Poll: Has any one comment ever immediately killed your desire to buy a game?


New member
Jun 6, 2014
So, I'm looking through my frequently checked websites, and I'm checking the escapist.

I see Final Fantasy 7's going to be on the Unreal Engine. I have no idea what that means, but I'm otherwise always hype for Final Fantasy 7 news.

I check the link, and I see a note that Final Fantasy 7 is going to be multi-part.

And my FF7 boner goes from Ultima Weapon to Wendy's Plastic Spoon.

The only thing that has ever turned me away from them as hard (and definitely not in as few words) was all the bullshit Microsoft was letting their employees say, revealing just how little respect they had for their customers, along side all the threats made about how the Xbone was going to run, before they pulled a 180.

I'll admit, I might be over-reacting a bit due to shock, but for some reason this news reminded me that the remake is currently in the hands of the same company that gave us the Lightning Saga, and every bit of faith I had in the project just shattered.

Now, this thread isn't to talk about specifically the FF7 remake, though if anyone else wants to weigh in, they can. I wanted to ask about whether or not anyone else has suffered from this sort of phenomena.

To explain what I mean, I'll use another game series: Smash Bros. I've had friends who were just as excited for it as me... until they saw the amiibo, and expected them to have a massive presence in content as far as the game is concerned, at which point he ended up getting a WiiU late after he'd played my copy. Just the idea of the figure buy in was enough to immediately take him against the idea of the game.

Another one I'd heard about back in the day was that the idea of Metroid going 3D made one dude decide to not play the Prime series (or rather, the first one, since back in the day it wasn't a series) at all. (Never knew what happened to that bloke; he was a family member's friend. Probably joined up with the other people boycotting Federation Force.)

The L4D2 outcry was another big one I heard about. Just the idea of it existing so soon after the first game rubbed a few jimmies raw (though I suppose depending on how soon you buy them, I don't blame people too much for that way back when; I had the same thought when I learned that Capcom took all the dlc from MvC3 and made a new version of the game with it instead).

What are some other ones I've heard that super-rustled people's jimmies? DMC Dante's appearance, Wind Waker's art design, and Minecraft being bought by Microsoft are a few more I can remember.

I guess I just felt like sharing my thoughts and wanting to hear others thoughts. Anyone else ever get immediately turned off by a project due to one piece of news or information about it?

Off Tangent: For the record, even though my inital post in another thread had mentioned a childhood love of it and nostalgia glasses, I'd actually never played Final Fantasy 7 until after I'd played Kingdom Hearts 2. Heck, it was the (at the time) brutality of the Sephiroth Bonus Boss that made me want to learn about the world that he came from (that and trying to figure out that epic outfit Cloud had, and how he could somehow duel Sephiroth after he kicked my ass 20 times over). Is it nostalgia if you only played it 8 or 9 years ago and you're currently in your mid 20s? I'd have thought nostalgia would have been playing it back when it came out if anything. Heh, I wasn't even 10 years old when FF7 first came out. God how time flies...

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
There have been a few games that were kind of on my radar--as in an "Oh, that might be interesting" kind of way--that I passed on because of one thing or another. Be it finding out that the game is only on the PC, or is solely multiplayer, or things like that.

There is one game though that I have moved waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on my radar because of a review here on the escapist--and backed up by others.

Halo 5.

I enjoy Halo. I wouldn't call myself a die hard fan, but I have picked up every game and I've read all the books--about the Spartans. Forget the Forerunner books. I'm in the series for the story, not the multiplayer. I enjoyed Halo 4, though I fully understand why many did not. So when Halo 5 was announced, I was interested.
And then the bombshell dropped. Not only was Master Chief going to be there, but so was Fred, I'm-the-fastest-Spartan-ever Kelly, and Linda. Linda, the sniper, the Spartan who can drop targets from insane distances, moves to vantage points that even Master Chief can't figure out how she did it, and fires so fast that no one can tell if she took out two enemies with one bullet or two fired in rapid succession. In short, my favorite Spartan.
Needless to say, this was the game. This was the game that was going to make me buy the Xbox One (because I do want one, eventually) and I was going to play it and love it.

And then one sentence in the review killed it. You only play as Blue Team for 3 (4?) missions out of a fifteen mission game. The rest of the time, you play as wannabe Spartan Locke and his team. And my hopes and dreams withered right there. I read the sentence twice, hoping I'd missed something, but no. Finally, my favorite characters from the books were going to get voices and be scene in the games, and they basically get the shaft.
I will still buy a Xbox One. I will still pick up Halo 5. It's just now, it's on the back burner, waiting for another game or two to come along to make the purchase of the system worth it. Why, 343, why?

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Yep. For some pathetic reason I hold others opinions much higher than my own. And negativity for some reason always seems more valid to me that positivity so it sticks with me.

That's why I tend to avoid topics discussing things I want to try for myself or actually enjoy.


New member
May 18, 2013
Season Pass pretty much turns me off. Pre order culture is pathetic enough but pre ordering DLC is even more fucked up.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
Generally the removal of features from previous games is enough to make me laugh in the publisher's face and tell them to sod off. That and the title "EA" being attached to any game nowadays.

For both in one, see; "Star Wars Battlefront EA".

In other news, anything that says "Pay us some money before you see what we have" is more than enough to drop my enthusiasm for any title. As has been previously said in the thread, these include such lovely terms as "Pre order," "Season Pass," and "Day One DLC."


New member
Dec 31, 2011
MarsAtlas said:
Day-One DLC.

