Poll: Ico vs. Shadow of the Colossus


New member
Apr 12, 2016
While some of us enjoy Team Ico's latest endeavor and others wait for its post-launch "pre-order" to arrive, let's take a trip down memory lane with two of the most influential games ever released on the PS2.

And that's not an understatement either: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid 3, Uncharted 3, the Souls series, all of these have been in some way inspired by Ico, whether it's the visuals, the music, the scope, Ico was really influential, despite being the less talked of the two *cough* NA boxart *cough*. So it seems like the developers' choice is Ico and public opinion says Shadow is better as a lot of big Youtubers played it.

While both share the theme of "someone else" important to the main character, Ico's friend is included in the gameplay while being in the center, being essentially an escort game. Whereas Wander's story involved his loved one being his central motivation that kicks off the adventure.

Both also take some very interesting design choices: Ico decides to keep combat and dialogue to a minimum to maximize the "play" aspect, in contrast Shadow has you not doing much outside of fighting the Colossi. Ico has you platforming while keeping your friend safe, that's character and worldbuilding, and Shadow has you clinging in the monsters to find their weak spot while attempting to hold on into them, that's making full use of a setpiece that ends with your victory or defeat.

If I have to pick one (against my will, because both are good and worth checking out) I would go with Ico, there is something about the atmosphere and the way we slowly descend into this world with this other person we slowy develop a connection to that gives me a feeling of accomplishment, in the sense i want more of this world. And while Shadow has the best soundtrack, Ico has the best ending song - You were there.

PS.: I just figured something out: in Ico, the main goal is to escort a lady; in Shadow of the Colossus, it's to find and kill 16 monsters; in the Last Guardian is to escort a monster. So Team Ico's fourth game will be about finding and killing 16 ladies, so you've heard it here first.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
How is this even a contest?! Ico is basically just the Ashley escort missions from Resident Evil 4 without the charm, guns or sense of joy.
Shadow of the Colossus is like the best boss battle from every video game, except 16 times and better.

Its like asking what's better, getting stabbed in the grundel or getting $1000 cash no strings attached its just yours now, have fun.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I liked Ico, but too many parts in it felt like a drag. I loved running around hand-in-hand with Yorda, but I disliked having to protect her from the shadow dudes. It's not that she was ever annoying, it's just that the combat felt flimsy and it would take forever to get back up once you got knocked on your ass. I reckon it's supposed to feel tense trying to fend off these guys, but I never found enjoyment in it.

My favourite part in the game is actually the final stretch right after you fall off the bridge. It's pretty straight forward platforming where you don't have to have Yorda in the back of your mind and how you're supposed to get her across. But at the same time she's the focal point of you trying to break back into the castle. The fight agianst the other shadow children is sinister yet relaxing since they can't hurt you, and the Boss fight against the Queen is amazing. And of course the ending is beautiful.

I like Shadow of the Colossus more simply because I find the gameplay more enjoyable. I also just adore the Colossi designs. And the bittersweet ending had more of an impact on me than Ico's.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Shadow of the Colossus.

Because it let me climb around on somber rock giants.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
That's a really hard choice as I love them both, but I gotta go with Shadow of the Colossus. The boss fights were so damn epic and exhilarating. Both games have real platforming too. Just think if a SotC-like game came out today, you'd press jump to get on the colossus with a canned animation instead of actually having to make the jump yourself.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Gotta go with Ico. It was a much more personal experience. As bothersome as the game play could be, I was more invested.

As well done as it was, Shadow of the Colossus still just felt like I was rushing to the next boss fight.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
SotC definitely wins. The only problem I've ever had with the Team ICO games though has been the movement mechanics feeling like a slightly drunk person initially having balance issues. Apparently they have brought that tradition over to Last Guardian as well. These games could be polished mechanically and be just that much better. SotC is in no way a bad game, but it was slightly annoying to play at times.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I love them both, but if I were bored and had to pick one to play it'd be Shadow of the Colossus. It's so much more exciting.

The one thing I don't like about Ico is the combat. It boils down to mashing wildly because you're a kid with a stick, fair enough. What I don't like is not knowing whether I'm supposed to kill all the shadow creatures or if they'll keep respawning till I figure out an enviromental puzzle or hit the next set of idol doors. I suppose that's taken care of once you're replaying the game and know what you're supposed to be doing but it still feels exasperating and a bit repetitive.

