Poll: How many of Anita Sarkeesian's videos have you actually watched? (be honest!)


New member
May 29, 2012
All right, let's get one thing straight: this isn't some sort of trap. There is no prize for claiming to have watched all of her videos and still hated them, there is no shame in admitting you've only seen a few out-of-context clips. I don't have any axe to grind, I'm not posting this to make some kind of a point.

See, here's the thing: I'm in Option 7 on the above poll. And the reason I am is that I quite enjoyed her videos.

I'll pause here while you wipe the coffee off of your screen.

I'm being serious. Sure, academic dissertations they are not. Nor do they contain any answers to the problems she highlights. And yes, I know, she disabled the comments and like/dislike ratio. But I get the impression all of this is by design, rather than omission. To me, the videos seem like a genuine and surprisingly in-depth attempt to bring feminist film theory over to the field of video game criticism, while keeping the content accessible to anyone unfamiliar with Laura Mulvey or Carol Clover. For example, it's true that she doesn't cite any specific sources or studies, but I don't think she needs to. It's the kind of video you would show in an "Introduction to Video Game Criticism" class for college freshmen, not as part of a PhD thesis. And I'm pretty sure you would have disabled the comments too, if you knew what verbal abuse they would convey.

Anyway, I like them. You probably don't. No big deal. But that's simply in the interest of full disclosure. My real question is: have you actually watched her videos? I'm genuinely curious. You and I both know that for every video she releases there are dozens of "refuting Anita" videos that immediately pop up. And I'm wondering: how many people skip straight to thunderf00t's or TheAmazingAtheist's vids, without taking the time to watch the originals? And don't say you don't care enough about Anita to be bothered, I saw you posting a comment about her just yesterday! ;)

So that's it, really. I mean honestly, given how many threads there are about her videos, I would really like an answer to this.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I watched quite a few of her older ones when her Kickstarter was still open.

I watched the entirety of the first Damsels video and snippets from the rest. I just can't listen to her for that long, I find the videos to be quite bland and monotonous.

I agree with her on quite a few points but her videos just don't engage me at all.

As I said, in one of the many other Sarkeesian threads like twenty minutes ago, it's the reaction to her and her videos that I find interesting.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
A whole lotta zero.

Now granted, your poll is going to end up being skewed. I know you see those threads explode and tons of people are in them talking about how Anita is this and Anita is that and blah blah blah.

The issue your poll here is going to have is that all those people in those other threads? It's a lot of the same people and they're all just arguing with each other through multiple threads. Having a ton of zeroes on this poll will not prove that people don't know what they're speaking about because I feel the majority are just like me; we have zero fucks to give on the issue (Anita that is and whether she's a hero or an idiot) and just plain stay out of it.

Based on the snippets I've heard from people complaining, I'm of the "she's full of shit" category (keep in mind that I also don't know what the hell I'm talking about and I don't care enough to look into it). However, just because she herself is full of shit does not mean that the issues she is raising is not a valid concern for people...


New member
May 29, 2012
tippy2k2 said:
The issue your poll here is going to have is that all those people in those other threads? It's a lot of the same people and they're all just arguing with each other through multiple threads. Having a ton of zeroes on this poll will not prove that people don't know what they're speaking about because I feel the majority are just like me; we have zero fucks to give on the issue (Anita that is and whether she's a hero or an idiot) and just plain stay out of it.
True, it's always the angry people who speak the loudest. But the thing is, everyone seems to have an opinion about Anita these days. Even you do, and you don't really care that much about all this to begin with. So I honestly have no idea which direction this poll is going to go in.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I think I've watched all the TvW ones.

I also watched a couple of her other ones, back when her name was first being thrown about. I wanted to know who this person was that everyone was suddenly so terrified of. However, most of her older stuff related to TV shows I had never watched, so it didn't do me much good.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
None, none at all. Which is why I usually don't discuss her videos, only things that happen to her as a result. I think I watched five minutes of her first video and just stopped caring, I had better things to do.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I think I watched one episode partially, decided I really didn't care much for her presentation, shut it off and never gave it another glance. Just like most youtubers I come across.


