Poll: Life tips for living people.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Starke said:
brandon237 said:
Starke said:
Joeshmoe5 said:
Never start a fight, ever
But always finish one.

Okay, here's an actual hand to hand tip. If you do find yourself attacked, make sure you can put your enemy down fast, after about six or seven attacks or counters you'll wear yourself out.
Another to go with the fight theme:

If they start the fight, don't be afraid to hurt them, better to make them stop it before you are also injured.

I've had bad experiences...
Yeah, the worst thing you can do in combat is be afraid of hurting the other guy. If it's a matter of self defense, your defense comes before their self. :p
I like that saying. Could come in handy, or get me into worse trouble.

But principal: The interwebz says...


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Doctor VonSexMachine said:
Carry a towel.
Damn you to hell. Guess it was naive of me to expect otherwise on a gaming forum, but still.

Erm. Add oatmeal to an omelette for a quick and nutritious breakfast.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Starke said:
AllLagNoFrag said:
Starke said:
Joeshmoe5 said:
Never start a fight, ever
But always finish one.

Okay, here's an actual hand to hand tip. If you do find yourself attacked, make sure you can put your enemy down fast, after about six or seven attacks or counters you'll wear yourself out.
False. It depends on your fitness and experience.
This is actually true. The average person will wear themselves out after about three effective strikes. Flailing about like an idiot doesn't count, and isn't nearly as draining.
AllLagNoFrag said:
Also, breathe with each hit and whenever you strike, exhale with your core tensed.
Doing this will have the hilarious result of you keeling over from oxygen deprivation. You need to inhale between strikes, exhale on each strike and tense when blocking or taking a blow. Fighting with your core tensed will prevent you from breathing effectively, slow you down, and get you seriously injured.

Tensing your core is a defensive measure, it protects your internal organs from some damage in a fight, but it will also prevent you from staging an effective strike. Seriously, if you can strike with your core tense, either you're striking wrong, or your tensing wrong.
AllLagNoFrag said:
Usually what happens is that when people get into a fight, the adrenaline makes them form a tunnel vision.
Adrenaline is a hilarious and useful little monster. Personally I dislike the aftertaste the most. The shakes are also a serious issue. Tunnel vision? In my experience, that is usually an issue of pain control and not adrenaline itself.
AllLagNoFrag said:
What you shoudl try to do is use the adrenaline and actually try to get rid of that tunnel vision which makes people output too much in their first few attempted strikes.
This is actually two completely separate things, one, being able to generate a state of hyperawareness, which is a staggering advantage in a combat situation, and the other is controlling an adrenaline rush. On the second I have no advice, it's some kind of body control that I can't consciously explain, on the former, I've experienced it and can trigger it, but, again, no clue how.

Neither of these tie into how much force you apply. While it's true that most people will put too much force into their early strikes and wear themselves out faster, the inverse is true, a lot of people who try to pace themselves won't put enough force into their strikes to be effective.
AllLagNoFrag said:
I have seen one of my friends fight and they were seriously retarded. He ended up tackling a guy and whilst trying to hit him, missed 3 out of about 6 punches and wrecked his knuckles on the pavement.
If you don't know what you're doing, throwing a punch is a good way to wreck your knuckles, regardless what you're aiming it. Personal experience is, once someone's on the ground the heel of your foot is a better striking weapon than your hands, but that's just me.

Now, in close, a rapid staccato of blows aren't really multiple attacks, they're an element of a single strike, so in the example you're offering above that's two attacks (from a exertion standpoint).
AllLagNoFrag said:
What you want to do is usually strike first and IF you do get the first hit in, not stop till you actually know he wont attack back or on the ground.
See... funny thing. For me, the thing I want the other guy to do first is strike, because if you're properly trained, some idiot throwing a punch is an invitation to a crippling counter.

