Poll: Don?t restrict my gaming purchases! Sub question why is sex conidered worse than violence?


New member
Aug 14, 2008
yay! ok! I'll do anything for cookies and milk!

why can't weeeee bee freieends! (8) jej

yes i was trying to kinda agree with him in certain point but I don't know if we understood each other well

Jezuz X

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I under stand that the store may get sued for selling the M rated game to a 16 year old. But what really pisses me off is when ive bought games from the store before then one day they ask for idea.... Maybe just the employes choice but none the less its so anoying, but ive basically stoped buying games from stores i allways use craigslist now like $20 cheaper

Debate of fate

New member
Aug 14, 2008
After reading this thread, I noticed that one kind of thought was not posted:
Have a problem with ESRB, Best Buy, Etc.? Take it up with the company themselves!
Seriously. If you have a "problem" with somebody you tell the person, not talk to so-so about how this person is annoying/mean/etc. because if the guy/gal your ranting about does not know whats wrong about them, THEY CAN NOT FIX IT!

-Debate of fate


New member
Aug 13, 2008
They were already confronted by people who were mad that they weren't checking ID for games, see.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
How is it with movies? Can you buy a movie if you're not the right age? I like games to be treated exactly like movies. Anything goes, as long as it gets the proper agestamp (and yes, that would include not selling it to anyone underage! That your mom 'wastes' her time RAISING HER KIDS, that's her choice)

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Most Anti sex people are American go Jesus gun toters so they look upon violence differently than sex, one is a family experience and a hobby and the other a sin, though this has changed to the point where these people will ban anything with even a mediocre amount of violence, i'm personally waiting for the ban on Viva Pinata because you can beat up animals.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I think the main point that Colton is trying to make in this thread is that it is the PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY to monitor the purchases of games of their children (even movies or music) and NOT the stores. I agree 100%.

If 10 year old Timmy goes out and buys GTA4...
1. What is 10 yr old Timmy doing out at the shops on his own?
2. Where did Timmy get $100?
3. Timmy comes home and puts on GTA4, the parent should be there to stop Timmy playing, if they deem it necessary
4. Timmy kills a (real) prostitute, parent sues Rockstar
>Rockstar says "we put ratings on our games, you saw the content, it's YOUR FAULT"
5. Timmy kills a prostitute, parent sues retailer
>Retailer says "the game was clearly marked with ratings, you knew what was in the game but you let him play it, it's YOUR FAULT"
6. Timmy plays in secret when his parents arent around, he's even cunning enough to have hidden the receipt, if the parent is too ignorant to not notice a missing $100, or to check the Xbox's saved files, it's THEIR FAULT FOR BEING IGNORANT.

There's too much buck passing in society today. Nothing is ever anyones fault anymore. A man scratched the inside of his nose with a power drill and mutilated his face in the process. Who's fault is it? The manufacturer's, of course, for not putting a label on the power drill saying WARNING DO NOT STICK UP NOSE, RECTUM OR ANY OTHER BODILY ORIFICE.

If you're a parent and you let your kid play violent video games and you don't properly educate them on the difference between reality and fantasy and they turn into a psychopath IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT, NOT THE DEVELOPER'S, NOT THE RETAILER'S, NOT THE DOG DOWN THE ROAD's, YOURS!

sorry bout the rant guys XD...peace

some random guy

New member
Nov 4, 2007
I agree that the majority of young people would not be effected by M rated games but there are still some people who need protecting and some parents who don't want their kids to get exposed to the sort of content you find in M rated games. The parent can still bypass the system by buying the game(s) for the kid so it's still the parent making the decision.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
[Opinions in this post are recommended for those with half a brain or more]I really don't want to come of insulting or anything. However, all those that say the ratings system, no matter what country, is pointless, and stupid are talking out of their arse.

Without a ratings system the video game industry would crash, dismembering all the employees. It is the same as the movie industry, and idiots like Jack Thompson would be deemed far more intelligent that all of us put together, and considered a savior of the people.

While I have some problems with the rating system in my country, I am still glad it exists so I can lose myself in a fantasy would, where the blood of hookers lines my grill.

When countries that have access to the internet, and R18+ movies(like Australia) do not have the R rating for video games, forcing developers to do more work on their game so that it wont corrupt our youth(Fallout 3 was almost canceled here due to the drug references, even though these days most 13 year olds have taken more drugs than I have).

When they start making it forcefully censored then take the internet and complain, as it will get you oh-so-far in the world.

