Poll: How Much Do Trophies/Achievements Influence Your Next-Gen Purchase?

May 10, 2013
Will i AVIDLY hunt them down?
No. Please don't take any pretension in this statement but i do pretty good at collecting trophies by just playing. The grinding (if i even want the Platinum)(I play PS3 just F.Y.I.) oddly enough only comes at around the 90% mark. I usually get a good batch of Trophies by playing the game.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Honestly, speaking as someone who rather enjoys achievements/trophies and getting as many of them as possible, they are still the last thing I'll be thinking about when it comes to next-gen consoles


New member
Sep 8, 2008
I like my achievements on my 360, and for certain games the completionist in me hates that I can't seem to get them all, or multilayer only ones. I'd like to keep my gamerscore and what not, but I'm still not buying an Xbox180, because even though MS have reversed their decision with the DRM, I don't feel they deserve my custom for attempting to pull that shit in the first place. They didn't not do it because they felt it was the right thing, they did it because they were shitting bricks at the lash back and sony dominating the market place.

Strangely I don't care much about the achievements on Steam. I think it's the lack of a noise when you get the achievement. Just the simple "boloop" from the xbox is enough. That and the UI is pretty clunky and slow. I've been totally skinner boxed into getting pleasure from that noise. Even if it's just for doing something you'd do in the story anyway.

The_Echo said:
If for whatever reason I wanted the Xbone over the PS4, my Trophy collection wouldn't deter me in the least.

That said, it's nice that they'll transfer over. I did a lot of work for those 13 levels (what does that even mean?).
MeChaNiZ3D said:
But honestly, could not give a fuck about trophies and achievements. The only time they've been decent is some Insomniac games, which are actual challenges, but generally it's "use this arbitrary future", "progress through the game", "do things exactly as they were intended to be done, defeating the purpose of player agency", or "collect all the tiddlywinks". Useless and worthless.
HD collections tend to have good Trophies/Achievements. Probably because that's one of the key selling points, so they have to make them good. For example, I did fairly normal runs through Ratchet & Clank and the sequel, and got maybe three Trophies each. And in Kingdom Hearts 1.5, there are Trophies for never dying, beating Proud, never changing equipment and a <15-hour finish time. (Of course, there are also Trophies for watching the Days movie, so...)

But for a lot of modern games, yeah... they aren't really "achievements."
Ooooh hoo, I like the sound of that. I can easily see myself gunning for those achievements, is proud mode harder than hard mode? Can't remember, it's been a looooong time since I played Kingdom Hearts. Hopefully KH3 should finish the story off. Plus I'll get to see Spiderman and Micky Mouse kick the shit out of Darth Vader.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Achievements are nice, but they're the last thing I worry about when I buy a game, let alone play it. The only time I've paid attention to achievements is when I enjoyed a game so much that I wanted to go after those extra challenges.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
I'm not really a trophy whore, but I'm not gonna lie, it does influence my purchasing decision a little bit. While I rarely 'hunted' for trophies, I did enjoy getting them and used them as a nice incentive to explore different aspects of a game (very much depended on the game, naturally). So yeah, it would be nice to carry them over to a new console generation. Still proud of my Demon's Souls Platinum. :3

Brotha Desmond

New member
Jan 3, 2011
To me Achievements/Trophies never had a consistent presence to me. Whether I care about them or not seems to alter from game to game.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I'm on the fence, awardments can be good or bad depending on how they are implemented. Some games had 5 achievements and could be unlocked in an afternoon (crappy sports games), others had 50 and took hours upon hours of play time (Oblivion). The former just had them because they were required and they boosted sales if they were easy, the latter had them to get you to explore the potential the game had.

But I doubt I would base a console purchase decision purely around awardments. I see them as an incentive to do stuff in games I probably wouldn't do otherwise, like play on the hardest difficulty or as a certain class or something. It's also nice if they actually do something like unlock stuff in the game like a few of the TF2 achievements do. But really that is something that is implemented by the developers and not the console maker. I don't really care if I unlock avatars for my profile, I'd rather get a flamethrower that turns people into marshmallows or something.

I guess if the PS4 had some kind of developer policy that trophies had to be interesting (not sure how they would word that) and unlock stuff in-game then I guess that's a plus. The only way achievements would tempt me to get the Xbone80 is if they gave out £50 notes and a coupon to kick Don Mattrick in the balls for each one.