Poll: Guild Wars vs World of Warcraft


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I didn't like the loading screens in Guild Wars. I didn't like the kiddies in WoW. So depending on your preferences I still recommend LotRO to everyone that doesn't run away quickly enough ;) I even wrote a lengthy review in the Reviews forum. So if you prefer decent people around you might want to give it a try.


New member
May 12, 2009
Guild Wars was fun when I first started playing it, but by the time EotN came out..I had done everything :/...and once that happens, there's not really that much to do in it besides sit in Great Temple and watch chaos insue around you.

And WoW...it was fun till I got to max lvl..then it was all.."Go get gear so you can do heroics", then after that it just becomes, "Go do heroics so you can get gear for raids" meanwhile doing the same 25 daily quests day...after day..after day....got real boring real fast... but I have to choose, I say Guild Wars for just the shear fun it used to be and actually took skill....at least till heroes came out...


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I played a good three thousand hours of Guild Wars, though admittedly the last thousand was mostly sitting around chatting and such.

I quit world of warcraft demo in 30 minutes, though during the last 10 I was asleep. It's that boring.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
ZahrDalsk said:
I played a good three thousand hours of Guild Wars, though admittedly the last thousand was mostly sitting around chatting and such.

I quit world of warcraft demo in 30 minutes, though during the last 10 I was asleep. It's that boring.
That's just because you only played it for 30 minutes, most mmo's arn't revolutionary or even more advanced than a click and afk for the first few levels atleast. I bet you had other factors as to why you played GW more, like friends who played before you joined or something similar.

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
SenseOfTumour said:
I'd also actually say the monthly fee is something in WOW's favour, as it keeps out the casual griefers, most people who want to just annoy other players won't pay to do it.
Dude, Guild Wars isn't free, you have to buy it just like any normal game (unlike WoW where you can buy the actual software really cheap or even free and pay almost all your money into the subscription fee). I've spent a couple of hundred dollars buying Guild Wars Prophecies, Faction, Nightfall and Eye of the North (I bought the first two when they were just starting to come down in price and the latter 2 on launch), but I've owned and played them for years and, apart from a few optional bonuses I bought from the online store, haven't needed to spend any more. Technically that makes it even less prone to casual griefers joining than WoW since they have to pay a lump sum even to start playing, wheras in WoW you can just pay for a month or two, grief a bit then cancel your subscription when you get bored of it. Besides, GW's instanced design makes it immune to most common forms of griefing anyway since you can't kill people; the worst thing you can do is join a party and then deliberately screw up or leave at an important moment.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
If WoW was like Guild Wars in that there is no subscription fee I would have bought it a looooooooong time ago.


New member
Apr 17, 2008
I didn't find world of warcraft to be as fun as people seem to make it out to be. 79/80 of the game is the most boring thing you will ever do besides not playing any game and just counting blades of grass on your lawn. Millions of people world wide disagree with me though.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
They're not really similar enough to compare. Guild wars is a small scale RPG with completely instanced worlds and an interesting take on classes focused on getting the player into the action (and level cap) relatively quickly. WoW is about the long journey to level cap and a massive open world focused on killing big bosses while doing large scale battles and whatnot. They're both RPGs but they are like the exact opposite of each other, it's like comparing the most recent Final Fantasy to Oblivion or Star ocean, similar concepts but completely different.


New member
May 13, 2009
For me easily WoW better class options, can be more then human, 11 million people, biggest MMORPG, better quests, easier money, better PvE, and better PvP (personally i just dont like GW PvP but WAR has much better PvP then both), also there is world events in WoW that have alot of charm and make the game funner such as brewfest(fav), halloween, christmas, etc, and better instances and cooler gear, and for me this makes WoW much better the GW.

P.S Is it just me or is your character asian automatically?


New member
May 20, 2009
I have played Guild Wars for years. Just got the 10 day trial of wow. The only good thing is that you can start at level 55 and even then im still bored with it. Who wants to ride on a griffin for 10 minutes to get somewhere. More crappy people with worse graphics. WOW is lame. GW hands down.


New member
May 6, 2009
If you really have to choose I'd say WoW. At least Blizzard is still paying attention to WoW, as opposed to Anet that updates GW about once every year.
Although I'd play neither.


New member
Jun 2, 2006
GW definitely.
Basically GW has everything WoW has, the difference is that with WoW, you eventually have to keep spending more and more time for less and less progress, simply put: WoW needs to consume you if you want to keep going.

With GW you can basically jump in at any moment. What also helps is that your build doesn't nerfed every patch.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
World of Warcraft, easily. At least in that game you can jump...
In Guild Wars, you have to run around things, making the trips far too long..