Poll: First Kiss.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
I was in the second grade, and I kissed a third grader that had apparently had a "thing" for me for a while lol we were crazy kids... my parents got a phone call and everything cause we got caught XD


New member
Mar 23, 2010
I vaguely remember it.

I think I was 13 when I had my first kiss. My girlfriend at the time didn't judge me for how good I kissed. She was sweet. Embracing someone with all that pubescent passion. I remember it was overwhelming, but, I kept my cool.

It's a shame we only lasted 3 months. I guess most high school couples are like that.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
Needs to be more options.

Mine was only 2 years ago, so of course I remember it, but I doubt I always will.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
RhombusHatesYou said:
Anticitizen_Two said:
No kisses for me yet. I'm not exactly what you would call "skilled" with women.
Well, now you know what to put your points into when you level up.
You know, I keep saying to myself, "You've gotta level up your charm!," but whenever I actually go up a level there's so many combat skills that need upgrading that I never get around to it...

(Good one by the way xD)


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm at an age where the First Kiss would be followed by a bunch of "Ooooo!"

I don't have mine yet. YET!


New member
Jul 17, 2010
hmmm i think i was... 6... kissed a girl at my school. She didnt like it. i did. Teacher told my parents cause lesbianism is A HORRID thing to have happen.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
It was the day 8th grade ended, a few months after I started dating my childhood friend for the second time. Yeah... good experience, but I'm glad all that is over.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I'm 19 and I'm kind of happy to see that I'm not the only lonely soul to have never been kissed. Happy for other's misery, I'm a terrible person...


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Earliest I can remember, I was 14 at a language camp with a dozen or so schools, we got to wear casual clothes and I was rocking my Che Guevara t-shirt, a vintage blazer and a fedora (an actual fedora, I'd "borrowed" it from my dad). In retrospect I would have looked ridiculous but I thought it was cool.

I'd met this pretty girl from another school, there was the advantage of how she didn't realise how nerdy I actually was. She early on gave me her phone number which I thought was cool. We started talking and she asked to see my room, as I was tired I didn't think their was anything strange about it. We went back to my shared room, she asked if I wanted to make out. We made out for a long time and I can remember thinking "so this is why people close their eyes, stuffs way to close it looks blurry" or something. She then let me touch her breasts. Then my friend walked in to get something from his bag, she sort of covered herself and rushed out of the room.

I'm not proud of how I handled the after effects quite well, I felt really awkward and avoided her, one of the other guys in the room (not my friend) told everyone it happened and it got exaggerated, some other people told me some unflattering things about her and I ended up leaving without speaking to her and deleting her number.

It's really funny now I how think back on the awkwardness of youth.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Ham_authority95 said:
I remember it, but it was with a balloon when I was 9.

Yup, I'm with all the other hopelessly alone people on this thread.
Wow, this thread has been seriously necro-ed.

OT: To update my post from a year and a half ago, I've had my first kiss now.

It was with a Danish exchange student who went to my school. I invited her over to hang out on Christmas eve, where I showed her Zero Punctuation, much to her confusion.

After a few hours, I showed her to the bus stop. We got into small talk about how the rain sucked and how it was cold. Once I saw the bus turning down the street, I became more courageous than I ever was:

Me:"Well, there's the bus."
Her:"Yeah. Nice talking with you today."
Me:"It was nice talking to you, too...Hey, can I have a kiss?"
Her:"Um...I've never kissed before..."

We then pecked each other on the mouth. She got onto the bus saying "Bye, I really like you." I walked away feeling sick to my stomach, in a good way, completely overwhelmed by the kiss. I really liked her, too. We started going out for the next 6 months while she was in the U.S.

Now, almost 10 months later, we're still in a relationship, with her 6000 miles away in Copenhagen. I went to Denmark to see her over the summer, and I'm going back this Christmas. I can tell you, definitely, that I love her.


Oct 4, 2011
My sister Luna and I were playing Doctor. I was the Doc, she was the patient. Very naughty she was, had to teach her how to act properly.
Oct 13, 2011
Mazar_Nomoid said:
Haven't had a kiss yet...even though I did have a girlfriend..for about 3 months if not longer.
forget this I'm going back to Pokemon I don't need this. Oh god i'm such a joke T.T
Huh? How do you date for 3 months and not kiss the *****? meh whatever.

I remember it, like...7 years ago. I was in 9th grade taking a math tutoring class at fuckin sylvan learning center, me and this slutty 8th grade ***** skipped it one day and took full advantage of being 14 and no parental supervision.....then after we never talked again haha...Her name was allie i think


New member
May 25, 2010
Im 18 years old and never kissed a woman, my friend berate and nag me about that fact. This is why i love The Escapist, I have Brothers and Sister in arms who are also old as i am and not had a kiss.
Also i cant drive and don't have a car... just putting that out there