Poll: Fallout 3 or New Vegas, what would you rather play?

Save us.A7X

New member
Apr 15, 2009
I prefer the gameplay and story of New Vegas but I like the map and setting of 3 more, I think overall I like 3 the most if I have to pick one, the Capital Wasteland was simply more fun and interesting to explore.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
New Vegas is the WAY better game. But the choice I really want is neither. I was so sick of the engine and combat in Fallout 3 by the time I played New Vegas that I couldn't appriciate it. However it's a lot more balanced and has a much better story with a hell of a lot more choices.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
oplinger said:
New Vegas, it's just a better experience. Fallout 3 had a story for every area if you looked hard enough. New Vegas has plenty of useless places. That and the gameplay, and the fact that somewhere, something can, and will, murder you. It just made it a better game overall I thought.
Wait, are you saying that because Vegas had less story it was better?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
Thunderhorse31 said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Fallout 3 - by far.

(the following is a rant I made elsewhere a while back)

I've been playing New Vegas a lot and now have 2 and a half playthroughs done, about 100 hours in total. After this short amount of time, I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer. Most map markers are hugely disappointing, consisting of shacks with nothing but an empty bottle, a campfire on a hill, an airport terminal with nothing but two cases of caps and some radscorpions, a few caves with not a single piece of loot or backstory in them... it feels so empty compared to the Capital Wasteland which had something new, unique and interesting over every hill.

There are no huge, detailed interiors like Nuka Cola Plant, Capital Building, Red Racer Factory, Springvale Elementary, Roosevelt Academy, The museums of History and Tech, National Archives, LOB Industries, Hubris comics... this was my favorite part of fallout 3 and all we have in New Vegas are a few vaults, 4 Casinos, Repcomm and an empty sewer

And then there's the atmosphere... Fallout 3 was haunting, beautiful and soulful. Standing on a ruined flyover watching the sun set over the burnt out forests and ruined Washington monument was just sublime. Nothing in Vegas gave me that same feeling or immersed me in its atmosphere like f3 did at any given moment. Just sand, sand, red rocks and more sand.
This, almost exactly. Plus, I was extremely, painfully disappointed with The Strip. I mean, Fallout 3 is set in D.C. and was full of recognizable landmarks, so I guess I wrongly assumed Vegas would be the same way. All we got was a mini version of the Hoover Dam, and some poorly fabricated casinos that bear little to no similarity to anything in Las Vegas. I get that this is "New" Vegas, but c'mon, that was pretty weak.
they used the 50s vegas, which does NOT have the big casinos and is more spaced out. It was all 1 story motels and 5 story casinos.
Crap are you serious?? It's based off the old Las Vegas. Damn...I was looking forward to the strip that I'm familiar with.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
Loved both games. But if I had to choose it would be New Vegas. I liked the story more, it has multple endings and choices for quests, has more quests that fallout 3 and fits in more with the idea of the struggle of restoring civilization in the previous fallout games. Also the new gameplay mechanics just give new vegas that little edge over fallout 3 in my opinion.

However the eery setting of the ruins of D.C. Fallout 3 is amazing, I mean the mojave was great but a desert is a desert before and after a nuclear war. While it was fun exploring the ruins of the capital wasteland a najor flaw in my view was the long periods of travelling through samey subway tunnels to get anywhere, something that was greatly reduced thankfully in new vegas

I would personally love obsidian to make another Fallout game.

John the Gamer

New member
May 2, 2010
NV was better. I liked the "iron sights"(I think that's what it's called), although I disliked the fact that you can still not train a dragon and fly around on it's back(one of those motorbikes would do too) I want a giant golden gecko-pet following me around.(maybe a animal-friend perk no. 3?) It's boring and lonely walking the desert on my own. Only ED-E is fun.

Game is still better though. I despiced the subway stations in Fallout 3. Clear the damn roads already.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Since I DO have both, doesn't that make this poll irrelevent? (I like them both too.)


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
squid5580 said:
Ultratwinkie said:
squid5580 said:
Ultratwinkie said:
squid5580 said:
I would rather play NV because I have already invested 200+ hours into Fallout 3 and seen pretty much everything the game has to offer. With that said I am struggling to get into NV. I hate the opening. I don't care about my character like I did with 3. And I really haven't been given any clear directions on what to do or why I am doing it other than revenge. And that is not good motivation.

