Poll: If a stranger walked up to you on the street, and offered you immortality, would you accept?


New member
May 20, 2009
Why not? I would be able to see how humanity progresses and perhaps change it for the better in time.

While being immortal is by no means being invincible, it's close enough. At the very least i can out live my enemies.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Outliving all of the people I know, and being forced to live with the knowledge that I will outlive everyone I ever meet sounds like my own personal version of hell.

So no, I would rather live a short life and die when the time comes than endure all the ages the universe has to offer.

I heard something interesting that might add a new spin to this so here goes.


Basically, remember how when you were little and time passed really slowly, and now the years seem to fly by. I am only twenty, but the past three years all seem like a blur; yet so much has happened. I graduated from high school, I have taken lots of college classes, I have been working at my current job for a year. but it still seems like all that time passed by in a instant.

What if this trend continues with your imortality, sure you would experience time at the same rate, but I wouldn't seem as long. After you hit a few thousand years would you even be able to relate to other people? you would have seen the rise and fall of nations, watched the continental drift.

whether you have high and lofty goals of directing the social evolution of humanity, or you just want to troll people for all of eternity, after a a few thousand years you would experience the passage of time differently, and who is to say you would still be able to, or interested in doing those things.

Just food for thought, also if you read all that, kudos.

Edit, curse these embedded videos that never work for me.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
I think I'll make it easy on myself and assume that everyone means "Immortal and Invulnerable" when they say "Immortal", since otherwise, I guess I'll be raging too much for my health.

OT: No I wouldn't. the prospect of having to bury my grandchildren doesn't appeal to me.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
That depends, does it come in the form of a suppository? I'm not falling for that one again . . .


New member
Jun 19, 2010
Sadly, I'd have to decline. Immortality is a wonderful idea, but complete invincibility is a bit of a turn-off. The real deal breaker, though, is the inability to change physically. I am very weak and frail with god-awful finger strength. Without the ability to grow stronger, I'd be missing out on most of the things immortality has to offer. Besides, what if I want to try out a new hair style?


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Macgyvercas said:
OT: No I wouldn't. the prospect of having to bury my grandchildren doesn't appeal to me.
And your great grandchildren, and your great great grandchildren, and your great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great great great great great grandchildren, and your great great great great great great great great great great grand grandchildren....


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Short answer: NO.


Seriously, though, no. Not with the terms stated in the OP. I would like an Immortality that's like the elves from LotR, or perhaps one that doesn't allow you to die until you allow yourself to.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
kasperbbs said:
Might be fun for a hundred years, but who knows what will happen in the future, eventually life on earth will cease to exist and what do you do then with your immortality? count rocks? go insane from loneliness and start building stuff as if you were playing minecraft?
My plan if I were to accept would be to after everyone that I care about is dead. Pretty much go on a murder spree for shits and giggles because I couldn't die then if possible start a nuclear holocaust just to see how humans would actually function after such an event would occur. Pretty much I would take the going insane part a step further.


New member
Dec 4, 2010
I am going to go ahead and add some rules like I don't feel pain from things that should kill me. For example I do not feel the pain from being both cooked alive by radiation from the sun and frozen on the side not facing the sun for million if not billions of years when the sun blows up. Also I can sleep for as long as I want IE if I am adrift in space for billions of years I can sleep through it. If these aren't added then no you have just described hell. If they are added yes I think i would.

Ladd Russo

New member
Oct 5, 2011
Well, I already don't care for company, and having all the time in the universe, it would be a matter of time before I conquered the earth and forced humanity to colinize the stars, so I would always have people to hang out with, if I really felt the need.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
No, all you're doing is delaying the inevitable. In this case you only get one of the perks of immortality, knowledge, which is coupled with all the drawbacks, such as boredom, insanity, loneliness, depression, eternal suffering, the list goes on.

You don't get to enjoy the ability to increase your physical ability beyond that of a regular human, and you still have to bend to the whims of people in power, as you can still spend a long time in jail, or worse yet, at the bottom of a lake.

As long as you'll live, the likelihood of you encountering a situation in which you're trapped for a long period of time becomes nearly 100%.

I'd rather be dead than suffer through decades of the weight of the ocean floor crushing me over and over.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
I would rather be the Highlander. Yes, I do have immortality,but if I get bored or don't want it anymore, when the Gathering takes place, I can let any random Immortal (preferably Sean Connery) slice my head off. I would be immortal just for a little while, but can still enjoy it before the "everyone I know is dead and this isn't a world that I fit in" stage pops its ugly head.