Poll: Family Guy, yay or nay?

Liquid Paradox

New member
Jul 19, 2009
TU4AR said:
OutcastBOS said:
I don't. I liked a few of the old episodes, but I really, REALLY hate the new episodes...I figured it aged more like milk than fine wine.
Basically this.

Started getting shit when it got on it's soapbox around season 5


The episode on atheism was particuarly grating and embarassing, basically saying "You can believe whatever you want, as long as it's atheism"
As much as I love the show, it's extreme bias is starting to get on my nerves. Remember the abortion episode (obviously only talking to those of you who actually saw that episode)? That particular episode was so obviously biased that it kind of made my eyes bleed. At least South Park makes fun of EVERYONE.

On the other hand, there are a lot of jokes in the show which I find to be particularly clever, and the characters have a funny way of poking fun of common behaviors/situations that are normally taken for granted.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
I say a million times yay for the first few seasons which were catchy, full of inuendos, had Stewie as an evil genius, and it focused so much on Peter messing up and then having to make things right.

As for the newer seasons: fuck them. Seriously FUCK THEM. I don't know what happened, but Seth MacFarlane seems to have gotten the impression that just because his show was brought back, that we all wanted his show to revolve around his political and social beliefs. He turned Stewie gay and focused so much on Brian; and that's where it went off the rails. I hate Brian. He's grating, annoying, and so self centered. I just hate the way his views (aka Seth's views) have become the focus of several episodes. I don't care! I want to see Peter being a complete idiot all the time! I don't care about Seth MacFarlane's attempt to force his views on us using Brian as a mouth piece. I honestly don't care about Seth's views on pot, gay marriage, guns, reilgion, etc. That's not what made people love this show. That isn't what made them buy DVDs of the show like they were going outta style. That isn't what people want.

But what I hated the most was the Vietnam Memorial joke they made in one episode. That pissed me off more than anything. It wasn't funny and the fact that it aired one week before Memorial Day and then was aired on Adult Swim on Memorial Day is just down right offensive.

Seth dropped the ball. He got high on himself. He messed up. Watch the first few seasons and you'll see the genius that was lost.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
Fox242 said:
I say a million times yay for the first few seasons which were catchy, full of inuendos, had Stewie as an evil genius, and it focused so much on Peter messing up and then having to make things right.
oh you mean when everything was as cliche as hell.
honestly i cant bear to watch the first three season. its what got me into it yes but.....eh

Saint Angeles

New member
Mar 16, 2011
CODE-D said:
yay because well, its better than a whole lot of other shit on tv.
Nay a million times over because it, along with drivel like Teen Mom and a million other reality shows, has driven down the collective brow of television entertainment so far that Family Guy is now considered gold.

I know it's been said in this thread already, but Family Guy is lazy cutaway gags, heavy-handed preachiness, cheap use of internet memes and complete shit characters that are lazy cutouts they can paste new personalities on as needed.

Possibly the worst show on TV, considering it somehow allowed Seth MacFarlane's hackery to exponentially grow.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Used to be Yay. Now Nay.

It hasn't been very good for a couple of series now.

It's still better than the first few series. I don't get how anyone could like those early series, they were just Simpsons rip offs and not very good ones.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
CODE-D said:
yay because well, its better than a whole lot of other shit on tv.
I don't understand sentiments like this at all. Tv is better than the movie industry right now.

Stuff like Fringe, the Wire, Lost, Breaking Bad, Futurama, South Park, Game of Thrones ect are fucking incredible. There's no reason to set your expectations low as far as TV shows go in this day and age.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
SomeBritishDude said:
CODE-D said:
yay because well, its better than a whole lot of other shit on tv.
I don't understand sentiments like this at all. Tv is better than the movie industry right now.

Stuff like Fringe, the Wire, Lost, Breaking Bad, Futurama, South Park, Game of Thrones ect are fucking incredible. There's no reason to set your expectations low as far as TV shows go in this day and age.
i actually do find all the shows boring (lost especially)say for except south park, kinda wish futurama had stayed gone but whatever at least theyre new....
also your comparisons shouldve only been futurama and south park since they are the most similar and not hour long dramas. You might as well have thrown in house and bones....
game of thrones is new so give it a while then maybe you can compare.
also you picked well liked shows and not the ton of crap i was referring.
ps-eureka is better than fringe.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Its stagnant are only a few seasons. It has its good oneliners, but thats about it. Let it die & move on to the next.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Yay, it plays perfectly to any of the theories of comedy I'm familiar with at one time or another.

It's bloody absurd.
It can be clever.
It can be gross.
It can be tense.
Etc etc.

Im Phelpsing It

New member
Jun 15, 2011
I like it, but whether due to over-exposure or the show just going south over the past few years, I can't force myself to watch any episode unless I haven't seen it before.

Nathan Allison

New member
Jan 28, 2011

I find American Dad much more funny. Which is weird, that's the show that is supposed to be completely left winged but it's not. In the early episodes you can see that it tried to be, then later they figured it's not funny and moved on to do their own thing. Using politics and social aspects for comedy and not the freaking main plot. The episode that Stan helps his wife seduce a famous movie star, just so they can break his heart and kill him was absolutely hilarious.

South Park is the only show I know that can talk arguable politics and make them really funny without getting up in your face about it.

Futurama is awesome, 'nuff said.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Yay for me. Didn't enjoy it when it first aired but the newer seasons are funny as hell.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
It's gone downhill recently. They need to kill it now to make sure it doesn't have the same fate as the Simpsons does.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
The Mehster said:
I never liked it. I've always preferred the British comedy over American. I guess it's 'cause I'm Canadian by birth. I still don't understand why Americans 'don't understand' British comedy. And Canadian comedy sucks. There's no denying it.
I like British comedy, but many of my fellow Americans need their humor to be dumbed down. Btw, I've never seen Canadian comedy, so thanks for the warning.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
well i found the old seasons up to about 5 were quite funny. then i found it difficult to watch it was the same old routine . I prefer american dad to it now since it is still kind of fresh. I never got into the cleveland show.