobs, and expanded my wealth, reputation, and my troops' experience and equipment.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Depends on the game, I guess.

I've already beaten Mass Effect 2 seven times, but for a game like Oblivion, where I've logged around a thousand hours, I've only beaten the story once.

If there's a free roaming world, I'll probably just dick around for a majority of the game and then maybe do the story later.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I finish 90% of the games I play. Not only that, I finish them before I move on to the next thing. The only exceptions are when I really don't like the game for whatever reason: BioShock and Alan Wake because they were too scary for me, Borderlands because it just wasn't fun to me at all. Those are the only examples I can think of.
I didn't like Fallout 3 but I still finished it.

Edit: I don't 100% complete every game. I turn off achievements, and don't bother with most collectibles (like Assassin's creed feathers and flags, even though I bought all of Rome in Brotherhood). I just play the game in a way that feels organic to me and if I don't get all the sidequests and whatnot, that's something that will make my next playthrough a little different.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I'm a story-oriented gamer so i play games to the end cause that's the culmination of everything. If i absolutely hate a game i won't finish it but i have come to know my own tastes well enough to be in the lucky position to say that i've not played a game i didn't love in a really long time. The last one was mario galaxy...i basically just got bored like 4 hours in, thought "same-ole same-ole" and let it collect dust.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I have to finish a game to the end if it has a good story line....
What can I say I need to know how it ends!


New member
Oct 10, 2009
I usually finish, the only time I don't is if the game sucks. I take that back, the only time I don't finish a game is when it's so bad that I think it's physically hurting me.