Poll: Final Fantasy Tactics, is it worth playing?


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Before you comment this is only for people who;

Like the Final Fantasy series, or parts of it

Have played Final Fantasy Tactics, or atleast something in the series (eg. Advance).

So now that I've narrowed the field to one other person on the site, could you please tell me if the game was worth playing? I bought it ages ago when I got into a retro game binge and bought a whole heap of classic FF games, then I never played them! So I decided to get some usability out of this one. It's extremely hard so far.


New member
May 22, 2010
Conza said:
Before you comment this is only for people who;

Like the Final Fantasy series, or parts of it

Have played Final Fantasy Tactics, or atleast something in the series (eg. Advance).

So now that I've narrowed the field to one other person on the site, could you please tell me if the game was worth playing? I bought it ages ago when I got into a retro game binge and bought a whole heap of classic FF games, then I never played them! So I decided to get some usability out of this one. It's extremely hard so far.
Play it, play it now. That game has the best story out of the entire Final Fantasy series, and the combat system is great if you like SRPGs, or turn based strategy in general, for that matter. Just be warned; the story is great, but the translation sucks, and is full of Engrish. It's still one of the better games on the PS1.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Well I don't really like the old FFs, but I did enjoy tactics when I played it. I love those sorts of games (although I think Fire Emblem is much better).


New member
Nov 30, 2009
The original FFT is certainly worth it. The translation is a bit dodgy at times (but FF7 didn't exactly have the best translation either). But the story is worth it as is the gameplay. The FFTA titles are well... some of the mechanics have been improved upon (others simplified too much for my tastes) but the stories of the new titles I don't really care about. (Maybe its just that the main characters for the new games are not really likable to me).

I can't really comment of the PSP re-release of FFT having only ever played the PS game.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Short answer: Play it.

If you can, get the PSP version, the translation was infinitely better than the PS1 version and it adds a lot since it is a really good story. The gameplay is addicting and while battles can take a while you never feel they drag on. The job system is by far the best part though, building your teams is so much fun.

Play it now.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Cool more than one response - thanks guys!

Ok, mostly favourable responses to the game, which is good, I've liked it so far, but what I'm doing is playing it on my computer (with an actual legal copy of the game in the dvd drive), using an emulator, so in order to play the PSP version some of you have mentioned, I'd need to find the game on PSP, then either buy a PSP or emulator for one.

I do have a PS2 and PS3, so any clues if its on the list for new PSN download (Does that thing still work any more?)?

I wish you could play PSP games on the PS3, that would be a good little bonus.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
You could just skip FF tactics and play Vandal Hearts 2.

More tactical, better gameplay in general, better story and better characters.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I also went from the advance game into the psp game. The story is better, the gameplay is deeper but a few things here and there will bug you. It's a generally memorable experience that shouldn't be missed...but not the best there is out there at the same time.

Also try the disgaea series and the tactics ogre series.


Jan 5, 2010
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Play it, play it now. That game has the best story out of the entire Final Fantasy series, and the combat system is great.

FFT is excellent. Its got balance issues sure.. but its fun, its got an awesome sane storyline and an epic soundtrack list.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
LeonLethality said:
Short answer: Play it.

If you can, get the PSP version, the translation was infinitely better than the PS1 version and it adds a lot since it is a really good story. The gameplay is addicting and while battles can take a while you never feel they drag on. The job system is by far the best part though, building your teams is so much fun.

Play it now.
Agreed 100%. Play this and just pretend all of the Final Fantasy Tactics Advances games never happened. THIS is the game to play, and if you feel like playing the Advances games, just play the original AGAIN. It will be significantly more fulfilling.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I've only got Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift for the DS.

It's pretty good, and the job system is nice, but it isn't free of the disinterestedness I get in all RPGs after a while of playing.


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
Final Fantasy Tactics is pretty awesome. When I first started playing the game, I couldn't believe how often I was losing battles. Not even just struggling like in most real-time battle Final Fantasy games (at worst), but flat-out start-over. You actually have to think tactically with many of the choices you make. Pre-battle set-up, where you put your pawns, whom you want or need to take out quickly.

Gameplay wise, it's up to polish with any other FF game.
There's also a real story to be told.

Two complaints I've have are;
The secret character is unlocked at the end of the game and he's level 1. Almost useless for the amount of effort required.
Having a monster-character, they breed like hell and fill your character slots. You'll eventually just kill off all but the very best one(s) anyway.

Mace Tulio

New member
Feb 5, 2011
I played Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced and thoroughly enjoyed it. So yeah, definitely worth checking out.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
As an avid FFT fan, I am absolutely compelled to add [a lot of text] to this thread.

Yes, you should play it. The game isn't without faults, but it's got a lot going for it.

1) Fantastic story. It's fairly complex so you may need a few playthroughs to understand it, but it's well worth it. Unlike a lot of other FFs, you won't find a forced and awkward love story here. There isn't any room with all the corruption, murder, assassinations, manipulation, lying, kidnapping, government treachery, and treason going on.
2) Great job system. Being able to mix and match jobs' (read: classes) abilities gives you a massive amount of customization and tactical depth to your squad.
3) Spectacular battle system. There's a fairly large learning curve to the whole thing, but once you start to understand it and see your strategies successfully executed, it's profoundly satisfying.
4) Amazing soundtrack. I don't think this needs an explanation.

