Poll: Do You Use the Word "Gay" as an Insult?


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I feel compelled to slap kids upside the head when they do. Too bad I live in a country where I can get sued for that.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
When I was growing up, gay was used as a synonym for uncool by everybody.

Yes that is insensitive to gay people, because it is saying that gay = bad.

That said people need to remember that gays are just starting to be treated equally/tolerated. In 100 years nobody will say it anymore, but for now it's still a comfort phrase.

I say that's gay occasionally, i should probably stop, but I don't really care to.


New member
May 10, 2009
See, I'm a high school student and I lack the mental dedication to rise above and beyond, so yes I use it frequently as an insult. Although I've been using less of "gay" and more of "chach" lately. I think "gay" is actually going out of style in my school, "chach" and "fag" are back, and I do use both of them as insults unfortunately. I hang out with ignorant people, it makes me ignorant a lot of the time. I'm not saying this is acceptable in any way shape or form its just who I am.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
yes but more neant to mean lame or something along those lines much the same way people use it to mean homosexual on rare occasion. wierd.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I feel like South Park covered this subject perfectly. 90% of the time, when someone uses the word gay as an insult/in a negative way, they don't mean it as an insult to homosexuals. It's really become more of a synonym for "lame", in most modern usage. Do homosexuals have a right to get angry at it's usage? Eh, I guess, but I feel kinda like making a big deal of something like that really wouldn't be helping their cause. People in general just need to be less uptight about things like this, the world will be a much happier (or "gayer" if you will) place.

Oh, and to answer the question at hand, yes, but I say much, much worse things, too, so I'm probably not the best example.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I never use it as an insult towards another human being because I think that's juvenile, unnecessary and just plain ignorant.

But to quote a comedian I like, Nick Swardson

"some stuff's just gay...How else am I supposed to describe a fanny pack?"


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
Father Time said:
Serenegoose said:
What do you mean? If you use the word gay to mean 'anything negative' how does that mean you are attacking your gay friend? Do you need a fucking diagram? Your post is totally Signa. That's a word that means 'anything totally stupid' but it's nothing to do with your username being Signa. That's a coincidence and you'd be over-reacting and totally PC to be worked up by it.
Except no one actually uses it that way so it's not comparable.
Are you being serious? Nobody uses it in a way to describe anything negative? So when some 14 year old decries something as being totally gay, he's not meaning that the subject he's describing is one he considers negative?

Would you please enlighten me then, since you so obviously know the subject far better than I ever could?


New member
Sep 7, 2010
I never use it to insult individuals; only experiences or places. For instance, "that ride was gay" would class as a suitable insult, using the term much like 'fail'. Also, 'your car is gay', 'this is gay'.

I am openly bisexual and pro-LGBT, supportive of same-sex marriage laws etc. so I should stop using that word.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Kanazuchi said:
I use it as a counterinsult. For example:

Them: "That game is so gay."
Me: "You mean it likes to sleep with other games?"

It highlights how dumb the word is as an insult.
My alternative is that for it to be applicable, you need lots of dicks and assholes. Example: "God! Black Ops multiplayer is so GAY on Xbox Live." "...because you're surrounded by dicks and assholes?" "Yes. Always."

I'm unsure how many gay FPS multiplayer gamers agree with this, but this is the general idea.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I use the word very rarely, I find it lacking in power. Especially when there is a whole dimension of offensive words you can use and string together to form a perfectly good offensive rant. The only times I really use it is when I'm with some friends who happen to be gay, but then it's mostly because I happen to adopt their jargon.

It is however funny when one of my foreign friends uses my native(Swedish) term for it, which is "bög". But then it's funny because it's an utterly Swedish word that requires good pronunciation to make it sound serious and/or sincere. So it mostly rolls of their tongues like word-vomit, which is always funny.


New member
May 25, 2008
I know some people don't mean harm when they use it, but it would be the same thing as going around saying "Oh, that's so Asian" or "Oh, that's so black". It's implying that it is inferior to the norm. I've taken it out of my vocabulary and when I did my student teaching, I made it a rule that my students take it out of theirs.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
We should keep in mind 'Gay' did not originally refer to homosexuality.
That word's original meaning was brutally murdered in the night, and became a synonym for 'homosexual'.

Perhaps, getting over the origins of the popular phrase, this seemingly highly adaptive word is just evolving further...

Poptart Invasion

New member
Nov 25, 2010
Nihilism_Is_Bliss said:
We should keep in mind 'Gay' did not originally refer to homosexuality.
That word's original meaning was brutally murdered in the night, and became a synonym for 'homosexual'.

Perhaps, getting over the origins of the popular phrase, this seemingly highly adaptive word is just evolving further...
i think you might be on to something there, actually. since gay originally meant happy and light-hearted. and come to think of it, stupid people are usually obliviously happy, despite the world around them. homosexuals, despite bigotry and hatred being spewed on them like theyre riding a log-boat through Splash Mountain, tend to be more happy, as if they have been forged my the bullshit theyve had to put up with to a point of self-affirmation that many heterosexuals may never reach.

and therein lies the secret of world peace! if we were stupid and homosexual, we could all find happiness, and this would be a truly gay world! XD

NOTE: no, i wasnt insinuating a correlation when i said, "stupid and homosexual," so if you were about to dump some whiney, unsufferable, and completely uncalled for p.c. bullcrap, read the disclaimer from my previous post and promptly shut-up like a good dog, cuz all us normal people who dont act like someone disaggreeing with us is equal to that person eating our first-born child are SICK OF IT, especially when we're kinda on the same side!