Poll: Games to play with your girlfriend


New member
Feb 8, 2008
naked video gaming.

I've always had good results from that. If she doesn't want to play the game, then just play with her.

And don't force it... you seem to want to force it.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Animal Crossing
Tetris (or any puzzle genre)
Scribblenauts (bonus because you can make your own items and NPCs of stuff you like)
Wii Sports Resort
Just Dance (or DDR)
Rock Band (or Guitar Hero)

You want something with creativity and fun.

Edit: These are the types I play with my wife, but she dosen't mind violence, so we play WoW and Skyrim as well.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Rawne1980 said:
TehCookie said:
bitches love Professor Layton.
TehCookie said:
When gaming with my girlfriends (no homo)
Cooks, I think you're awesome and I still want that hat but you are one strange lass.

On Topic.

I don't really game with my missus. She's a Sims and WoW lass and i'm, well, not a big fan of Sims or WoW.

We did play WoW together until I got bored of it but that was a while ago. She's tried some of the games I do like but she's not interested in story, she hates fighting games and anything with rapid movement gives her motion sickness.

So I play with myself .... and game by myself too.


Too much info?
Laughed a little too much at this, lmfao;)

ot: like you say don't try and force anything, if she's interested in puzzle stuff that's the easiest road to go down, Portal's probably a good starter!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
So far, my girlfriend and I enjoyed playing Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Worms, and House of the Dead 1&2 together.
As for non-coop games - I got her hooked on Plants vs Zombies and Bookworm Adventures and we enjoyed playing some adventure games and solving the puzzles together.

I recommend finding simpler games that you don't usually play or haven't played before instead of introducing you girlfriend to your favorites.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
My fiance is a big fan of the Burnout franchise. It seems to go really well for her because crashing is rewarded. Fable 3 can be a good gateway too tell her you can get married and have kids and she will be hooked, the coop is also pretty good. My fiance also really got into the dragon age and mass effect games since she could romance pretty boys and explore a great story.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I would like to see you two go through Catherine together... Hehe. Let's see a TRUE test of your relationship! Having a girlfriend standing over you while making the quiz choices would be brutal.

[sub]Hehehehe, hahahahaAHAHAHAHAH DIE! DIE![/sub]

I think the evil side of me is kicking in today, ah well, shit happens when people talk about relationships around me. I'm just not into that sort of thing.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
My boyfriend and I mostly play Borderlands and League of Legends together but we play some other stuff (Dungeon Defenders, really crappy co-op PS1 games, etc).

But if you're just trying to get someone into gaming, I'm not sure what to try. If someone's not into gaming they're not into gaming, it's not really okay to nag or force the issue (however much she might joke about it or express an interest, don't overdo it and don't try to get her to play when she's not in her interest phase). That said, if and only if she is receptive and willing to try it, I'd try to give her an easy and well written and designed single-player game for her to work out on her own before you go into multiplayer (multiplayer can feel like a lot of pressure and it can be demoralizing to see someone much better than you). I recently got my father, who's only ever played Pong in his life, into Dragon Age: Origins (I think that's a pretty good first game - very good plot and immersion without being difficult). Be encouraging, don't get frustrated if she can't grasp things that come naturally to you, just let her figure it out on her own or gently guide her if she's okay with that.

edit: It depends what she likes though. I introduced my grandad to racing games as I knew he loved to drive, and I've had success introducing more 'artsy' games to my literary-type friends (things like Dear Esther).


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Go with side scrolling platformers. I personally recommend Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams. Fantastic new game!


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Well... Amnesia : The Dark Descent DUH!!!

Just wait, in 5 minutes she'll be clinging to you for dear life.....

Only problem is whenever i play it with my current gf, i'm usually the one holding on for dear life :D


New member
Oct 5, 2011
I got my girlfriend into games via Street Fighter 4 and Mass Effect. Might not work out the same for you.

Might be easier to do a tower defense type of game like Orcs Must Die 2 or Dungeon Defenders. Plants vs Zombies was a damn good one to pick.

My previous girlfriend got into games through WoW and Civilization Revolution. Eventually we were playing WAR together and stuff. Good times.

I've found that beat em ups never work. So even though I love Guardian Heroes and Gunstar Heroes, the ladies don't. But it really just depends on the girl in question's taste; the first woman I mentioned got into fighters, WRPGs, and tower defense because she's enjoys the cerebral. She likes thinking about how to counter her opponent's actions, how to force them into the corner, and now that she's into 3S, how to bait parries. She likes roaming a world, talking to the other characters, building the relationships, and killing baddies with the character she built. Tower defense is the same; it's fun for her to build defenses and watch them work. The second that I mentioned loved board games and the sense of being in a different world with other people.

Don't give up! Just observe her personality, pick out games you think might appeal to her, and play them or at least try the demo. If she likes clothing, let her check out something like Resonance of Fate (which I frankly love for it's barbie aspects), if she likes music, maybe Rock Band. If all else fails, most folks will play a few rounds of Mario.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Since it sounds like you have a PS3(you tried Shadow of the Colossus so you've have at least one kind of Playstation) drop her into the deep end and let her play Journey combat in it at best is stealth or suffer so violence should all but be a non-issue.

If that doesn't work... Racy Racing Games?
Jun 13, 2009
I thought I was a big fan of the Assassins Creed games until I let my girlfriend have a try..she is now onto Brotherhood and utterly addicted.

She also really likes Alice Madness Returns, and Pokemon White (she had never played Pokemon before that).


New member
Apr 9, 2009
The only games my wife will play with me are SNES games like Donkey Kong or Super Mario. Give her something simple and immediately rewarding. Anything else and she loses interest quickly. Also, nostalgia helps. If she loved it as a child, she'll be more inclined to look on a game favorably. Anyways, there's my opinion, hope it helps.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2010
Hmmmm.. well problem is she doesn't really like gaming so I won't bother going into shooters ...

If you are for trippy nonviolent games, try out Undergarden together, though that one is slow paced game

If she is into fast thinking stuff, A Virus Named Tom, perhaps? Also nonviolent game.

Can't think of anything else nonviolent at the moment... With my boyfriend we have played many coop together but they are all violent: Orcs Must Die 1 and 2, Dungeon Defenders (both very cool tower defense games), Magicka, Borderlands 1 and 2, Shank, Deathspank TOV, Lara Croft GOL, Titans Quest, Serious Sam, Portal 2...

Trine 1 and 2 maybe? More of a puzzler than violent, maybe she will like that one, it's quite colorful.

Good luck spreading the gaming religion.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
My husband and I don't really play games together as much as we like watching each other play games. However, we have played a few games together over the years. Our best adventure will always be us playing through Neverwinter Nights 2 together. *sigh* Good times. We actually want to play through that again. I also play CIV5 with him, even though I don't particularly like games of that genre. We've also played a few MMO's together (we played W.o.W for years) and we played a lot of L.o.L. Of course we've also played Mario Party games and WII games together.

Recently though, he just watches me play games on my 360 while he's playing Eve Online. He really seems to enjoy that.Red Dead Redemption and Brutal Legend being the latest thing I've played through. He and I are just praying for the day we can co-op a Fallout game or an Elder Scrolls game. And not the MMO, that was a disappointing information. I don't want a new MMO, especially an Elder Scrolls MMO. I just want to co-op damn it. JUST LET US HAVE CO-OP.

Really, it just depends on the significant other and what type of games they like the look of, but I'd probably try a few RPGs.