Poll: Fanboys or Anti-Fanboys - Whats worse?


New member
Aug 3, 2011
We are all guilty of being a fan boy. Something we love, whether consoles, games, films, music we defend. Some defend more than others, going abit over the top by swearing, threatening or arguing over pointless topic because your passionate about it. I understand this. But the anti-fan boys i dont get, those that hate a certain game (Halo? Pokemon?) and will attack and argue and complain about it as much as, or more than, the fan boys. But will always call those that defend the game as "fan boys" as an insult even though they themselves are putting the same amount of time and energy over something they don't even like. That makes no sense at all.

I guess some would call that being a troll, but some put so much effort into their arguments that you know they legitimately hate the game. But I wonder why they bother to argue? Why is it so important that they want other people to hate or love a game? Is it because they can claim superiority over a person that hates/loves the opposite of you and by proving all their reasons for loving a game wrong that it shows they are retarded for liking that game or music in the first place?

What do you think? Is it a simple case that people like to argue online, to be proved right all the time and not just accept that others have different tastes themselves.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
They're both a bunch of morons. A game will never be as bad as an anti-fanboy thinks it will be, nor will it ever be as good as a fanboy believes it to be.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
What the hell is an anti-fanboy? I'm guessing it would be the opposite of a fanboy , meaning a normal gamer?

OT: fanboys , because they will defend what they are fanboys of to the death while dismissig any "justified" criticism. Even if what is being said against is true , they will not listen . It is almost impossible to have an intelligent and/or meaningfull discussion with them , because they don't respond well to anything negative being said about what they are fans off . Thats why i think fanboys are evil . Note that a "fan" and a "fanboy" is not the same .

Copy pasted from the exact same topic made by that otherguy


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I dont know.
I don't mind people loving their chosen game, (though me and my boyfriend can never mention Halo because I don't like it and he totally loves it), and I think everyone has some sort of fanboyism in them and it just depends how you express it. If you are just squeeing over new stuff in your game, you're fine by me, but if you go flaming people because they don't like your chosen game, thats what I dont get.

People who hate others for being fanboy/girls is just silly though. Hating someone for enjoying something is just mental (unless the thing they enjoy is setting dogs on fire... or Twilight.)


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
krazykidd said:
What the hell is an anti-fanboy? I'm guessing it would be the opposite of a fanboy , meaning a normal gamer?
A troll more or less. Someone who trashes the game when they have no real care one way or the other to rile up others. Otherwise, it's someone who might actually have a real beef with the game and will stop at nothing to make sure that you hate the game as much as they do.

I personally find anti-fanboys slightly worse (in the sense that it's a kick in the teeth versus a punch to the gut). At least fanboys have a legit reason to be who they are; anti-fanboys are just assholes.


New member
May 6, 2011
Unlike fandoms, hatedoms occasionally engage in critical thinking, write funny rants (both intentionally and unintentionally), and don't do any of this fanfic/fanart absurdity. So yeah, anti-fanboys and anti-fangirls all the way.


New member
Jan 10, 2012
I'm fine with either so long as they have some actual reasons and justifications behind their arguments. I'd have to say that 'anti-fanboys', as you call them, are marginally worse because there aren't many things you can justify actively opposing. Twilight is one of the few things I'm cool with being hated so viciously.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Oh, that's really easy - just look for a shouting match between the two. AND RUN! RUN, I TELL YOU!

I personally lean toward "anti-fanboys" but both can be just as bad. In fact they are. I remember when I read Harry Potter (the first book). I thought it was nice, really nice and I was wandering why some people hated it. And then I saw some fanboys (and -girls, but I'm going to refer them as the other term). In the face of my friends. Oh they were so annoying that I regretted ever telling them I've read the books. A girl from my class read the first book ten friggin' times. In a row! That goes beyond dedication and into creepy territory.

But anti-fanboys...gah, I don't like them either. Especially when they haven't seen the work.I have a friend who hates the Harry Potter books because he finds them boring, tedious and childish. Also, he had only seen the spines of the books (at my bookshelf at home). However he loves the movies because...I don't even know but somehow they are not the books, hence are better. That kind of logic you can find in anti-fanboys. And that doesn't make sense. Heck, even the Church tried banning the books (or spoke against them, I don't remember exactly) and they had no idea what the contents was.

I'm only using Harry Potter as example here to keep a similar theme, but I could use all sorts of things that has fandom/hatedom. Even if one is less extreme than the other, neither is reasonable enough to be call "better".

If I had a choice only between the two, I would prefer the fandom.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Ironically, I am guilty of being an anti-fanboy of Oblivion and find them more annoying. I am well aware the stupidity of that statement, by the way. Seriously, I think Oblivion is a new low in the gaming market to be received as well as it was. I won't go into an explanation, but my speaking out is more against the fact it is so well received than against someone who likes it. I like Tropico 2 so I can't judge anyone for their tastes. I can, however, judge a game's merits or faults.

