Poll: Genes and children Or why some should not have kids


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Yeah, eugenics on the basis of looks is pretty retarded. And who ever said baldness couldn't look good anyway, Patrick Stewart and Joe Kucan seem to have it down fairly well.

...not that people shouldn't be allowed to do it when the technology becomes availible, but they most certainly shouldn't be forced to. The right to breed isn't something the state have any business interfering with, although if you actively choose to have a child with a serious genetic disease, then you damn well better pay and provide for it yourself. No extra benefits to those who've chosen extra costs themselves.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Tanakh said:
Ohh, yeah, and i am not supporting the Nazis here nor saying it wasn't horrible the killing they did of Russians, Gipsies (Romanies or whatever they want to be called), Gays and Jews among others, just saying that they couldn't really do much in the eugenics field because that kind of stuff take a couple of hundred of years to really implement (the selective breeding process).

Specially found of the Gipsy people... and they are always forgotten in the WWII history :(

Fun fact: Did you know that the National Socialists (Nazis) actually chased Socialist for being dangerous for em?
Ow no, not trying to suggest you're a Nazi sympathizer in any way or form.

Merely trying to explain the similarities I see between this idea and some ideas behind the Nazi ideology.

Especially if you start thinking about the practical matters on how to find everyone with 'bad genes' and reliably preventing them from 'breeding'. I mean that's basically a second SS waiting to be made, because people aren't just going to roll over and let you castrate them.

And if a castration procedure takes some time you're going to have to keep all those people with 'bad genes' somewhere where they can't breed with people who have 'good genes'. I mean there's a lot of people on this planet. Again, that's basically ghettos waiting to happen.

And yeah, knew about that :p. I think National Socialists are basically what you get if you take the worst extremist left wing ideas and combine them with the worst extremist right wing ideas, you can't really have people with less extreme left wing ideas barging in on that.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Isn't baldness a trait that is mainly caused by high Testosterone? Good idea to breed that out!

But seriously: Eugenics is terrible thing. So No.

It terrefies me that the focus was on cosmetic features, since this is fucking close to pretty nasty parts of our history (by which I mean the history of my country, guess which).
I think it is important to inform people with serious medical diseases about the risks, so they can make their own decision. But no one has a right to force anyone else to not spread his genes, if (s)he wants to.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Hagi said:
And yeah, knew about that :p. I think National Socialists are basically what you get if you take the worst extremist left wing ideas and combine them with the worst extremist right wing ideas, you can't really have people with less extreme left wing ideas barging in on that.
Yeah, i know... but OP seems like a nice guy, he seems fond about the girl and kinda a shy guy (even if she did said some impressively stupid things). I am rooting for him :D

And pff, socialist ain't that extremist, go to your local socialist party cometee and you will see that they are quite reasonable (I hope, might be that your local socialist ARE crazy). I wouldn't even call Hitler an extreme right or left... given his military campaign record i would just call him extremely lucky and stupid, but don't know for sure, haven't read his book to get into his ideology, but TBH i don't have enough time in my life to be reading such crap.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
zehydra said:
funguy2121 said:
zehydra said:
funguy2121 said:
Well, empathy is good for the race as a whole, so perhaps we should remove this woman from the gene pool before she can breed.
alas, I don't think empathy is a genetic trait.
Alas, it isn't; sociopaths only have sociopathic children when they actually raise said children. It was a joke.
Sorry. It's just I've heard people say stuff like that when totally serious quite frequently on comments and such that it's hard to tell who's being serious about it.
Yeah, one of the severe limitation of written language: the ability to convey tone relative to the spoken word.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
I think i have heard about this before..

Oh yeah, i read about it.. That way of thinking was pretty well looked upon in the US and Germany in the 30's..

Never was a good idea, never will be..


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Tanakh said:
Yeah, i know... but OP seems like a nice guy, he seems fond about the girl and kinda a shy guy (even if she did said some impressively stupid things). I am rooting for him :D

And pff, socialist ain't that extremist, go to your local socialist party cometee and you will see that they are quite reasonable (I hope, might be that your local socialist ARE crazy). I wouldn't even call Hitler an extreme right or left... given his military campaign record i would just call him extremely lucky and stupid, but don't know for sure, haven't read his book to get into his ideology, but TBH i don't have enough time in my life to be reading such crap.
OP seems decent, I hope he reads the Love FAQ about not sticking it in the crazy though. Would be worthwhile information for him.

And I'm pretty sure that at that time socialists referred mostly to communists. But yeah, right now socialists are cool, I always vote on our country's biggest socialist party.

And yeah... Hitler was 'different'.... But he wasn't actually smart enough to come up with policies on his own. Most of his stuff is just copied from a lot of different extremist sources, then mixed together to form the most fucked up ideology we've seen in some time.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Baldness and bad skin? What the fuck, crazy woman.

'There's more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking'


New member
Jan 29, 2011
I'm sorry but was the woman you were talking to Fucking mentally retarded.


holy fuck...

