I was about 16 1/2 when I moved out of my Father's house.
My Mother was in and out of our lives, and she was emotionally wrecked and abusive, and I was sick of my Father (former alcoholic) - so I got a job working for my exs Father as a clean up crew for newly built houses, and had a small place with my ex. It was pretty small. One room sized.Graduated High School on a separate program.
The whole living together thing went horribly wrong when he lost his job, refused to get another, and I was drained from taking care of both of us (already emotionally and financially). I also lost my job because my manager (his Father) was fired for incompetence and I was let go. Broke up with ex. because he was spending money whenever he could and going out to 'party' and drink at other females houses, and spend the entire night there.
Moved back with my dad for a short period. Mom finally decided to move far away and find her marbles. Met my husband, we dated for awhile, I moved in to his place, we lived together for a few years, bought a small house in a nice neighborhood last year, married, and I plan to take some courses over the next couple years in the hopes of someday opening my own business - and that's that story.