Sorry about the longish post, it just seemed like the only way to get the point across that without a ratings system, you wouldn't have anything to complain about, as there wouldn't be video games.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Well, I've just read through this entire thread. And I'd just like to say thanks. Some parts of this are truly hilarious. Deadlyfred, your reply on a certain post being given a WTF rating actually made me piss myself laughing. :)

Anywho, back to the subject at hand. To be honest, the guidance rating systems (depending on where you live) are needed. Why? Because, quite simply I don't want gaming to get flatened by extremist haters of games, who blame every negative aspect of humanity on a game that was released recently. These rating systems do quite a bit to detract these 'people' - and I use that term lightly - from continuing their BS.

Yes, stores should ensure they do everything they can to make sure they follow the ratings strictly, but ladies and gentlemen - we are human...we all make mistakes. There will be occasions where this isn't the case. Maybe Jimmy; a 13 year old, who started puberty at 3 years old - stands at 6'2 and has a beard to put most 30 year olds to shame. He'll more than likely get served and acquire the game. If he continues to play the game for months without being challenged about it, it's quite simply his parent's fault. If a parent isn't involved enough in his life to know he's spending hours at a time playing GTA4/Ninja Gained/*Insert graphic game here* then they are quite bluntly poor parents.

To the original poster - it just seems you're angry because you can't purchase a game you think you're entitled to. The truth is - you aren't. You're afterall, under the legal age limit, and as such you need to deal with it. You have a year or two to wait, is it really that big a deal? Even then, you could get someone else to purchase it for you - yet you're still angry, that you yourself can't. That's life. Not everything happens the way you want it to - it's part of growing up, and once you're in your twenties you'll look back and wonder why it bothered you that much in the first place.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Surely the ratings are a good thing, as they educate parents who don't have time or money to play every game on the market to see what is a sensible option for their 3/8/12/16 year old kid.

Personally, if I had kids and I was concerned they were a bit unstable, I wouldn't buy them Manhunt even if they were 20, if they want to buy it they can but I'm not gonna fuel their mind.

On the flipside, if I felt I'd brought up a sensible level headed kid and he wanted to play GTA4 at say 14 or so, I'd consider it.

Sure most of us can make a snap decision about a Barbie or Manhunt game by glancing at the cover, but I think the rating system is a good thing, if perhaps too tough on some games, when you compare what you see in manhunt, to what you see in a teen horror movie.

I personally think both Manhunt 2 and the new MAdworld would be fine as a 18 or M rating, again, on the other hand, I dont want to encourage games with gratuitous gore as they just fuel mental cases like JAck Thompson and the entire staff of the Daily Mail.

Colton Caramihalis

New member
Apr 16, 2008
I would like to return to the subquestion for a moment. Why is the rateing system screwed up anyhow. why is it that sex is worse then violence. You can shoot people in t games, yet the insinuation of sex makes it mature? if the system is nessary, why not at least have it make sense.

some random guy

New member
Nov 4, 2007
I guess that sexuality in this culture has always been considered mysterious and/or bad in one way or another and that is reflected in our rating systems.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Where I live - England - I'm fairly sure it's illegal. Maybe that's incorrect. If so I'm sure someone will say. Either way, you are being denied the game. That's the bottom line. You're not entitled to buy it for yourself until you reach the age limit they are setting.
Would you rather be allowed games like GTA4 and the like at the age of 12? What do you think would happen then? Would it be possible, games would be bitched about more than they are now?
Censoring would be a very real result. That would severely suck dick. Of the Elephant variety.

I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to agree to take ratings out of games so this happens. I had to wait until I was of the legal age, or at least the age they were asking for - so, I'm afraid, so will you. Or...get someone else to buy it. Still not sure why that isn't a viable option.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
There is no reason for it, save for the fickle impositions of modern society. This is just a trend, not at all dissimilar to fashion waves.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Sorry but I have to reply out of context to the current discussion to clarify my past statements. I am by no way saying we should replace regulation of corporate policy with regulation pertaining to the ESRB's existence. I am merely of the opinion that such institutions are both pretentious and stupid.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I'm from Denmark, I could buy whatever game I wanted, whenever I wanted, as long as I had the money. No restrictions, and the ratings serve more as guidelines than anything. (We have yet to have a crime blames on videogames as well - Not that we have a lot of crime, but still, it hasn't really been a factor, ever.)

Everyone is very "Large" with that, also with ages on movies in the cinema, and alike.