Poll: Inception...does it deserve to be #3 on the Top 250 on Imdb.com


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I have to say no. While it was certainly a good movie (in my opinion 2nd best this summer behind Toy Story 3) I think the only reason it is considered the third best movie of all time is because it's popular now.

Think of it this way: recently The Dark Knight was considered one of the top movies of all time. While I think both movies were fantastic, I think calling them one of the best of all time is a little premature. There are other movies that are still greatly loved and have withstood the test of time, and those movies should be considered among the best (e.g. The Godfater or Casablanca).

However, that's considering things will change in the future. It's possible that I'm predicting wrong.


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
I'm not sure if it's better than any of the other films on that list('cause I probably haven't seen most of them), but yes. At least in the top 200.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
It was pretty good but their are a lot of movies that i liked a lot more. Toy Story 3 being one of them.

Being in the top 3 seems a bit much.


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
JohanGasMask said:
I liked the movie, but i thought it laked and was missing so much, like a proper villan who was a serious threat to the world, but instead they are just trying to take down some rival corporation of some Asian looking dude.
No, the plot of the movie was to do something that was impossible, even in their world. Everything in the movie was to forward that core plot. The "implanting of an idea" (i.e. inception) was the core aim. They could have used any number of a minor plot devices to forward that plot. However, the corporate heist worked the best and gave the characters as much free reign as the production cast.
JohanGasMask said:
It took a major part of the suspense and i started to think "why is this such a big deal? Its not like they are saving the world from World war 3".
Guess what? Not every decent movie needs to involve the fate of the world (although the consequnces of their failure would have been an energy monopoly, which would have been as disasterous as any war, but I digress). Ever seen the Shawshank Redemption? It's probably one of the best movies ever made, and it's primarily about one guy just making his way though prison.
JohanGasMask said:
And then i noticed there were a lot of Dramatic senses with Cobb's dead wife, i mean too much that it got boring. The movie was more about Cobbs dead wife and not enough about the science behind the dream technology.
That's because the movie is about Cobb and his issues letting go of his wife and how she royally fucks up their plan.

Not all science fiction has to focus on the science. Again, the science in Inception only serves to help move the plot forward.
JohanGasMask said:
But on the bright side. The action is good, the special effects are great, the character get enough development, the music is Excellent and its a very original story and a well written script. So the movie is great but it bothered me alot and got me thinking more about the bad stuff and little about the originality and greatness of the movie.
Every movie has some drawbacks (like District 9's shaky cam), but it is important to not get hung up on such minor details and remember the awesomeness of the fact that they shifted gravity in a way that made you wonder if they filmed it on a green screen or if they actually put the entire set on a massive dolly to do some of the scenes with everyone inside.


New member
Feb 8, 2010


Probably one of my all time favorite movies. It just completely wowed me. This movie DEFINITELY deserves to be on top. Top 3? Maybe. I'm unsure as to what is ahead of it or below it but I'd be hard pressed to find a movie that is as amazing as inception was.

As was said earlier, the fact that there really was no clear cut good and evil in the movie only served to make it better. This made it so you fixated more on the idea of inception and the consequences it can have rather than having you fixate on an evil person that must be stopped as most movies are prone to do.

The cast was brilliant and all played their individual parts perfectly, the music was stunning as was the scenery. The characters were interesting, the story unique. What more can you really ask out of a movie? Suspense? Thrills? Action? Drama?
Oh wait.. Inception had all of that, and more.

- On a side note, what is with all of the Toy Story 3 mentions? Compared to Inception, Toy Story 3 isn't even a contender. Don't get me wrong, I liked Toy Story 3... but it wasn't anything special. It was funny and nostalgic with the same lovable characters as all the others. But it wasn't anything new or exciting. I didn't leave the theater at a loss for words or amazed at what they did. I left the theater thinking "yeah, thats just about what I expected from a toy story movie". It angers me at the ratings that Toy Story 3 got compared to other movies PURELY for nostalgia. What the hell did Toy Story 3 do that was so great? Absolutely nothing. Hell, I still liked the first one better.

Matt Kloepfer

New member
Mar 17, 2010
It certainly was original and didn't lack any lame qualities. However, I did find myself rather bored for the first half-hour of the movie, and I don't believe it deserves to be rated so highly, it's too early to say.

Will Lorus

New member
Jul 23, 2010
I find myself intensely sceptical that a film released this year, not long ago just happens to be the third greatest film ever made in all the decades that people have been making films. It was good, it will likely be a huge commercial success and garner critical acclaim but then again, so have dozens of movies in this decade alone. I can understand it being considered for an individual persons top 10 list but of all time? The words 'too soon to tell' have never rung more true.

Lem0nade Inlay

New member
Apr 3, 2010
ProfessorLayton said:
Really? It was good... in fact it was great. But it wasn't even the best movie of 2010 and calling it the number 3 of all time is laughable. The funniest part is that it's above the Matrix, and the Matrix was 10 times better. Of course, IMDb hardly has the best rating system out there and considering the people who actually vote on these aren't exactly the most intelligent people... the fact that Terminator 2 is just under Taxi Driver and Avatar is above Let the Right One In, Network, and Annie Hall should really tell you something about the IMDb community.

EDIT: Wow, I'm such a nerd...

Heh, I hear you. While I thought Inception was awesome, I think that Matrix was, as you say, at least 10 times better.

That's why I like Rotten Tomatoes more, because the average is based on the reviewing scores of people who actually know what they're talking about, and real film critics, not randoms who saw a movie and loved the "totally epic fight scene!"

EDIT: Just checked, and the Matrix is 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, the same as Inception.

And by the way, I just saw on RT that they were making a remake of Let the Right One In. In case you didn't know.

Joe Matsuda

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I liked it

It had a nice story and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time...

Best movie ever? No. Pretty damn good one? Yes...Compared to the rest of the year? Hell yeah.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Julianking93 said:
No movie on IMDB's top 250 deserves its place.
Except The Shawshank Redemption.

Personally, I though it was a great film but it felt a bit souless.


New member
May 16, 2009
Plinglebob said:
Julianking93 said:
No movie on IMDB's top 250 deserves its place.

It was good, yeah but 3rd best movie ever? No. Best movie of the year? Probably, yeah.
Except The Shawshank Redemption.

Personally, I though it was a great film but it felt a bit souless.
I'd say that one deserves it the least.

Best film ever? What???


Jan 21, 2009
IMDB is a good site and I respect it. #3 of ALL time is probably too much. Hell, comparing movies from different generations is a whole different thing and I think it should be avoided.
But out of the movies from the past 5-10 years it is DEFINITELY top 3.
Simply because it is what it is. Amazing story, amazing music, amazing operator work.
The only thing I didn't like was that DiCaprio's character here is VERY similar to the one he played in Shutter Island. Very similar.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Extremely good movie. If it doesn't get a best picture nomination next year I'm going to be pissed off. Frankly it shits over Avatar and Hurt Locker.

Does it deserve to be the #3 movie of all time? That's highly debatable, but is it one of the best movies of all time? I reckon so.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Lem0nade Inlay said:
Heh, I hear you. While I thought Inception was awesome, I think that Matrix was, as you say, at least 10 times better.

That's why I like Rotten Tomatoes more, because the average is based on the reviewing scores of people who actually know what they're talking about, and real film critics, not randoms who saw a movie and loved the "totally epic fight scene!"

EDIT: Just checked, and the Matrix is 87% on Rotten Tomatoes, the same as Inception.

And by the way, I just saw on RT that they were making a remake of Let the Right One In. In case you didn't know.
Funny you mention Rotten Tomatoes because I hate that website... but hear me out. They take reviews of people who think it was good, even if it was just alright, and basically make that an 100% movie. Then they take bad reviews, even if they weren't saying the movie was all that bad, and make it a 0% movie. And even if the movie wasn't great, but it was just good, it will score extremely high and an average movie will score very low, even if the critics weren't saying it was horrible. That take reviews to the extremes and then average them in such a strange way that a movie that was good but wasn't excellent get an 100% (The Evil Dead) and a movie that was alright but wasn't terrible gets a 50% (Dinner for Schmucks).

And yes, I did hear about the remake. And I'm furious.