Poll: Google+


New member
Nov 29, 2011
G+ Recently hit it's 1st year. At work I got into a conversation about social networks in general. We talked about how this website started as a solo project that challenged sites like Facebook, but then instead became a 'web' for all of Google's services including Android.

My friend claimed only technical people used it and people who work for the G. I disagreed because I'm on it. So who else does/does not and why/why not?


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Lyvric said:
So who else does/does not and why/why not?
I've got a registration. Maybe two, I'm not sure. I got an invite during the beta and went on it...like 5 times or so. I just don't really use social networking sites. Also, I've got two Google profiles and I tried to cancel the other G+ account but then I saw it again, and I tried to cancel it again. I'm not entirely sure if it's gone or not. I don't really care enough to check.

It's...OK, I suppose, from what I've seen. Just not my thing.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I use google+ for both personal reasons and to help promote my game I am in production on for steam and other services. You guys can check it out if you like.


I haven't made many posts yet due to lack of followers but when I get people following I will be making more posts.

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
While I do use Google's different services for different things I find the only real activity I use Google+ itself for is storing pictures online.

That could be because I'm completely uninterested in social networking sites.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
I was dragged into Facebook for work-related purposes (apparently it was too difficult to co-ordinate meetings with email for some reason). Google+ is like Facebook, except that my colleagues aren't on it. So there's no point in using it. Everyone I need to interact with has a Facebook account. They may have a Google+ account, but why do I need to talk to them on multiple accounts?

Username Redacted

New member
Dec 29, 2010
It came with mah gmail and I'm moderately active in another forums tech talk group. Otherwise don't put much into it. Also their new layout is painful to look at.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I don't use social networking sites in general. Google+ is actually the only social networking site I have an account on (since you automatically get one from having gmail), but I never updating it or do anything with it. I just don't really see the point.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I use it solely for playing D&D with friends online because it has integrated voice/video chat and google docs built into the system which makes it easy to manage character sheets with the DM.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
I don't really take much advantage of social networking sites. I have facebook, and I use it frequently, but I only have about 40 people as friends on there including family. I often don't bother reminding people I'm acquainted with in real life "By the way, hit me up on Facebook." I don't know why, but it's just not that big of a deal to me. The only time I make the effort is if someone I'd like to stay in touch with moves away (or I do) and that's rare. So no, Google+ is not something I'm interested in because nobody I know uses it and I already have a facebook which suits my needs just fine.


acting on my best behaviour
Mar 6, 2012
I have Google+ but I never bloody use it.
I don't quite get it and I have no idea how I am supposed to actually work it. What is it? Is it Facebook? No. What are these circles? Why are you forcing me to post on Youtube in my real name?!

Google has seriously expanded since the good old days of just being a solid search engine. I miss old Google :( Old Google would not force me to create a Google+ account so I can join Youtube.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Technically I have a G+ account, but I never use it. It has nothing I want or need to make me use it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I was on Google+ for a time.

But then there was that thing where it fucked up people's ability to comment on YouTube, so I deleted it.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
I have an account, used it for a day and left it alone since then. Since I use social media as a communication tool, using a service that didn't have everyone I wanted to communicate with while another one did made no sense.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
I use YouTube and I use Google... and I use Chrome on iOS. That's about it, so I get nagged constantly to use Google+. I really don't feel like it, though.

I do 'use' Google+ only for tracking down pedophiles and murderers, as some of them are stupid enough to wear their special needs inclinations on their sleeves, for all to see. Beyond that... nah, I'm still busy hatin' Facebook. when Facebook finally takes it too far, I'll probably switch over to Google+. Before that... nah.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
My Gmail and Youtube accounts merged when Google bought that site over, and similarly I was granted a G+ account when that came into being. However Google did that stupid thing with allocating real names with accounts.. I have a silly fake name as my email address and want that to be the display name on my Youtube account, however Google have for some reason deemed it inappropriate and 'flagged' it for review, but then never done anything with it; so I couldn't use my G+ account if I wanted and can't leave feedback on the Google Play store - but, for some reason, can leave Youtube comments.

TL;DR: Yes I have an account, no I don't want to use it and even if I did want to it seems I can't thanks to Google's stupid-ass enforced policies.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Nantucket said:
I have Google+ but I never bloody use it.
I don't quite get it and I have no idea how I am supposed to actually work it. What is it? Is it Facebook? No. What are these circles? Why are you forcing me to post on Youtube in my real name?!

Google has seriously expanded since the good old days of just being a solid search engine. I miss old Google :( Old Google would not force me to create a Google+ account so I can join Youtube.
Oh, I feel ya. I am certain I would have liked it a lot more if it was't forced down my throat. My registration was made when I posted a comment on a youtube videoand checked the box that I did not want to use my real name. They even forced me to make a gmail account when I was posting using my old account, I already had a Gmail account which I use for important things which means I do not want youtube mails sent to it, but I eventually made an account with that one.

I don't know anything about Google+ except that it was forced on me and that's why I don't use it.

Yuno Gasai

Queen of Yandere
Nov 6, 2010
Korolev said:
Everyone I need to interact with has a Facebook account. They may have a Google+ account, but why do I need to talk to them on multiple accounts?
This is basically my opinion on Google+, too.

I'd be more inclined to be appreciative of Google's services if they didn't demand I use my real name everywhere. It's my name, whether or not I broadcast that name to the internet should be at my discretion and not theirs.

After having more than a few unsavory experiences with fellow internet users, I'd rather have the safety of hiding behind an alias when I'm posting publicly on the internet.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Google is just a search engine to me. It tried to get me to update my security options etc on Youtube and use a gmail account but thankfully it doesn't force you to. I created one, forgot about it and moved on happily using my original login details.

I can only continue to hope they don't consecutively molest the layout of youtube but I wont hold my breath. It's been getting progressively more annoying to attempt to watch videos on that site.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I don't because I use Facebook for communication and don't need Google+. As to why I chose Facebook, it's because I was already using it, and the other reason is that Google has this all-encompassing bullshit that I want no part of, trying to link my Youtube account and my email and all that. I want to use seperate services seperately, and I sort of resent how Google has tried to integrate Youtube into itself. It keeps asking me to use my real name, and to make accounts of all sorts, and that fucking new channel design is a ***** to design for.

So basically, I don't really have a reason to use it, and I sort of don't like Google at the moment for what it's done to Youtube. The other thing is, due to G+'s introduction of 'circles' and giving people the adaptable privacy they actually wanted, Facebook has had to implement a lot of those features itself, and become a lot more usable in the process.