Poll: How often do you curse?


New member
Mar 25, 2011
nearly every scentence i utter contains a swearword, if not two. i try to mix things up, get creative with the actual words


New member
Sep 19, 2010
The only time I don't curse is when there are young children around, or at work.

Although I curse at work as long as there's no customers in the store LOL
You should see us. Something bad will happen, we'll be all "Wait... *look around store* Okay. FUCK!"

We're terrible =D

The vitriol aimed at my computers when they act up thought... hoo boy.

Rule Britannia said:
I swear a little more than I should. I used to live in England, now living in Canada, so I usually use the typical british curse words "bollocks", "ponce" not many people know what they mean so as long as I don't portray my anger through my tone of voice I get away with it ;)
I use "bugger" and "bloody" and "bollocks" from time-to-time. Never "ponce" though, it never felt... stress-relieving enough hahahaha :p
(Also: Yay Canadia! Where abouts? I live in the dead centre, Manitoba :p)

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I swear under my breath mostly, unless I am around some of my friends, or angry or drunk. When watching Pulp Fiction my swearing goes up ************


New member
Jun 19, 2010
I tend to say "damn" and "hell" often, along with the occasional "son of a *****", and I sometimes launch Cluster F-Bombs when playing Left 4 Dead or other games, but I don't really say anything else.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
I've been known to swear constantly and in a dozen different languages(some fictional, like Star Wars's Mandalorian Language and others real, like French, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, German, Mandarin, etc.). To those coños that don't like it: I'd like to reiterate Yahtzee's point from a rather recent Zero Punctuation: You're a ****, you live in a cunty cottage and drive a cunty car. God damn I love his wit.

Anyway, I have a funny fact about my language usage: most of the time my written word is considerably less curse-laden as my spoken word, thus I am a much better writer than speaker. In normal speech I use the word "shit" like how the COGs in Gears of War use it: the Swiss Army Knife of words, whose inflection is where it conveys the message.


Clueless since 2003
Apr 11, 2012
I curse. But the worse you are ever going to hear out of me is Rats. Damn. Bloody Hell.

Had the major curse words beaten out of me at an early age. Through all my high school career, hanging out with my more colourful friends, and my constant online interactions, I have never felt the inclination or need to pick them up.

With that being said, people using major words out of anger or frustration at the world in general isn't going to bug me. It is their coping mechanism, it isn't really hurting anyone, just try and keep from influencing young impressionable minds too early.

What does get my goat are people whose grammar and diction include the unmentionables as common vernacular. It is crass, it is juvenile, it is unpleasant, and totally uncalled for.

Shaved Apple

New member
May 17, 2012
I swear when something stupid happens on mw2. Or sometimes when I try to be funny. I don't believe in bad words we swear to express our anger.


Social Justice Rogue
Feb 1, 2011
Depends on the crowd I hang with. With my parents, low to moderate. With my sister and 2 ear old nephew, not at all. With my fairly conservative friend, ditto.

At home? I room with two chefs.



New member
Nov 8, 2010
Mhh. I have three kids. So...I don't swear that often...unless I'm in a lot of pain. On the other hand I have multiple chronic injuries...that sometimes act up quite badly, especially my knee. When that gives out...I might let a few things slip, though usually it ends up being...creative faux swearing instead. Though when I'm not around the kids, I don't restrict things quite so much. Still uncommon, but not unknown. And when I'm roleplaying, I swear as much as my CHARACTER would, rather than myself. So can vary a lot there. If I'm playing someone who would logically be foul mouthed by their upbringing and background and the like, then while speaking in character...I'm playing their role. Outside such, not so.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Do I win?
you always win Daystar... always

ot: yeah, i swear a lot. not at every possible opportunity for the sake of it, but when situations lend themselves to swearing, i don't hold back

Loop Stricken

Covered in bees!
Jun 17, 2009
robot slipper said:
Edit: Afterthought. As any responsible parent, I don't swear in front of my son. But then, my parents never swore in front of me, and I still ended up swearing a lot as an adult. Why is that? Is it a rebellious teenager thing that I never grew out of? Is it worth putting so much effort into shielding my son from bad words if he's just going to end up the same way? I guess the main thing is to prevent him from repeating those words at school, so he doesn't get in trouble with the teachers or the parents of other kids.
I'm much the same way, sans having my own spawnling. It reminds me of a quote I'm about to mangle that went along the lines of;
"My parents used 'fuck' as a curseword; I use c'unt' as an adjective, verb and noun".


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Not very often.

See, the impact of doing as such is not the word itself, but rather the rarity in which it's used, making a rare usage a good attention getter.

There's also the fact that I've had lots of exposure to the annoying kid who does it every three words because he thinks it makes him mature.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Very rarely.

I tend to switch off when people start swearing, if people can't communicate with me without profanity then I don't care to listen to them.

However when I hurt myself I have been known to unleash a string of invective that would make a dock worker blush.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
I read the thread title in the list, and thought "Every fucking chance I get! >:D".
And then I saw the poll, and there was much rejoicing.
I curse a lot, but just piling up curse words seems pretty pointless,
as they're more there to accentuate whatever fucking point I'm trying to make.
(only in informal discussions, of course)
also when I hit myself somewhere all I give off is some kind of "ugh." and then continue with whatever I was doing before.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
I swear when I want to but I don't talk much anyway so it's a low amount.