Poll: Is it possible to snipe without camping?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Anybody who hates campers is an idiot. If there's a tactical spot that allows someone to get a large amount of kills you should get there first you dolt.


New member
Sep 21, 2010
A sniper rifle is designed to be used while stationary from a distant position to engage and eliminate targets. A shotgun on the other hand is designed for close quarters combat, something that is a lot more mobile. A person siting still with a sniper rifle in a game is more along the lines of what they should be doing with the weapon, a person doing the same with a shotgun is not nearly as much. That is unless they're skeet shooting, you aren't really supposed to run after those things. Although it's a game and people have different opinions but personally I don't stick around for too long in the same spot with a sniper rifle but I don't consider it camping regardless. It's properly using the weapon at your disposal. Any other weapons however I feel is camping if they're there for a while.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
RabbiiFrystofsk said:
MetallicaRulez0 said:
Very slightly off-topic, but why does everyone hate quick-scoping? I've asked this several times in other threads and have yet to hear a valid response. Because someone has better reflexes than you and can aim faster, that makes them "noobs" or "fags"? Get over yourselves. Quick-scoping takes a HELL of a lot more skill than sitting in a corner staring down your sights.
Sure you call it a "skill" but i just see it as a way for people to get a raging boner once they've killed someone "I QUICK SCOPED YOU LOL YOU SUCK IM SICK FUCK YEAH QUICK SCOPE I CAN RUN AROUND WITH AN INTERVENTION SLEIGHT OF HAND PRO". Why do people hate it? Because it kills people, but it's a retarded way of killing people, it's abuse of a system, why not just play the game like everyone else, use snipers from a distance and pick people off and engage CQC with rifles and shotguns. /rant
Ok, you described 12 year olds on Xbox Live, not necessarily quick-scopers. I don't understand how pulling up your scope quickly and being aggressive with a sniper rifle indicates I'm some sort of mouth-breathing moron. It's no more retarded a way of killing someone than sitting in a corner with your sniper, which to me is FAR more irksome. I'd rather engage in CQC with my sniper because that's more fun for me, and it's not cheap in the slightest.

If you're looking for something to ***** about, how about Commando, or secondary Shotguns, or Danger Close tards? At least those people are legitimately stupid.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
I don't see the point in staying in one place for the whole game (unless it's a short match) as it's pretty boring. I usually go recon class or sniper in games (Battlefield, CoD, etc) and I do move about a fair bit.

You do get the odd sniper that I will take down or will take me down (kill cam) only to respawn and move/stay in the same spot, now thats just stupid.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
When I snipe, I always (or rather, usually) relocate. It keeps people that are so used to camping snipers on their toes, and I usually shoot them off.

As far as quickscoping goes, I don't even consider that sniping. Quickscoping takes more luck than actual skill IMO, a LOT more luck than skill...95% of the time I can beat out a quickscoper with w/e gun I have. WIth some exceptions, like, if I'm using a shotgun and he's 20 yards away, I'm probably screwed, but given any other gun (except another sniper rifle) I can win.

Also, tubes are nice for routing out campers.
As a side note, I only use tubes as a tactical stand. Not as my main weapons, as lots of newbs do.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
I think its actually easier to snipe someone when you're not camping.
People know the maps so they can easily find you, plus there are those random guys that run around jumping like mad no scoping people...


New member
Oct 29, 2009
teisjm said:
teisjm said:
Yeah, you can keep moving around between shots/kills.

You can go no-scope and use your sniper as a close range shotgun, at least in some games.

You can quick-scope, and use it as any semi-auto/manual (depending on sniper) rifle with hefty damage if you're skilled enough.
Quick scoping takes skill? That's a new one. I didn't know being a douche bag was a skill now.
Didn' say it required huge amount of skill or anything, i just find a normal shotgun for insatnce a lot easier to kill with.

Dunno why its a douchebag move either, it's game mechanics, just like camping, insta-kill melee, rushing and all the other stuff people whine about when they loose/get's kileld to it.
Regardless if it's game mechanics or not, that's all still douche-bagery.