No one of consequence
Nov 3, 2009
I suspect all of them? I stumbled across her in the middle of her Tropes vs Women series (pre-kickstarter/controversy) either looking up 'Smurfette' from Nostalgia Chick, or else 'Bechdel Test' from Sarah Haskins "Target Women" series (which I also discovered via Nostalgia Chick.) She was decent, but her series weren't as fun as Sarah Haskins or Nostalgia Chick's mix of humourous sarcasm and satire. I certainly could not have predicted the hoopala that followed as she was benignly puttering away in her corner of the internet.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
The first four Tropes vs Women videos and a bunch of her older Feminist Frequency stuff. Some of it is quite good (her discussion on gender representation in the Oscar nominees), much of it is mediocre and some of it is outright bad. In short, she's like most youtube-personalities.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I watched one post kickstarter episode ...

it was shitty to say the least while she did offer a few small points that were a little interesting the majorty of the video was repetitive and seemed rather Ego stroking and failed to even note counter arugments (which in the public speaking course I took was shown as a big negative) it also felt shallow like she did not really play the games in question..

overall it felt a lot like a fox news clip, shallow,poorly to un-informed, and fearmongering

it also looked like little to none of the kickstarter money went into the thing

yes you heard me

Anita Sarkeesian is the gender equivalence of fox news


New member
Mar 16, 2012
I watched the first episode. Then I tried to watch the rest. I try to watch every new video out of curiosity but I can't bring myself to watch more than 5 minutes or so. It doesn't help that for some reason, she takes months to post a new video. The impression that I get is that if she posted one video every month, the entire series would be over by now, and we wouldn't be talking about her anymore.

Her KS was funded over 2 years ago, and it says there's a total of 12 videos. So far she's done Damsel in Distress (3 parts), Ms. Male Character and Women as Background Decoration (2 parts). So there's still 9 videos to go. At this rate, I expect this to be over in 5 or 6 years, which is crazy.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Colour Scientist said:
I watched the entirety of the first Damsels video and snippets from the rest. I just can't listen to her for that long, I find the videos to be quite bland and monotonous.

I agree with her on quite a few points but her videos just don't engage me at all.

As I said, in one of the many other Sarkeesian threads like twenty minutes ago, it's the reaction to her and her videos that I find interesting.
This is pretty much on the nose for me. Watched most of the first episode, found it a bit dull and feminism 101. Never really understood what all the brouhaha was about.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
I watched the episode where she said that Hitman: Absolution was sexist and apparently doesn't punish you for killing those hard working women. I would watch more, but she's as bad as me about getting to the point or what is the main work that inspired it, and with videos I don't really tolerate that.

I've tried sampling others, for the record, just never for very long.


Dr. Stan Gray
May 31, 2011
Seeing as how gender representation in video games is slightly less important to me than pulling little pebbles out from the squiggly gaps under my shoe, I have not watched a single episode of her stuff. Out of curiosity, I opened her first Tropes vs. Women video, and got really annoyed with Princess Peach's voice, "Mario! Mario!", so I really only watched like the first ten seconds of it before closing out.

Representation of [sensitive group] in anything is almost totally without meaning to me. I guess other people find the topic important; frankly, I don't even find it INTERESTING. And when I say I don't find it interesting, I legitimately mean that I don't care either way. I'm not downplaying the significance or validity of either side of the argument - it's just something that doesn't bother me. Since I don't care enough to talk with anyone about the issue [few rational opinions notwithstanding], I don't hold an educated, well-constructed opinion... and I'd rather that than have an ignorant, militant one, which so many people seem to have on both sides.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Honestly. The first tropes vs women. I watched it about half way. I wanted to know what everyone was up in arms about and so i'd be able to have an opinion and discuss it on these very forums.Halfway through the first video, i realised she wasn't worth my time and avoided any thread about her like the plague.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Two? I think? I can't remember how many are out.

I got bored. It's pretty basic inoffensive stuff. I was disappointed, with all the build up, I was expecting Gaming Godzilla.

I don't have the energy for it. I think I get lumped in with her supporters, since I don't hate her. But I don't really care. If I was going to get upset about fairly bland Youtube videos I don't think I'd have the spine for online gaming.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
5 minutes were enough proof for myself, this woman doesn't care about games, she uses games as jumping point to get money and attention. Clever move to pick on games, i'll give her that. Not much meat to her way of presenting false facts. She seems good at destroying her points with cherry picking, false information and being clueless.
4 chan did more and better in actually taking action.