Poll: Final Fantasy Tactics, is it worth playing?


Jan 5, 2010
efeat said:
you should check out the FFT 1.3 mod that the guys over at FFHacktics [http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?board=18.0] are doing.

Does it give your characters acces to the special jobs? I was always annoyed that the main character / recruits never got access to the awesome jobs plot NPC's had like Agrias and Cid. Also, that the main characters 'special job' was Squire was frustrating(even if his special squire abilities rocked the house).


New member
Nov 9, 2010
My biggest issue with FFT is that the Fourth Act seems rather short. I am always sad after beating the guy with the ninjas (Name withheld to prevent spoilers since OP hasn't played). Even with the two major side quests (Recruit Cloud, go down some black dungeon to farm items), I was disappointed.

That said, I still recommend playing through it. The game on the whole is enjoyable.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
It's absolutely worth it. Could be one of the best Final Fantasy games in the franchise, depending on your point of view, and though the PSX translation is spotty at times, the story is still deeply engaging.

The game has one major flaw, though: It's got more than a few game-breaking glitches (such as the infamous JP Scroll glitch), and the game's absolutely, unrelentingly brutal difficulty can make it very tempting to exploit these glitches.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Conza said:
So now that I've narrowed the field to one other person on the site, could you please tell me if the game was worth playing? I bought it ages ago when I got into a retro game binge and bought a whole heap of classic FF games, then I never played them! So I decided to get some usability out of this one. It's extremely hard so far.
Play it. PLAY IT NOW.

Its probably the best game in the FF series.

Mister Benoit

New member
Sep 19, 2008
Conza said:
Before you comment this is only for people who;

Like the Final Fantasy series, or parts of it

Have played Final Fantasy Tactics, or atleast something in the series (eg. Advance).

So now that I've narrowed the field to one other person on the site, could you please tell me if the game was worth playing? I bought it ages ago when I got into a retro game binge and bought a whole heap of classic FF games, then I never played them! So I decided to get some usability out of this one. It's extremely hard so far.
If you like tile based tactical games it's pretty awesome and you're free to play the way you want in terms of roles of your party members. It's a fairly long game though and the battles take up quite a bit of time eventually.

The first little while where you get NPC's on your party is kind of lame though, especially towards the end where you need to keep some NPC's alive who have very high speed and tend to suicide to enemies that have equally high speed. You basically lose before you even move a character.

Just remember you're in for quite a grind if you decide to play it through.

If you like Final Fantasy Tactics and can get a hold of it pick up Front Mission 3. Kind of the same thing but with really customizable mechs in a current environment.


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
Damnit, you've reminded me that I never finished playing through FFT. Great game, especially if you like any games that are similar, if you've got it give it a whirl, you won't regret it.


New member
Nov 26, 2008

The story, job classes, custimization options, playability, depth, music, heart and soul in this game make it a classic. It's tiers above FF7 in terms of everything I have just mentioned.

And the death scenes are harsh, cruel...and biting. You will feel as if you have opened an epic tale by the end of the first chapter. It doesn't "hook you in" in the beginning, but stick with it.

Also, prepare for the following:

- Infuriating battle scenes in which you have to strategize before even entering them in order just to barely scrape by with a bare minimum victory.

Seriously. I had to start the ENTIRE game over again because I couldn't defeat one boss and was forced to save prior to this. It was a great experience.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Well if you ever played and liked the Shining force and Langrisser series you will prolly like FF tactics as well.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
LeonLethality said:
Short answer: Play it.

If you can, get the PSP version, the translation was infinitely better than the PS1 version and it adds a lot since it is a really good story. The gameplay is addicting and while battles can take a while you never feel they drag on. The job system is by far the best part though, building your teams is so much fun.

Play it now.
I think i rented this once before and liked it, but I'm not sure.

Was this the one with the main character named Cecil? Also I remember it being obscenely long, which is good because I need entertainment for 18 hour work shifts i can bring my PSP and play during.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I remember liking this game a lot, this was back when I was in high school (a long ass time ago). It was great back then and I'm sure it will still be pretty good.