Poll: How Much do Achievements/Trophies Impact on your Gaming Experience?


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
They matter. If I like playing the game (Or sometimes OCD will just take me) I'll perfect the game.

Most achievements in games are milemarkers for content that you might miss otherwize, and some of them are just fun.

Some of them are frustrating as FUCK and I'll only go for those ones if I really love the game.


New member
Jun 28, 2012
I only go after trophies after I've finished a game, for some added gameplay. Other than that, I don't really care about them at all.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
Usually, after the first mission, I'll look and see what all is there (and pray the story ones are ?? and not told). If one requires certain things (i.e. 20 melee kills), I'll try to catch em during my playthrough.

I'm not a crazy nut about it though. I'll try to do the ones I know I can do. If it involves multiplayer or insanity mode, I won't worry about it. My goal is just to get it as high as I can. I think I got Mass Effect 2 in the 90's. I got all but insanity (which considering I was dying in the second mission means screw that) and the "all the trophies" trophy. That will probably be as good as it gets for me.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I like them for giving me added incentive to play a game a bit more. What I do not like however is them popping up inappropriately in games. Like you have some fantastically emotional scene or twist that happens in a story and then the notification pops up and completely undermines the whole moment.

I did enjoy Portal 2's meta redundancy joke that relied on one though :p


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I like to have about %50 or over because it looks nice. But I never replay a game to get trophies. inFamous 2 is bugging me though. All I have left is Frozen Asset and Pain Builds Character. And I cannot beat the game on hard. So it stays at %86....;_;


Only you can read this.
Nov 4, 2009
I do like getting them, but I rarely go completely out of my way to get them (i.e. if I'm having a lot less fun working to get the achievement than I would with the game otherwise).
I also dislike the ones you get for starting the game or completing chapters, as they add nothing to the experience.
For example, the Assassin Creed games contain some I like (like good fight combos), some I don't bother with (for minigames I don't play), and some I actually dislike (those that ping up and interrupt the cutscenes because you've reached said cutscene).


New member
Jul 17, 2011
I don't do achievements on my first playthrough.

On subsequent playthroughs I'll go for as many as I feel like doing. I never go out of my way and do things I wouldn't enjoy for an achievement.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
It all depends on if I like the game or not. There are some games where I really enjoyed the first playthrough,and the optional challenges give me a perfect excuse to play it again (Bioshock).
Some achievements are fun to try or provide an interesting optional challenge with a tangible reward (The Alan Wake DLC ones for not dying, Silent Hill HD Collection's multiple endings ones).
But if there are ones that can only be gotten by boring grinding (Those Assassin's Creed flags), or are for games that I wasn't having fun with, I won't bother.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
If I like a game and I'm looking for more things to do after I beat the game then I go for achievements.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
I like to see them pop up, even though I know they mean nothing. I'll try to grab them when I can, but only a few games really get a trophy-run (Demon's Souls, Mass Effect 2 & 3, Skyrim, to name a couple). But only PSN trophies, I don't give a damn about Steam achievements.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
I am unfortunately quite addicted. I have to wean myself off of them somehow. At first they were fun, but now they pretty much ruin gaming for me because I, too, have to start all games on hard, and I have to finish even games that are a complete waste of time. Any techniques for ending my addiction?

Dr. Dice Lord

New member
Feb 4, 2010
Hardly at all, mostly they just make me sad that most singleplayer games these days don't have dev consoles or cheats/mods because it'd ruin their precious achievements... that aren't worth anything.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
TimeLord said:
If I don't enjoy a game then I won't bother with the achievements. But if I really enjoy a game (Fallout 3/NV, Force Unleashed, Skyrim etc) then I make a mission to get 100% of the achievements. My most recent focus is completing all the Space Marine achievements. You have to enjoy that game to grind 40,000 kills!
This, with the addition of I love the added replayability that achievements add. Case in point - Dead Rising 2, one of my favourite games. Would only have played it once, were it not for the variety of different achievements.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I am the same as some others when it comes to achievements. If it's along the way with my gameplay experience, then why not? If I get an achievement on accident, great! The only time i really "achievement hunt" is if I legitimately have nothing to do in a particular game. For example, before I got Xbox live a few years ago, I wanted to get every achievement in CoD4 because I had nothing better to do. Nowadays, it doesn't matter to me if I get achievements. I get one, amazing. If I don't, oh well.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
If I really love a game I will endeavour to get all of the achievements on it. So far, that's only been Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 (before Dawnguard) Skyrim (now I just need to kill a bloody legendary dragon...wherever that may be). Games like Portal 2 I have all of the offline ones.

I have MOST achievements on all of my other games though. I usually enjoy getting them, but some are just ridiculous. Also, I don't often bother with online ones, unless I really enjoy playing online.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
If achievements actually gave something aside from measuring my length against others than I might. For example, when you reach a certain gamerscore you maybe get 2USD to shop for in said consoles online-shop, or some other tangible reward. As it is now it is nothing but a meaningless contest and I cant be bothered.

They dont irritate me though, it's a great system for those that enjoy it.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
It depends on the difficulty and game. I tend to do better with trophies that just require some time and effort, rather than something like getting through the game without so much as touching the ground. I also prefer trophies that I can't miss by playing too quickly or something. However I won't keep playing a game I don't like just for the sake of trophies.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
None of the options presented, I only pay as much attention to the ones that make me change my style of playing, and those ones usually get some fun stuff in them.
I've used this before, but the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC for Fallout: New Vegas adds several new challenges, kill Mr. House with a golf club, kill President Kimball with a pistol etc...
These ones add to the way the game can be played and are done really well. Nothing beats the feeling of killing Benny with his own gun, and that thought hadn't occurred to me until I saw it was a challenge I could do.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Achievements appeal a little too much to my OCD side. Don't get me wrong, if it's a shitty game then I'll stop playing it, easy achievements or not (*cough*perfectdarkzero*cough*). But if its a game that I genuinely enjoyed anyway, then knowing that there are more achievements to be unlocked often does coerce me into giving the campaign mode one more play-through or another blast in multiplayer. I feel kind of dirty if I end up blatently boosting, but ultimately, if I'm reduced to that, I can usually chalk it up to poor achievement design.

I mean, who has Seriously 3.0[footnote]If you're not a Gears of War player that may well mean nothing to you. Your quality of life is probably better for it, too[/footnote], legit? Not a single person on this damn planet, that's who.