With Shadow of the Colossus I can't think of any flaws, except for the fights against #11 and #14, who will stun-lock you over and over until you're dead (very, very slowly) if you're not saved by some geographical miracle. And that Agro will occasionally make some weird twisting and turning completely without my agency. Nitpicks really.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Ico is a bit like, well, Journey...in that, while it's not always that 'fun', it's a nice...well...journey.

SotC is just fun.
Sure, the horse is drunk, but it's so fucking fun.

From the first to the last...every, I mean EVEN THE NON-GREAT bosses are FUN or at least INTERESTING to play.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Shadow of the colussus. Hands Down. It's beatiful, it's epic, it's a lot of fun. It's a series of varied and amazing boss fights.

Ico is a beatiful, minimalist journey to escape an ancient deserted castle.....but it's also a very long escort mission with someone who has no sense of self preservation and at best doesn't rush headlong into danger. It makes sense from a narrative standpoint because she's so broken but at the same time it's frustrating as shit.

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate ICO and very few games do what ICO does(TOREN tried and failed), despite all it's flaws, but damn, it's going to be hard to replay ICO when I get ready to play the Last Guardian. Shadow of the Colussus, on the other hand, I will always want to go back to.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Shadow of the Colossus is fantastic, but I want to give a bit of love to ICO for being heartwarming and beautifully bleak. It's got a happier ending than SoC, which counts for a lot in my book.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
Yeah..... there's not really much of a contest here. While I like Ico and I certainly enjoy its atmosphere and story. It's a glorified escort mission.

That wouldn't have been an issue if she was like companions in modern games, where they can take care of themselves. It would have been cool if she hung around for story, flavor and to help you with the puzzles, but constantly trying to protect her from those shadow creatures or else game over, killed it for me.

Shadow of the Colossus, you only really have to worry about yourself. Your horse is apparently made of adamantium, so no need to be concerned for its safety.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
ICO. I enjoyed SotC, but got really inested in Ico and Yorda's story and much prefer puzzle solving to combat.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I would probably have to go with Ico it didnt have that this is amazing moments of SOTC but for me neither did it have the this is terrible bit I got when I had to face some of the bosses (ones on horse back).

I love playing some of the bosses in SOTC over and over again but I could never make myself go back and do another complete run as it loses steam quite badly and like I said some of the bosses are just a chore. Whereas with Ico I have gone back and finished it a few times and have enjoyed most of it each time. I also thought over all it had better atmosphere and better characterisation. I actually quite liked Yorda but as for the horse in SOTC or the collossi themselves well one was just an annoying mode of transport and the others were things for me to kill (although killing them did make me feel good).

In the end though I really like them both tbh.


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
I personally like Ico more.
Maybe that's my inner-hipster not wanting to go with the flow or that I like more personal tones rather than big epic fights, although the case can be made that SotC was rather personal as well.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I would have to say both, and maybe leaning a little more towards Shadow of the Colossus.

There was a time where I would shrug off titles that were popular with gamers and not necessarily the mainstream media because I didn't find them all that appealing at first glance. Once I got my hands on them, that's when I realized what all the fuss was about; and it was some damn fine fuss at that.

Both titles were able to suck in me into their worlds, with Shadow of the Colossus's draw being almost immediately upon encountering the first colossus, hence why I rate it higher than Ico. The fact that the first boss was certainly not a cake walk, yet still manageable to newcomers was refreshing and I was instantly hooked.

It took a bunch of dark flying creatures to snatch the girl roughly two hours into Ico when I started to feel agency and dread over the possibility that I could fail in this game; and I thank it for that, as that was when I fell in love with the game.


Elite Member
Oct 3, 2009
United States
Well, I love them both, but if I had to answer the question, It would have to be Shadow of The Colossus.

As much as I love Ico, there are a few puzzles I found frustrating and I wish I could skip.

With Shadow of the Colossus, I can't imagine wanting to skip any of it, All of it is just incredible from the minimalist story, to the gameplay, this game in my opinion hits every note almost perfectly, it has to say something about the game when my only complaint is that I wish there were more Colossi to fight.
Sep 13, 2009
SotC, though I felt really compelled to vote ICO to even out the playing field. Very few games I've played captured how grand everything in Shadow of the Colossus feels. ICO's fantastic, but there's too much dead time, and the gameplay isn't nearly as engaging

Tanis said:
in the Last Guardian is to escort a monster
You've got that backwards. In The Last Guardian, you're Yorda.