Poll: IS there something wrong with my friend?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Who would there be something wrong being competitive is a way of human life not another way around it. Why do you think we habe things such as sports? Look at any MMO all of them have some sort of PVP so people can show their skill and just how much better they are than other people. This kind of stuff will never change but personally I agree with you I prefer Single Player.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
To each his own.
He may have inferiority complexes and finds consolation in winning over other people.
I dunno, nor do I care.

I just love winning over sore losers, and I don't mind losing myself, so it's all good.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Furburt said:
Well, I can't say it's wrong, it's a choice, but it is quite egotistical of him, I'll say that much. Games should be played for enjoyment, that's the reason they're created, playing them so you can boost your ego isn't a particularly good thing to do.
What if you enjoy a good challenge from a friend?

The shortcoming here is that more'n half of the people that voted (the "yes" people), simply don't have an understanding of the friend. Some people grew up playing board games against other people, or just multiplayer games in general, and the idea of playing a game by oneself is just stupid, because the notion of victory there is victory *over* the other player. Gotta see both sides of the fence, there. That's what they call friendly competition.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Dr. Awesome Face said:
I don't think that he is wrong for thinking this way, I just couldn't really think of a good way to word it. I am basically asking if this is a healthy way of approaching games
I don't think so.
The only way he's having fun is if he's playing, and winning, against other people? That's kind of sad. I mean, talk about insecurity. Sure, we all want to win! Winning feels great! But if you can't have fun unless you're winning, then you're either crazy insecure, very immature, or both.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
It frustrates me when people only play Multiplayer and never single player, it's like one of my friends, he's an idiot. The Single Player should always be focused on first in my opinion, Multiplayer comes second.

Banana Phone Man

Elite Member
May 19, 2009
I think both views are fine. Playing games to be better than others also isn't a problem. It's his fault if he doesn't have as much fun as you but what you get out of it is a sence of achievement when you can complete something that others can't. As long as your friend isn't one of those people that say "I PWN U N00B5" after every thing they do in a multiplayer then it's fine with me.

I play game for fun and sometimes I can't get what people see in a game when they take it seriously, it is only a game after all. However some games I treat like my sports. I play to win and anything less will not do.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
It's not wrong, but it could mean that he has an superiority complex and needs the satisfaction and self assurance he gets by beating those lesser than himself to compensate for his low self esteem. Or he just likes competition. Either could be true.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Dr. Awesome Face said:
I played a 2v2 deathmatch against him once our team made a massive comeback going from like 48-25 to 49-46, his team eventually won but when I said that we still managed an incredible comeback he claimed "That doesn't matter because there is no difference between 50-49 and 50-0 because you still lost."
People say stupid shit like that because they have an inability to cope with the fact that they almost lost.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Well it seems a little strange, I play games for enjoyment.

If he enjoys telling people hes better than them, go him.

I guess.


New member
May 27, 2009
Dr. Awesome Face said:
Okay so I'll try and keep this brief. I have this friend who I am constantly arguing with, most arguments are a waste of time because they are about personal preferences which won't be changed despite the amount of evidence given. One of the biggest arguments we have is about how I play single player games and how he only plays multiplayer games. We ended up arguing about this again today and when I said that I play games to have fun, I discovered that he plays games only so that he can say he is better than someone else.

Here's my question: Is this wrong? It seems completely wrong to me that a person would only play games to beat other people and only finds that aspect fun. Is this bad or do other people play for this reason as well?

EDIT: I don't think that he is wrong for thinking this way, I just couldn't really think of a good way to word it. I am basically asking if this is a healthy way of approaching games
Not really this sort of personality will cause the player to get frustrated with the game and also to become violet against the competition and furthermore become more hostile in RL...... Most likely


New member
May 18, 2009
What about puzzle games and their ilk where part of a game is to solve something, or team games and that sort of stuff. It sounds to me like he's just limiting himself to RTS and FPS games, and MMORPGs. What about old school consoles where you can't play against other people on games?

Knight of Cydonia

New member
Sep 22, 2008
I know someone like that, only they think I am his friend but really I try to avoid contact with him whenever possible.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Dr. Awesome Face said:
Okay so I'll try and keep this brief. I have this friend who I am constantly arguing with, most arguments are a waste of time because they are about personal preferences which won't be changed despite the amount of evidence given. One of the biggest arguments we have is about how I play single player games and how he only plays multiplayer games. We ended up arguing about this again today and when I said that I play games to have fun, I discovered that he plays games only so that he can say he is better than someone else.

Here's my question: Is this wrong? It seems completely wrong to me that a person would only play games to beat other people and only finds that aspect fun. Is this bad or do other people play for this reason as well?

EDIT: I don't think that he is wrong for thinking this way, I just couldn't really think of a good way to word it. I am basically asking if this is a healthy way of approaching games
its a healthy way to approach any competitive scene, tell him to get starcraft 2 if he hasnt already signed up for beta and gotten it. This man could enjoy any kind of sport really, its just that his preference lies in games it all follows the same feelings and emotions.

He will excell and be good at something, compete in whateer he chooses to compete in with others and engage in a global community.

You will play single player, alone in the dark not even getting laid.

Id say your singleminded view is a product of feminisation of our society and you should really reconsider what you spend your time doing. Your not the special singleplayer kid, in fact your friend is of the more capable sort. He will learn that effort = success in life.

You will learn nothing of the sort, and your circle of friends will dwindle to a handfull unable to find common ground with them they will eventually become images on your facebook account while you flip burgers on mcdonalds to faceless people so you can fuel your single player fun.

Just face it. Single player is like masturbation, in the end your still doing it alone.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Le Tueur said:
See, here?s the thing about that. I have one question, is he actually good at the game? If he is godlike at a game and brags it might be alright. I and a couple friends brag from time to time but it is all in good fun. Victory is the key here. If my buddy nukes the damn map and brags about it I think he has the right. However if he has a 40-2 K/D and we lose the game I think he shouldn't say anything as we lost. The person responsible for the factors behind your win deserves the right to brag and be patted on the back for their achievements. Why? Because they are the reason you just won the game. Without their skill, or maybe call it dumb luck, you might have lost. I myself have good games and bad games but as long as we win as a team I am happy and thank those who won it for us.
but that is not your friends fault is it? its game mechanics and his team being filled with idiots and unless it was a competitive turnament game where he sat on teamspeak, skype whatnot communicating with equal minded players id be inclined to agree but more often than not your friend cant make up for the default loss rate that retarded players bring to any team based game.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Madkipz said:
Dr. Awesome Face said:
Okay so I'll try and keep this brief. I have this friend who I am constantly arguing with, most arguments are a waste of time because they are about personal preferences which won't be changed despite the amount of evidence given. One of the biggest arguments we have is about how I play single player games and how he only plays multiplayer games. We ended up arguing about this again today and when I said that I play games to have fun, I discovered that he plays games only so that he can say he is better than someone else.

Here's my question: Is this wrong? It seems completely wrong to me that a person would only play games to beat other people and only finds that aspect fun. Is this bad or do other people play for this reason as well?

EDIT: I don't think that he is wrong for thinking this way, I just couldn't really think of a good way to word it. I am basically asking if this is a healthy way of approaching games
its a healthy way to approach any competitive scene, tell him to get starcraft 2 if he hasnt already signed up for beta and gotten it. This man could enjoy any kind of sport really, its just that his preference lies in games it all follows the same feelings and emotions.

He will excell and be good at something, compete in whateer he chooses to compete in with others and engage in a global community.

You will play single player, alone in the dark not even getting laid.

Id say your singleminded view is a product of feminisation of our society and you should really reconsider what you spend your time doing. Your not the special singleplayer kid, in fact your friend is of the more capable sort. He will learn that effort = success in life.

You will learn nothing of the sort, and your circle of friends will dwindle to a handfull unable to find common ground with them they will eventually become images on your facebook account while you flip burgers on mcdonalds to faceless people so you can fuel your single player fun.

Just face it. Single player is like masturbation, in the end your still doing it alone.
I don't think it's just that his friend plays only multiplayer games, it's the fact that "he plays games only so that he can say he is better than someone else."

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
Madkipz said:
Dr. Awesome Face said:
Okay so I'll try and keep this brief. I have this friend who I am constantly arguing with, most arguments are a waste of time because they are about personal preferences which won't be changed despite the amount of evidence given. One of the biggest arguments we have is about how I play single player games and how he only plays multiplayer games. We ended up arguing about this again today and when I said that I play games to have fun, I discovered that he plays games only so that he can say he is better than someone else.

Here's my question: Is this wrong? It seems completely wrong to me that a person would only play games to beat other people and only finds that aspect fun. Is this bad or do other people play for this reason as well?

EDIT: I don't think that he is wrong for thinking this way, I just couldn't really think of a good way to word it. I am basically asking if this is a healthy way of approaching games
its a healthy way to approach any competitive scene, tell him to get starcraft 2 if he hasnt already signed up for beta and gotten it. This man could enjoy any kind of sport really, its just that his preference lies in games it all follows the same feelings and emotions.

He will excell and be good at something, compete in whateer he chooses to compete in with others and engage in a global community.

You will play single player, alone in the dark not even getting laid.

Id say your singleminded view is a product of feminisation of our society and you should really reconsider what you spend your time doing. Your not the special singleplayer kid, in fact your friend is of the more capable sort. He will learn that effort = success in life.

You will learn nothing of the sort, and your circle of friends will dwindle to a handfull unable to find common ground with them they will eventually become images on your facebook account while you flip burgers on mcdonalds to faceless people so you can fuel your single player fun.

Just face it. Single player is like masturbation, in the end your still doing it alone.
I smell a multi-player fanboy...