Season Pass.


Steam Early Access.

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Two hours."

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Three hours."

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Four hours."
All of these.

Plus anything to do with making thoughtful, formerly slow-paced games "more exciting". Because it usually kills the entire point of them.

And anything to do with UPlay.

And anything to do with online interactions for single-player games. No, I have no interest in your damn firebases, Konami. Nor do I want idiots turning up in my game trying to kill me, FromSoftware.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
MarsAtlas said:
Day-One DLC.

Season Pass.


Steam Early Access.

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Two hours."

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Three hours."

Angry Joe slow-mo: "Four hours."

No local split-screen.

No private matches.

No private servers.

No save system that allows save scum.
Damn, you haven't bought a game since circa 2000...dafuq you doing here with the rest of us morons? Also, by no save system, do you mean any system that allows save scumming? Or not having said system being a deal breaker?


Any game that has one of the main selling points as being "cerebral","thought-provoking","insightful" or any variation thereof. I play games to enjoy myself, and while I've been called a masochist for stupid runs with dex builds and strength weapons in Souls games(don't even try it, I was drinking and didn't have anyone around to screw around with or smack me in the back of the head), those normally mean the game's a piece of shit that's trying too hard to be something it isn't.

To a lesser extent, any game that is marketed as a story heavy experience without anything backing it up gameplay wise on the same level. Or at least one that doesn't have some kind of hook or well-thought out plot.

"Exemplary" Awards. You know the kind I"m talking about.

Voiced protagonist without a set backstory/personality in RPGs. While it can work, ME being an example(unpopular opinion FemShep I don't care for as much as ManShep), and to a MUCH lesser extent Dragon Age2, people are finally coming around to not liking it as well so that I'm starting to feel vindicated as I always knew I was right!


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
anyone following my posts will have figured out by now that i am a very technical person. i care about technical aspects of the game and it affects my decisions. this means that technical problems in games can make me not buy a game. Here are some examples of comments i saw that made me not want to buy the game anymore:

30 fps lock (example: Bloodborne)

Physics tied to framerate (Example: Skyrim, Fallout 4)

peer-to-peer multiplayer (example: GTA: Online)

"We made this game more exciting" (Example: Every slow paced game that developers ruined by making it quicker)

"Streamlining" (Translation: We removed features that our retarded 8 year old tester couldnt understand)

"developers wont tell us how it works" (Example: Some Paradox games, Just Cause Leaderboards)

But the one that takes the first place is a review i read about a game that is STILL being sold on steam:

"Developers went backrupt and shut down servers, therefore it is literally impossible to play this multiplayer-only game"

The game in question is 2 years old.


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
"multiplayer focused"

I'll give just about any flaw in a game a chance if the other aspects of it seem appealing enough, but the above is always a guaranteed death to my enthusiasm. Gaming is what I do when I want to be alone, and even if it weren't, the kinds of peeps who play competitive online games are not the sort I'd be going out of my way to spend time with.

Seems I'm a slowly dying breed, though.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
stormtrooper9091 said:
some (really angry) people said Undertale is the premier SJW game, what ever that means
Like I kind of get people calling it the Tumblr, furry game, but LOL at everyone actually thinking it shoves some SJW agenda just because you can spare monsters.

you can literally murder everyone and wipe out the entire universe in that game.


New member
May 1, 2014
Quicktime Event, Walking Simulator. Both complete no sale for me, can't stand either option as part of a game and won't buy no matter how pretty a game looks.
I opted for a PS4 when I saw The Order 1886, then I watched a review and saw dull wandering and fucking Quicktime were a MAJOR part of the game, go it dashed my hopes somewhat.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
"Streamlined". That killed Supreme Commander, it killed the X series and it killed Civilization, my favourite RTS, Space Sim and Civilization respectively. Supreme Commander 2 was the "streamlined" pile of shit no one asked for, X Rebirth was the game that never should have been made by anyone, and Civilization V marked the beginning of the the downfall of the Civilization franchise (though most players wouldn't realize it until BB made it clear as day).
Sep 13, 2009
stormtrooper9091 said:
some (really angry) people said Undertale is the premier SJW game, what ever that means
You should steer clear of Jessica Jones too then, I hear it's straight up feminist propaganda.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Sure, tons of stuff. But to demonstrate extra pettiness, I'm not just going to cite the usual descriptive bullet points like "Multiplayer Only", "Always Online", "Episodic" or "Microtransactions" or that the game is obviously DLC bait. Nope, I withdraw my moneys also for reasons extrinsic to the product itself.

Like, say, Steam curator recommendations. I have to say seeing "Indie Mega-Circlejerk Recommends" is a huge red flag that will make me consider my purchase carefully. But the real deal breaker is "Feminist Frequency". It's not that my taste in games is so exclusively muh soggy knee'd that I don't think I could enjoy something endorsed by those hacks, it's just that I'm pretty much convinced they will only shill for stuff made by cronies (with Beyond Good and Evil hopefully being the exception). And it turns out I have a powerful aversion to supporting those.

It's a shame, there are actually some games I've considered buying multiple times, only to be utterly turned off when I see that smug stamp of co-optation on the store page. One example would be Never Alone, that Inuit platformer thing. Always thought it looked really interesting, but I just can't shake the clammy feeling of patronization (ironically enough) that comes with the brand. It's a layer of mediation that compromises my encounter with the cultural artifact. Or to put it in language their devotees would understand: "Gross!"

Now you may think this is wrong. But those are my feels in the matter.