When I speak out against the game, I always try not to speak ill of anyone who enjoys it. I am perfectly fine with someone bad mouthing Arcanum (A game I am a fanboy of) so long as they don't say something like "Anyone who likes this crap is clearly retarded." If they can keep the criticism to the game, and not those who enjoy it - it in no way bothers me. I may take issue with a vague unsupported criticism here and there but that has more to do with the structure of the criticism than with the fact that they have criticism.

However, this is probably all irrelevant as I am, from my perspective, the exception that proves the rule in this case.


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
Well to paraphrase Dara o' Brian, I would put all the psychotic fanboys and all the dedicated haters from all the fandoms I am in, tie them in a sack and beat them with sticks and I will not worry about who gets more of the stick.

what I'm saying is that I voted both


New member
May 24, 2011
I think that anti-fanboys are, in there own right, a type of fanboy. They are both annoying and they basically just rant about how good or bad a game/console/whatever is. The worst in my eyes are PS3 v 360 v PC fanboys, and CoD v Everything else fanboys. However people who are anti-fanboys for any of these are equally bad. In my opinion "GTFO CoD fanboys go play a real game like BF3 or you're a 12 year old squeaker" is just about as bad as "WTF are you doing on BF you fag, play CoD and do TRiiK SH0TzZzZzZzZ". In short I think they are both equally bad.


New member
Feb 3, 2012
Anti-fanboys are far worse than fanboys because while a fanboy's behavior may treat a game like it's the greatest thing ever, they're mostly inert unless provoked.

Anti-fanboys actively look for something to tear down and they intentionally cause arguments,provoking the fanboys to jump in. This just makes bigger arguments.

Anti-fanboys are just downright destructive, while a fanboy does little more than promote his favorite product.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Say if I love something, and I meet a fanboy for that something. We can discuss and squeal over that something.

Say if I hate something and I meet the anti-fanboy of that something. We can... take a dump on it together? They both involving preaching to the choir, but being positive together nets better results than hating it together. It's rather embarrassing for example when I see two atheists ragging on against the bible to each other; even though I agree with every point they make, it's kind of pathetic really.

In short, it's a question of what I'd rather do; do I want to rag on something and be left with negative emotions, or do I want to meet someone else who likes Yuki Kajiura and squeal like a small child while jumping up and down?
TheProffesor said:
Anti-fanboys are just downright destructive, while a fanboy does little more than promote his favorite product.
Also this.

Edit: Did a certain lovable ME3-obsessed poster who is totally not a fanatic trigger this thread per chance?

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
I find fan-boys to be worse.

I just can't understand people to be so charged about a single thing.

At the very least with anti-fanboys, it tends to be a trend or something more general, like, DLC in general, or something like that.

Rarely do Anti-fanboys hate something extremely specific.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Taken to extremes both are as bad as each other when they will defend their point beyond all logical and reason and when everyone else gave up caring.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
Definitely anti-fanboys. For three reasons.

1. They go looking for an argument more often than fanboys. This may not be true in all cases, but in my experience, an anti-fanboy is more likely to explain to you why something is crap than a fanboy is to explain why something is Jesus. They try harder to bother you.

2. Fanboys are at least positive about the subject. I know they are annoyingly positive, but I would rather have someone bother me by telling me something is great than by telling me something is shit.

3. It is easier to hear something you hate is good than it is to hear that something you like is bad. When a fanboy extols the virtues of a game you think is bad, it is easy to shrug it off as differing opinions. At the very worst, you think they're just wrong. When an anti-fanboy tells you that something you like is bad, it feels much more like an insult. It starts to feel like they are insulting you for liking something so bad, and it is much harder to ignore.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Im going to say anti-fanboy since I see more of them here than any actual "fan-boys"

all that angry hate just gets..annoying after a while, at least fan-boys are postive

also I think "aniti-fanboyism" is more accepted or seen to be more of a "correct" way of thinking


Also a Social Justice Warrior
Feb 13, 2012
Fanboys are annoying. Not the end of the world, but defending something even when it's, ya know, ridiculous, is kinda silly.

Anit-fanboys are more annoying. Except when they arent.

See, in my mind, it is fine to vehemently oppose something, even it has good points, if that thing is harmful to culture/society/a specific group's psychology. In that case it should be shouted down and fought tooth and nail and all those other dirty tricks.

Case in point? Twilight. What a horrible horrible series. It's views on women and relationships are so... just... AWFUL that even if it was the best written series ever *snort* I would still oppose it for what it stands for, how popular it is, and how damaging it can be.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
I dislike both:
Fanboys: Everything I like is correct and you have to be stupid not to realize it-- let me rub it in your face until you understand.
Anti-fanboy: Everything you like is wrong and you have to be stupid not to realize it--let me rub it in your face until you understand.

Parallelism is a useful literary tool for comparing similarities.