Poll: Fox news...


New member
May 27, 2010
I'm starting to wonder if the Glenn Beck I keep seeing is a different one than everyone else is seeing. Every time I turn on the Daily Show they have some clip of him being crazy and saying outrageous things and every time I get on the internet someone is complaining about how stupid and crazy is, I've seen multiple books talking about all the crazy things he says. Yet every time (all 4 or 5 of them) I've turned on his show expecting it to be hilarious, he just calmly says a bunch of reasonable things that I don't quite agree with until I get bored and change it.

The other day I saw one where he was talking about some senator or other that died. He showed a bunch of clips of people honoring him on TV then said that no one ever mentioned he was extremely racist and once was a member of the KKK. I don't agree that you should suddenly change the rules about talking bad about dead people and just rant on about the bad things this guy said and did back in the 50's and 60's, but everything he said was entirely reasonable and there were none of these crazy rants I keep hearing about where he declares Obama a muslim communist traitor and says that gays are secret Al Qaeda operatives or something.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
There ok even though I am a strong Conservative they still kind of are WAY out there. I mostly just watch local news.


New member
May 27, 2010
stinkychops said:
I would be very interested in watching news where they told me the facts, rather than commentary propping up falsities and political agendas. Try not to speak on everyone's behalf, especially seeing as the news is supposed to reflect reality to a degree. If society has shrivelled to the point where we can't voluntarily spend 10 minutes a day not being 'entertained' I am saddened.
If all you want is hard facts without any kind of interpretation, why not do the research yourself? Someone gives a speech, watch the speech. A new law is in the works, read it on the internet.

Besides, imagine how hard it would be to objectively report on, for instance, this whole BP oil spill thing. "No one is sure who exactly is to blame for any of this. Here are 300 pages of explanations, debates, and assorted catty back-and-forth memos, followed by 20 hours of continuous boring statistics regarding the amount of oil spilled, the amount cost to everyone involved, and the 653 different theories on the amount of environmental damage it has caused and may cause in the future depending on how quickly it is put to a stop."


New member
Aug 9, 2009
From what I've seen, the vast majority of American "news" channels are hideously biased one way or the other (although there appears to be more right-wingers) and you don't get anything impartial like the BBC. Maybe CNN, but I'm not sure.

I don't watch them that much but I think even Channel 4 news and (to a lesser extent) ITV are pretty non-biased in what they report.

Of course, I can't ever imagine Americans being willing to pay anything at all to get the impartiality of something like the BBC, so they're stuck with what they've got.

As for FOX news and the likes of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and that moron woman that came up with the Mass Effect thing, they're all a bunch of nut jobs.

Beck in particular - I heard him once tell some scared woman that euthanasia is where the government kills you if there's too many things wrong with you, so that's why it shouldn't be legalised. And she believed him.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
It's utter shit. Fox News is the kind of practice where, if it were doctors, they'd get their licenses revoked. It's not news, its preaching to the choir and giving the fringe minority a disproportionately large voice.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Fox News is a joke. It's a lie that feeds into itself and like-minded people will always agree, and those with open eyes will never be able to stand it. It is painful. CNN... well they only look at all sensible because Fox is so bad.

The BBC is indeed flawed and not always 100% unbias but they're about as close as any media outlet hopes to come.

With regards to The Daily Show: Yeah, Jon Stewart is obviously a Democrat and Republicans do get a hard time, but until they start living on the same planet as the rest of us (seriously, from outside the US, Republicans look kind of hilarious 95% of the time) they deserve it. Besides, Stewart chews Obama out when he fucks up too. I remember this last week he actually went on a full-blown rant, and with good reason.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
All mainstream media are shite. FOX is just the shittiest of all.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I hate them because they give bad information its so ad its funny like Wikipedia being a Pedo magnet


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I knew that Fox had the news, but since no one cares about it, I can make all the fun of it I want. Just watch Comedy Central. Daily Show FTW!!!


New member
Nov 24, 2009
All news-channels are based on fear and bullshit. It just so happens that FOX is the shitties of them all.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Considering Fox news has put up alarmist reports of videogames now and again

A game forum is not the best place to ask for an objective view of them.

That said though, they are still Arseholes.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2008
I don't even take any notice of them anymore, any point they make is ill informed and vastly manufactured to be as incorrect as possible.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I hate Fox News and everything they stand for. And I don't even live in America. They are not reporters, they are not unbiased. They just propagate their own beliefs and try to force them upon people. Real news program should not have a political agenda. Especially if it's a stupid conservative agenda. I bet those morons would be racists today if African-Americans still didn't have equal rights.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
When fox news talked about Mass Effect like they did I laughed and stopped watching all together. You know it's bad when they set their guest up like that and then are forced to say sorry.

EDIT: I also find it a little funny a lot of right wings never go on MSNBC or other left wing news shows and vise versa for Fox.

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
This is an incomplete poll. There are some people here who really like to watch Fox News and take it seriously.

You dislike Fox News for its perceived bigotry, I'm guessing. And yet you are guilty of the same thing in the poll choices. You are letting your own views cloud this discussion before it even began.

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones".