Poll: Is Gaming Going Downhill


New member
Mar 29, 2009
When it comes to topics like these, I don't know what's going to happen, however if there will be another videogame crash, I fear that the gaming culture won't be able to get back on it's feet.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I'm not sure, I still have my nostalgia glasses on but I still prefer a lot more games on the older consoles compared to all the new ones, especially the flipping Wii! Even the old computer games I used to play are still more interesting than all the new ones, I used to snap up all C&C games straight away till EA bought Westwood.

I'm not the least bit interested in any of these FPS games everybody keeps saying is the greatest thing ever, I have to agree, gaming is not as awesome as it was before and a lot of shitty games do get popular.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?
You sir or Madam, must be a retard or a troll as no one is that stupid.

by slowing down I mean NOT AS MANY NEW IDEAS COMING as opposed to when there were many new ideas coming out, now you mainly have sequels from which would imply that the rate at which new ideas are coming HAVE SLOWED DOWN.

Scratch that you must be a troll.

[email protected]

New member
Aug 6, 2009
The way I see it, gamers always think their favorite medium is declining. They get flooded by all of the mediocre/okay games and only think a few good games are coming out. The thing is, those few good games are the one that are remembered. I mean people will claim the heyday of the N64 was when things like Super Mario 64 and Kirby 64 came out, but they never talk about the heaping spoonfuls of putrid not-quite-shovelware-not-quite-okay games that flooded the market. The bad, lazy, ass-hatted knockoffs of the good games like Half-Life 2 and Halo will be forgotten to the sands of time(another good game that the bad platformers cut themselves because of). Do not be worried that games of today won't leave an imprint. If they had internet in 1992, this conversation would have happened already. Don't sweat it.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Well I wouldn't say gamings going downhill, but you make a great point, I'm tired of playing sequels, rip-offs and gigantic cliches. They need to make a game where you play a magic slice of toast with a gun that shoots orgasm juice out to rid the world of the evil watermelons, I think that would get 11 out of 10 rubber chickens on good game.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Yes, its hard to think of new ideas for games... but when time passes and more stuff of one thing is made its hard not to copy from it; like music, movies etc. But don't overlook some games that are great one way or another. Even if most of the games have 2 on them this season and the next... like COD:MW2 (I know there are alot of COD but it has 2), L4D2, mass effect 2, army of two 2(40th day :p) , bioshock 2, bad company 2. But the growing technology that games rely on may give more possibilities for companies to make more original and worth while games.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
I remember a conversation I had with someone when I was a kid. "What's up with all this Pac-Man stuff? We had Pac-Man, but then Ms. Pac-Man and now Pac-Man Jr. and then TI did a rip off version and..." Oh, and let's not forget that game Donkey Kong, which starred that mustachioed hero named Mario...

The OP's certainly right that popular games spawn a zillion sequels and clones, but the phenomenon has existed since the advent of Pong. If anything, ultimately gaming does overall get better and new and more sophisticated programming allows for more and different concepts to be realized, and graphics--while the shiniest graphics aren't necessary for enjoyable gameply, being able to display at least slightly complex graphical concepts has many game-play enhancing improvements. When innovation does come, and it does, in cycles and in bursts, it always brings something fairly new or at least rebirthed in a better way.

There will always be crap, of course, and there will always be knockoffs... that's just the nature of marketing and of sales, but new stuff will come around, as will good and welcome evolutions of old concepts (that we started with Wasteland and now get to play Fallout 3 is a goodthing, IMO). It's just a matter of learning to separate the wheat from the chaff as a consumer. The only way to stop the mediocre stuff is for people to stop buying it. Read reviews, learn who is a good developer and publisher and who isn't, and don't buy until you're sure something brings something new to the table (or otherwise excites you). People will stop making cheap knockoffs if no one will buy them.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
People DO seem to be splitting off into groups more and more. First, there are Casual and Hardcore, with only the Hardcore labeling themselves. Hardcore than breaks down into PC Aryans....I mean users and Console Tards....I mean users (yes I play on both, don't bash me for a joke). In these catagories, there are people who bash games like Halo for being popular (another joke people) and those who enjoy those games. People who play online, people who don't, achievement whores, gotta beat it on super impossible with no limbs and if you don't you suck people, hackers, and many more.

But that is all part of the fun, so nope, gaming isn't going downhill.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Graphics wise.. maybe... its true that almost everyone demanded realistic graphics a long time ago and with new games like borderlands which have purposely had a cartoony approach being the only opposite to this demand in realistic graphics, which quite frankly aren't getting much more realistic.

As for gameplay, originality can still occur, game developers dont have to use ideas from other games but decide to anyway because most ideas have already been taken, it would take a great deal of thinking and there have been many occasions where creativity and originality have caused a game to flop because it had dodgy mechanics etc.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?
You sir or Madam, must be a retard or a troll as no one is that stupid.

by slowing down I mean NOT AS MANY NEW IDEAS COMING as opposed to when there were many new ideas coming out, now you mainly have sequels from which would imply that the rate at which new ideas are coming HAVE SLOWED DOWN.

Scratch that you must be a troll.
No, it is just you who seem incapable of making analogies without making a mess of things.

Sure, its the internet but one still got to maintain some sort of standard in these things.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?
You sir or Madam, must be a retard or a troll as no one is that stupid.

by slowing down I mean NOT AS MANY NEW IDEAS COMING as opposed to when there were many new ideas coming out, now you mainly have sequels from which would imply that the rate at which new ideas are coming HAVE SLOWED DOWN.

Scratch that you must be a troll.
No, it is just you who seem incapable of making analogies without making a mess of things.

Sure, its the internet but one still got to maintain some sort of standard in these things.

All of this could have been avoided, if you read the OP, and had enough logic to get at what I'm saying.

No one else was puzzled by what I said, or else I would have had more replies.

Just please read the OP, before posting as it tends to make the comments make sense. >_>


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Yes, gaming is going downhill.

Since gaming transformed from a niche to a mass market the quality of games has degraded steadily. Yeah, graphics are getting better, but the actual gameplay gets more simple and shorter. Reason for this, the easier and more simple you make things, the more potential buyers you have. Least common denominator.
Thats not surprising, considering how much making games costs today, but still sad to see this medium going the same way as cinema does (Mindless action instead of creative and interesting)


New member
Oct 31, 2009
TZer0 said:
Modern Warfare 2. I rest my case.
Exactly why I think gaming is going downhill, because people say games are going to be great, before they even come out, so no matter how bad some games are, they will still sell a shit load, and reviewers will give them good reviews because it is safe to give a popular game a good review like halo 2 and halo 3 got.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?
You sir or Madam, must be a retard or a troll as no one is that stupid.

by slowing down I mean NOT AS MANY NEW IDEAS COMING as opposed to when there were many new ideas coming out, now you mainly have sequels from which would imply that the rate at which new ideas are coming HAVE SLOWED DOWN.

Scratch that you must be a troll.
No, it is just you who seem incapable of making analogies without making a mess of things.

Sure, its the internet but one still got to maintain some sort of standard in these things.

All of this could have been avoided, if you read the OP, and had enough logic to get at what I'm saying.

No one else was puzzled by what I said, or else I would have had more replies.

Just please read the OP, before posting as it tends to make the comments make sense. >_>
Of course I understand what you meant it is the analogy that annoys me.

just because I understand perfectly well what you mean doesn't mean that you get to mix analogies however you like.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Mullahgrrl said:
dududf said:
Gaming isn't going downhill, it's merely slowing.
wich might be an indication that it is going uphill, if it where going downhill the seed would increase.
In the context of slowing down, I mean they are just not coming out with as much new ideas.

Don't read what I say as JUST that, consider the context.
In what context would something slow down if it started going downhill?
It's an analogy.

By going downhill it means the industry is starting to fail.

By slowing down, I was refering to new ideas.

THAT'S the context, hell look at the freaken name of the thread "Is gaming going downhill" do you honestly think that he means "It's speeding up" NO he is refferring ot ideas, and sequals.

did you even read the OP ?
so new ideas are slowing down?
What does that even mean?
You sir or Madam, must be a retard or a troll as no one is that stupid.

by slowing down I mean NOT AS MANY NEW IDEAS COMING as opposed to when there were many new ideas coming out, now you mainly have sequels from which would imply that the rate at which new ideas are coming HAVE SLOWED DOWN.

Scratch that you must be a troll.
No, it is just you who seem incapable of making analogies without making a mess of things.

Sure, its the internet but one still got to maintain some sort of standard in these things.

All of this could have been avoided, if you read the OP, and had enough logic to get at what I'm saying.

No one else was puzzled by what I said, or else I would have had more replies.

Just please read the OP, before posting as it tends to make the comments make sense. >_>
Of course I understand what you meant it is the analogy that annoys me.

just because I understand perfectly well what you mean doesn't mean that you get to mix analogies however you like.
Now you're just annoying me and are not worthy of the time it took to post replies, I can see now that you won't just shut up and move on.

Congratulations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SboyoievYU&feature=sub