Poll: Is there honestly enough of a graphics difference between the 360 and PS3 to make it a selling point

Inverse Skies

New member
Feb 3, 2009
Nope, not in the slightest. I own a PS3 and would happily own a 360 as well, as there really is no discernable difference between the two of them. The only real difference is in the games library, and 360's can have some major hardware problems. But other than that and especially in a graphics sense, no they aren't different at all.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
The only difference is in the first party titles. But that's probably just Kojima Productions and the like being good at making graphics, not the PS3's power. The PS2 was, by all accounts, weak, and yet MGS2/3, FFX, GoW etc etc all looked excellent.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
There isn't really enough of a difference to make it a major point to buy.

Yes, some of the PS3 games are very nice to look at, but the difference isn't anything spectacular, and the XBOX has way better games in any case.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
The PS3 GPU is basically an nVidia 7800GTX with a few tweaks, the 360's is a Radeon X1800XT with unified shaders. For those who aren't familiar with the specs of outdated video cards, this means their performance is extremely close. Differences in optimization will define performance much more than the tiny variances in graphical power.

Also implementing PhysX [http://techreport.com/articles.x/16392/4] will overstress those poor, ancient GPUs too much to be worthwhile, and, fwiw, there are only two games worth playing that support it in a meaningful way (Mirrors Edge and UT3).


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
EzraPound said:
LOL @ people who said yes
Spoken like someone who's truly never seen the difference.

Spoken like a true fanboy.

Have seen the differnce, Hell its almost non existant, Graphics Carn't actually get better, there not such a thing as over reaslism, so no it isn't. Its only real advantage is Blu-ray. Which is also irrelivent at this moment. Maybe FFXIII will change that, I dont care never like the FF games anyway.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Mazty said:
Trogd0r said:
There is zero difference between the 2 consoles at the moment.
But the day that they actually DO tap into the PS3's "power", as all fanboy would like us to believe, will be the day I am enjoying even superior graphics on the X720. Sony has lost this generation, especially with their "ten-year-plan".
How can you say that when:
1)The console is future proof because of:
iii)Physx capable
v)Sony own the rights to bluray, so MS would have to come up with a brand new format for their next console, and relying purely on downloading games wouldn't work at this moment in time e.g. Unreal Tournament free trial on Steam.
2)It's actually doing better than the 360 in sales if you compare them for their respective release dates.
Let's make things clear, I don't give a tiny damn about sales, I only care about playing games when it comes to consoles.
And do you somehow think that the successor to the Xbox 360 will be on equal footing with the PS3? Hell no, it will be far, far superior, that's how console generations work.
Now, I love to be proven wrong, and enjoy playing the thing once in a while, but in 10 years, people will have moved on.

But having seen the majority of your posts here on the Escapist, I think you will just throw my comment in the thrash, provide some ridiculous sources here and there, and continue ranting. Go right ahead.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
They are both shit when compared to a good PC.
Because beyond a few good first party games ,Killzone and Gears, nothing even comes close.

(I dont know why anyone would say that either is better, they basically have the same specs)


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Piotr621 said:
I am planing to buy a next-gen console soon but am currently struggling between the Xbox 360 and PS3. So, is there enough of a graphics different between the two for it to be actually noticable?!!? Note: I am not going to be picking a console based on graphics. I am just seeing what the Escapist community thinks.
I have both, and I can't really tell the difference, graphics-wise. The only differences I have noticed are that (1) the 360 has more games, and (2) the PS3 is less likely to freaking explode. (I've been luckier than most people I know, though, in that I've had my 360 almost since the launch and it hasn't red-ringed yet. Then again, I guess that means I'm due...)


New member
Mar 29, 2008
It's A selling point. Not thee selling point, but certainly a selling point. PS3 exclusive games can look outstanding. I would base your decision on more than that though, say what do your friends own, any particular games you like? Does the larger disc size of the PS3 interest you? Do you want free online gaming or pay yearly for faster downloads (the Xbox Live Marketplace has downloads about twice as fast on average, but the online gaming for the PS3 boasts more dedicated servers)? I can't believe there are still people in the world without either to be honest, no offence.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
Ashbax said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Fantastico said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Clashero said:
EzraPound said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
EzraPound said:
LOL @ people who said yes
Spken like someone who's truly never seen the difference.
There is a difference, it's just not enough to be a selling point.
Truly. I only noticed a difference when some gaming site did a side-by-side comparison. And even then, I thought "Is that it? The rocks look nicer. Fascinating..."
Anyone saying the difference is huge is just trying to be a prat, pretending their eyes are so trained that they can tell that the iris of someone's eyes is better rendered on the 360.
Why do you keep referring to multiplats over something like Killzone 2?
Because it's obvious that a First-party exclusive is going to look better than the Multi-platforms, especially with the amount of time Guerrilla had been working on it. It's impressive, yes, but it doesn't prove that the Xbox 360 is incapable of doing the same thing.