But on a related note I've Never thought porn stars should be able to have kids. EVER.
Imagine if word got out? That kid would be mentally and socially FUCKED.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
There was a woman who was missing her R12 gene, the part of you that naturally stops cancer, she had a crap ton of different types of cancer along with kemotherapy once a day. She had a daughter and her daughter has to go through the same. I think she shouldn't have had a child due to it basically being torture; however the woman you talked too may as welll have been hitler as that was kinda his gaol without the science behind it.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
not if its a purely superficial thing. i suppose if you and your partner both come from families with a common history of diseases, then it might not be wise to have a kid.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
aprilmarie said:
I do think people should be screened not for genetic defects but for how good of a parent they would be.
Except there is no way on earth to tell what kind of parent a person will make.

All those ideas people have about what they will/won't do all go out the window when a child actually comes along.

I always said I wouldn't be the over protective dad but seeing as 4 of our 5 kids are girls that went right out the window. I allow my kids to learn from their mistakes i'm not an overbearing parent but when it comes to boys I am.

My step daughter is 18 but i've been a dad to her since she was a child and I tell every bloke she's been out with, I hear 1 bad word, she sheds 1 tear because of them being a dick then I will tear them apart.

But yeah, nothing can prepare you for having an actual child and no tests in the world can tell you what kind of parent you will be.

They are a lot of work and things change fast. It changes even more if you happen to have more than 1.

As for some people not having kids based on genetics.

Anyone should be allowed to breed, none of us have any right at all to stop anyone from having a child. If a family isn't in a fit condition to look after that child for instance mental disability or lack of funds then advice and help should be given but outright denying a person the right to have a child is wrong.

In the case of mental disability in a mother or father then it needs to be looked at case by case (which I know social services in the UK do now). In severe cases like either of the couple are not considered "in the right frame of mind" then maybe something should be done to stop it.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Being ugly shouldn't matter, as Disney as that sounds. People with AIDs and other passable diseases shouldn't have kids, however. School is bad enough for some kids without the added risk of dying everytime your friend has a cold.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Hagi said:
And I'm pretty sure that at that time socialists referred mostly to communists. But yeah, right now socialists are cool, I always vote on our country's biggest socialist party.
Humm, AFAIK Communism is more like a short semi dictatorial period which should ideally lead to Socialism, or at least that was the plan.

Personally i would vote for anarcosocialist, but due obv reasons they don't tend to get in the ballot, so i go with the party that is at the farthest left.

Edit: Pardon the typos, soo many in this posts -.-
Drowsy non native speaker.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
IceStar100 said:
Simple in breeding, only people with good genes will breed so there will be nothing to dilute the gene pool, there will also be no more evolution.

Evolution comes from genetic mutations which may be seen as bad from the start but develop into something pretty awesome.

If you think about it, it is only like one step away from what Hitler wanted. (speaking of Hitler, when everybody was blonde with blue eyes what was his plan for himself?)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
ive thought about this topic a few times.

people seem to think that having children is a right. i dont think it should be. we have enough people in the world we dont need everyone to have kids. so why not limit who can have kids. im not thinking only let the best 10% have kids. im more thinking that the bottom 10% shouldnt be allowed to have kids or at the very least no more than 2 kids.

and my thinking is that genetics should only play a part in the decision. you might have great genes but if your uneducated, unemployed, wont be able to provide any real future for kids then why should they be allowed to have kids. to continue the problem for another generation.

so im thinking eugenics cant be that bad as long as there is control, transparency and free of corruption. sterilise people that do not add to society. like there are those birth control methods that are temporary (1-3 year) so if your situation changes like you got an education, a job, contributing to society you can be removed from sterlisation and allowed to have children.

people have brought up past attempts at eugenics to try to prove its bad. but the past attempts i know of seemed wrong from the begining. like in poland(i think it was poland) up to the 70s they steralised women for all sorts of crazy reasons like depression. i think we should learn from the past but that doesnt mean we cant try it again.

omega 616 said:
Evolution comes from genetic mutations which may be seen as bad from the start but develop into something pretty awesome.
so you think genetic diseases that cause people to lose control of their bodies and die by 40 will ever evolve into something beneficial? also since when did we care about evolution. we dont evolve we change the world to suit us.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
This video sums up what I think about that woman's opinion.
Let aside that often "bad or good" genes don't show on the child, does she want to breed some kind of super human race? It's just the idiocy of people who don't know what's important in life. People can be perfectly fine without looking like models. Also, Baldness, bad skin and whatever else, is only considered to be bad because that's what society makes it to be. It's just that many people think it's bad and therefore it has to be bad. It's unbelievable for them that in a different culture something like that could be considered something good.
Everyone should have the freedom to get children and it surely shouldn't be restricted to those who had the luck to be goodlooking. It's nothing more than the idea of a product of our society, she just says what other people tell her to think.