Poll: Does the Eragon series deserve a new video game,


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Have you people actually read these terrible, terrible things? Who'd want to wade through this pap in book form, let alone any other form?

Yes, the movie was terrible. But only because the books were so terrible. Don't blame the production. I wonder how you think it could ever have been good. Even a straight telling of the story from the book would have been just as boring and derivative of original works of fantasy to be a waste of our time.

And another game? Like we need more generic fantasy RPGs. If you need worn fantasy tropes that badly, play Oblivion or Fable II. They at least have a sense of humor about how they're ripping genuine originality off.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
There are much more deserving books to base a game off of, although I don't know of any direct book-game that has been successful.

Shadow Tyrant

New member
Jun 18, 2008
God no. Movies should not have games. Books made into movies should have even less games. And books alone should have even less games than that.

The Iron Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I place myself firmly in the "no" category.

I admit I found the first book to be okay.
By the time the second one came around I must have grown up a bit because I found it to be a steaming pile of shit.
Looking back at the original book I came to the same conclusion.
I forcibly removed myself from a cinema when the trailer for the movie showed up.
Needless to say I stayed well clear of the game.
I would honestly attempt to break some heads if the heads in question thought that making a second game was a good idea, let alone a second movie.

Rolling Thunder

New member
Dec 23, 2007
If I wished to produce a book like Eragon, I would do it in three months, publish it under a false name and hope to god that nobody I know realised that it was my work. That book is so...simple it offends me.

Now, books I can reccomend:

Most of Feist's books, though some are somewhat lacking.

Goodkind, for despite their being a tad hackneyed, he makes up for it by being good.

Trudi Canavan, for it is nice to have a female perspective on the fantasy world.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
the first book was okayish. the second one was just the author self indulging in what he thought it would be like to be Gandalf/Dumbledore/Clint Eastwood's love child but with a pet dragon. and I never understood Eragon's fighting capability at one point he was killing masses of soldiers in the next he was being thrashed by a mortal who had the tinsiest bit more training than the average soldier.

I never saw the film because I could tell it would be shit and I never played the game because I could tell it would be shit because it was based on a shit film.

they will never make another game for it because they will never make another film for it.


New member
Sep 2, 2008
New videogame for Eragon? It depends on whether it's going to be a piece of work masterfully crafted into an enjoyable recreation of the experience of the boy or whether it's just an attempt to wring more money of a new franchise that dimwits and 12 year olds will buy just because of the title.

Well, I guess that closes the argument then. It's usually this case because the writer(s) of the movie or book don't really give a shit because hey, it's free money. I doubt Paolini actually plays videogames.

On a related note, has anyone played Wall-E? It sold like a million copies, but I seriously doubt it could be that good. The movie perhaps.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
The first movie was awful
the Avirall Lavine song in the credits, people in the middle ages wear jeans, eragon looked like he was from the disney channel, the best actor in the best actor in the movie dies halfway through, the goblins were fat guys with tattoos, the dwarves were just black people
all of these are nails in the coffin that is Eragon the movie


New member
Sep 15, 2008
the books are very good but i doubt they were made with games in mind also the first Eragon game FUCKIN SUCKED!

so i do not want another one