Besides, you don't compare apples and oranges. Comparing two of the same games on different systems is more accurate for figuring out what particular strengths and weaknesses of the competing consoles.
One would think the fact that it doesn't have anything like that would be proof that the 360 is incapable of it
I have both systems, I dont play them side by side or anything, but I honestly dont see any difference. I dont notice any difference for blu ray either, looks just like normal DvD to me. And most people havent seemed to notice that although theres a couple Ps3/360 Exclusive games, They havent noticed that almost every game is shared by both consoles, and they all have the same graphics, I dont care what you say, but ive bought a few of the same games for both systems - and the graphics are the same. Maybe someone else with Highly trained 200000/200000 vision or something, might be able to see a slight difference (ZAWMG SEE LOOK ROFL THAT GUN HAS A BETTER BARREL ON PS3) But I dont. The 360 seems capable of everything the Ps3 is.
Theres a clear difference between the 360 version of Oblivion and the PS3 version of Oblivion. The PS3 version looks much prettier, I thought something was wrong with my friends dads copy until I saw it was on 360, so in some cases when people try to code specifically for PS3 the PS3 has clear differences. Usually on multiplatform, 360 is the lead platform and the same dev does both codes so they end up nearly carbon copies, sometimes the 360 coming out better (see Fallout 3).


New member
Nov 21, 2008
Wargamer said:
Right now? No. The PS3 leads, but only on one or two high-end titles.

A year or two down the line? Yes; the PS3 will be well ahead.
Your Biased, ignore him

Call me a fanboy? yeah right not compared to this douche! He fought across teh interwebz just to try and prove how vastly superior the PS3 was to the Xbox... and it still did not work I still don't see the difference besides the Black and White color of the consoles.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Mazty said:
Seems to work well on the PS3 in the CryEngine 3 tech-demo (noticeable in the cloth movement and explosions). Probably because the Cell has a very high GFlop rate when compared to the average muticore processor.
CryEngine doesn't use the PhysX API.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Piotr621 said:
I am planing to buy a next-gen console soon but am currently struggling between the Xbox 360 and PS3. So, is there enough of a graphics different between the two for it to be actually noticable?!!? Note: I am not going to be picking a console based on graphics. I am just seeing what the Escapist community thinks.
True gamers care about the GAMES and GAMEPLAY. That is why you buy a console not because it looks "pretty". Look at which consoles has the most games you like and get that one. Since this gen seems to have a lot of exclusives it could be a tough one.

All those arguing back and forth over their chosen console looking the best need to take up a new hobby, like art. Cause they are clearly more interested in the artistic nature of games then the actual playing of it.

Many of my all time favorite games have horrible graphics by today's standards. But they were great games because of their unique gameplay features. Thanks to modern standards in realism and graphics a lot of stuff ends up being cut because they can't do it in a realistic looking fashion. I mean look how long it took to go from the blocking destroyable environments of first Red Faction to the new one of today. They pretty much tossed it for half a decade cause it didn't look real enough because of the limits of technology.

Thankfully though as technology is finally catching up some of those gameplay features are returning. Though it really annoys me when developers advertise it like it's a completely new thing even though it's been done before. The only thing is it's been so long almost a generation has gone by and so the new generation hasn't even heard of the games that had it first so they think it's a new idea.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Mazty said:
Sure? It looks like it is, and as they haven't released any word on what it uses, the cloth in [a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4DOtCxSJvg"]0:59[/a] certainly looks like they are using the PhysX SDK. No reason why not to as well, considering it can be put into any game quite easily e.g. Mirrors Edge.
CryEngine 2 used its own physics engine, and last I heard nVidia still hasn't managed to secure the patent on cloth technology :p