I am digging hardcore mode though.
You are giving yourself motivation, and you have to do the detective work. Role-play dog the bounty hunter and see if that helps.
It doesn't. With Fallout 3 I was attatched to my character. It gave me the feeling I was with them throughout their lives. I was invested in them. They were mine. This one I feel like I am playing some yutz who has been shot in the face. Made worse by the whole initial character set up. I am not looking for realism or anything but that was insulting and created a big disconnect between me and my character. And there is nothing that can repair that. It destroyed any chance of roleplaying I would have had. So now I am just going through the motions. The only thing that is keeping me going is curiosity.
That's the thing, you're in the wasteland now and not in a vault. In the wasteland, you know no one.
Exactly. I know no one including my character. Which makes no sense either because I was in the wasteland for what 20 years? Should have at least made 1 friend in that time. Everyone else seems to have. But no gotta go with the cliched amnesia ploy. And since the Dr is some master plastic surgeon no one will ever recognize me now.
Couriers move from place to place, and from dialogue the courier is Californian born and that's where his contacts are.
Regardless if I started in the vault or in the wasteland or on the moon the whole set up destroyed my connection with the character. It doesn't feel like mine. And that has had a negative impact on my roleplaying experience. I feel about connected to her as I do to almost any JRPG protagonist.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
Something about NV makes it.... awesome.

I guess I just like the colorful civilization, opposed to the green and grey anarchy that was Fallout 3
Mar 9, 2010
Fallout 3, it just has a better story than New Vegas. The reputation system in Fallout New Vegas is something I wish was in Fallout 3, as well as the ability to aim down the sight. However New Vegas just seems so scattered, the first time I played I didn't know what quests I was supposed to do after getting to Vegas. I worked it out soon after I had done one or two quests but I prefer to know what I'm supposed to be doing.

I also like the houses in Fallout 3 much better than I like the apartments, rooms and safehouses in Fallout New Vegas, they aren't as good for Role Playing. There's also the end game in New Vegas that irked me a little

But yeah, the story trumps it all for me. I just love Fallout 3 with Broken Steel.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
NicotineStainedSoul said:
Way too cheery. Morally ambiguous maybe, but still a rose tinted view of an apocolyptic society.

EDIT: (One more point against NV, Invisible walls...jesus christ they were atmosphere breaking)
The fallout games are meant to be somewhat cheery. At least that's the impression I got from Fallout 1 and 2, I didn't get very far in either of them but they seem to play around with the idea of a post-apocalyptic society while still being able to mess with your emotions occasionally.

In contrast I thought the entire of Fallout 3 was just so damn depressing, the only thing keeping you upbeat was the radio. I'm sure that's closer to how it would be in real life but I don't find that fun at all :/

On the other hand I've just started playing New Vegas... I see what you mean about the invisible walls already xD

Kyle 2175

New member
Jan 7, 2010
Fallout New Vegas: It has far, far better written npcs, a better writter story, more interesting combat, crafting skills past just making some fancy weapons, iron-sights, better companions with their own side quests, clever tounge-in-cheek quest names and jokes and some really cool weapons. It's definately the better game in my opinion.

Edit: Wild Wasteland is brilliant too.

Jeremy Skitz

New member
Jul 1, 2009
fallout new vegas feels like there is more quests to it, though it regularly glitches, it has a retarded character creation, the characters are much more interesting, hardcore mode, you cant continue when you complete it which sucks, there are some actual choices regarding the whole of vegas, more music, more weapons, less armour, everything is twice as expensive, the strip is shit, not enough ghouls, less atmosphere, no harold :(, everything is harder to kill, CAZADORS are bad, crap radio presenter. but the ranger armour is awesome! though you cant fucking find it! ROBOT DOG!

Fallout 3 is not glitchy, interesting landmarks, more atmosphere, easier game, less weapons more armour, everything is cheaper, Liam Neeson! :D, Harold! DC is amazing, Three dog!, better but less music, more shops, feels better, characters actually look like what you create, more vaults, caves, ruins and loot, annoyingly companios can die, FAWKES! :D he is amazing :D, takes too long to get started, less quests, more automatic weapons :D, bigger map, interesting landscape.

Its hard, but, though I have probably done everything on fallout 3 I think it is better, new vegas is also amazing but so much of it dissapointed me, fallout 3 was better then I had expected it to be. pllus bits of new vegas actually frightened me, even with all of the fire power I built up, I was still afraid to walk into dunwhich building.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Well, pretty clearly, each game has pros and cons that appeal to different people. For me, F3's morality system and very rigid join the brotherhood or join the brotherhood and betray it plot was very stifling. There's at least the semblance of choice and its ambiguity in NV, though the ability to truly join any group and bring just that group to power or crush the others would have been interesting. I was disappointed, though, playing for the Legion. It didn't feel evil or like you really joined them. You were just a tool, congratulations. But being able to give all the groups a big middle finger made the game much better, in my opinion.

It is true that exploring on foot was better in F3, but I enjoy the atmosphere and interactions more in NV. Don't forget how bland the capital wasteland is too. The eastereggish type locations made up for this, but calling one wasteland prettier is just one rotten apple to another.

All in all, they're both must-plays that are far from perfect.