1) Engrish! This game is riddled with grammatical errors, which are annoying but often don't detract from the general message of the dialogue. However, sometimes there are critical errors in the game's text. At one point in the game, it mentions Dycedarg's elder brother, when in fact Dycedarg IS the eldest brother!
2) Stuck in a menu... The game is entirely menu driven. If you were hoping for some free world exploring or mingling with the townspeople, you will be disappointed. 50% of the game is spent on the battlefield, 10% watching cutscenes, and 40% preparing and equipping your squad. This isn't necessarily a con if you're aware of and accept this, but if you're expecting to run around like other FFs, then you will be in for a shock.
3) Schizophrenic difficulty. The difficulty for this game is all over the place. Some battles you'll breeze through, and then suddenly you'll find one battle that is a brick wall. This may be due in part to the tactical side of the game, in that some players just struggle with certain battle conditions. Regardless, don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself getting stuck on one particular battle.
4) Job imbalances. This is kind of a 'difficulty part 2' entry, in that once you understand the game quite well, it becomes astonishingly easy. Not due to your tactical grasp of the game, but because you've learned that there are certain abilities and skills that, when combined, are stupidly overpowered and give your characters massive statistical advantages. *coughbladegraspcough*


For all FFT fans:

If you are an experienced player and aren't averse to using an emulator on your legal copy of the game, you should check out the FFT 1.3 mod that the guys over at FFHacktics [http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?board=18.0] are doing. It's a mod that revamps almost everything about the game to give a much more difficult and well-balanced experience. There are hundreds, if not thousands of changes to this mod, but I'll give a few just so you can get an idea of what's different.
1) Daggers now give +1 speed, so they aren't as useless.
2) Thieves have innate concentrate, Samurai have innate Two Hands, Chemists have innate Throw Item.
3) 'Dash' now has a chance to cancel spell charging, and Throw Stone now has a guaranteed knockback.
4) Knight Swords now use both hands, so you can't dual-wield them
5) Holy Sword techniques now cost MP, and can be blocked like any physical attack.
6) Random enemies will have intelligent equipment and skillsets. No more summoners with Martial Arts!
7) Speaking of random enemies, prepare to meet Arc Knights and Warlocks in random battles.
8) Bosses are actually worthy of the title.

If you love FFT, but find its difficulty lacking, get 1.3 and start remembering what it's like to lose battles =)
(start with 1.3 easytype though...)

Edit: 1.3 has a trailer [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYSe1ezn5TU] if you were curious.

Edit 2:
Raddra said:

Does it give your characters acces to the special jobs? I was always annoyed that the main character / recruits never got access to the awesome jobs plot NPC's had like Agrias and Cid. Also, that the main characters 'special job' was Squire was frustrating(even if his special squire abilities rocked the house).
No, FFT 1.3 does not allow generics or Ramza to get the special classes. However, using an emulator to play the game, you have easy access to gameshark codes. You can use that to hack characters into whatever class you want. Ramza as an Arc Knight? No problem!


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Play it, play it, play it. NOW. It has arguably the best story in the whole series, and some of the most enjoyable gameplay, too.


New member
May 10, 2010
LeonLethality said:
Short answer: Play it.

If you can, get the PSP version, the translation was infinitely better than the PS1 version and it adds a lot since it is a really good story. The gameplay is addicting and while battles can take a while you never feel they drag on. The job system is by far the best part though, building your teams is so much fun.

Play it now.

Are you kidding me? The PSP translation was absolute GARBAGE! Half of the dialog was unreadable. Main reason I beat the PS1 version several times, then picked up the PSP version and soon after put it down.

The factions and alliances were 100% obvious on PSP, the villains were made far more blatant on PSP, it was horrible.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Conza said:
It's extremely hard so far.
Oh, that game is extremely good at beating you into the ground in the beginning. Wait until you get to the part where you fight Weingraf one-on-one. The pain...
But yes, the game is worth playing and it's a lot of fun. I still don't understand the plot and why everything happens the way it does. It gets convoluted pretty bad in my opinion, but people who are into political intrigue can explain it perfectly. So keep going and enjoy it.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I've only played the Advance series, which is IMO the best game on the Gameboy Advance. I don't really love or hate FF in general, but I love the FFT series.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Fawcks said:
LeonLethality said:
Short answer: Play it.

If you can, get the PSP version, the translation was infinitely better than the PS1 version and it adds a lot since it is a really good story. The gameplay is addicting and while battles can take a while you never feel they drag on. The job system is by far the best part though, building your teams is so much fun.

Play it now.

Are you kidding me? The PSP translation was absolute GARBAGE! Half of the dialog was unreadable. Main reason I beat the PS1 version several times, then picked up the PSP version and soon after put it down.

The factions and alliances were 100% obvious on PSP, the villains were made far more blatant on PSP, it was horrible.
The dialog was easily readable and far better than the shoddy translation of the original. You, good sir, simply need to become well read.


New member
May 10, 2010
loremazd said:
The dialog was easily readable and far better than the shoddy translation of the original. You, good sir, simply need to become well read.
Allow me to compare for you lines of dialog from the first real level between versions:

Original said:
Delita: Ramza, watch out! Don't rush them!

Ramza: Don't patronize me, Delita! I'm also a Beoulve!

Thief: Beoulve!? THE Beoulve family!? So, you must be cadets
from the military academy! Snot-nosed little nobles!

Ramza: Silence! Surrender or die in obscurity!

Thief: What can a bunch of kids like you do? Buncha spoiled
punks like you'll never beat us!
Remake said:
Delita: Careful, Ramza! Remember: The well-aimed thrust pierces the mail.

Ramza: Don't patronize me, Delita! We Beoulves know our way around a battle-

Rogue: Beoulve, was it? Heir to the noble House Beoulve, I'd wager. Looks like
we have ourselves some apprentices from the Akademy! Well, highborn moppets is
still moppets!

Ramza: Lay down your arms or die clutching them! None will mourn your passing.

Rogue: And you mean to make us do that, then? You're in far over your little

Not only is the tone radically different, the dialog got a significant downgrade in this forced "Ye olde' English" style. "The well-aimed thrust pierces the mail!". Who didn't have a brain aneurysm reading that?