You can argue, that with two properly (and equally) trained individuals in hand to hand, the defender ALWAYS has the advantage.
AllLagNoFrag said:
In the situation when the attacker is on the ground, move up and start booting the crap out of the elbows and knees, not letting them get up and if you are at a size/strength disadvantage, stomp on the back of the neck.
Proper ground-fighting calls for you to keep your legs pointed at your opponent. If you know what you're doing, you can reorient yourself faster than they can move. If you don't, and you open your core up, then you're asking for a couple broken ribs and deserve them.
AllLagNoFrag said:
...wow dont bother reading that rant (i got carried away)
Too late. Not reading it doesn't improve its accuracy.
AllLagNoFrag said:
Honestly though, just dont go starting fights and if somebody aggravates you, if you can, just walk away.
The advice that never actually worked for me in school for situational reasons. God that was a long time ago.
AllLagNoFrag said:
Even in the event where you start a fight and do some serious harm such as a permanent bone injury, you would feel bad about it no matter what.
Okay, this is one of those things you need to be very fucking careful about. It's pretty easy to kill someone, snap their knee or break their ribs in a fight. Defending yourself in court after they claim you attacked them without provocation and their three buddies back them up? That's much harder.

So, on topic: learn about excessive force, and avoid employing it.
Cheers for taking time to rebutt etc.

However, ultimately I would say 95% of the people you meet do not know how to fight. And those that do, most of them have been beaten at least once. Its just down to experience and what you realise you have to do in a fight.

I have had a few, mostly with padded fists (thankfully) and with friends that just come over and spar for fun. Except for the occasional petty/serious fights when one of my friends throw a comment "bro, I'll smash you", then we just organize in a relatively safe environment, a little spar.

In the end, its all up to anybody what approach they take in a fight, and what suits them better. I just hate to risk having to counter another person's blow (mainly because I know how hard my friends hit).

OT: Another life tip: Always give a spare pair of house keys to somebody you really trust (like your parents), this has saved forgetful people the cost of having to call the locksmith.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Starke said:
If your arrested, or even just brought in for questioning by the police, lawyer up immediately. It doesn't matter if you did anything or not, don't say anything until your attorney is in the room and advising you.

Obstruction of Justice is a charge you can get for lying to or misleading the police, keeping your mouth shut can't get you charged with Obstruction.

If you want to cooperate, wait for your lawyer.

One of the classic responses to requesting a lawyer is that "guilty people" ask for lawyers. Ignore that, get one anyway.
This is very much true. Some things to be aware of:

The police cannot hold you without charging you. The two most important questions for you are: "Am I being charged with something?" and "Am I free to go?"

The only thing you have to tell the police (in America) is your name. If you refuse, they can arrest you.

Even if you ask for your lawyer, they do not have to leave the room. They do not have to shut up. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Give them your name, get your lawyer, and shut the fuck up.

The police don't have the right to search you, your stuff, or your house without a warrant. Sort of. There is this whole of thing of extenuating circumstances that is generally a gray area and abused by police. If they try to search you, don't try to stop them, just state that you do not consent to this search, and feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. If the police come to your house, don't talk to them in the doorway, do not invite them inside. They are free to search what's in 'plain sight' and this can easily be abused. Step outside and shut the door behind you. If they try to come in, again, tell them you don't consent to their entry, their search, and that you feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. Stating this clearly can seriously fuck the cops down the road.

Cars are awkward in that while they are techincally property and thus you have an expectation of privacy, they're also out and about in the public and technically, potentially movable crime scenes, which casts them into a legal gray area I won't comment on.

PS. I"m not actually a lawyer, and this information may be inaccurate based on more recent rulings, misunderstanding, and me fucking up.
Apr 29, 2010
-If you're getting mugged, give up your stuff. Doesn't matter if it's your phone, laptop, watch, whatever. You can replace a stolen phone, but you can't replace a life. It's not worth it to risk your life over material possessions. Just listen to them, hand over whatever it is they want, and hopefully you'll walk away from it scared but unhurt.[sub]Like me, when I was mugged a few months ago.[/sub]

-Even when things look like they're can't get any worse than they are, there's always that chance that everything will turn around for the better.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Jark212 said:
As inspired by Real life Rifle tips, what are your life tips for making every day life easier?

Here's a few I have:

-Get hold of a MRE, keep it in your car/house. Especially useful in cold climates.

-Put smelly shoes in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer overnight. The smell is caused by bacteria, which will die when frozen.

-Open a bank account, put a hundred dollars in it. Then put the atm card in a box somewhere. Having a hundred dollars that no one knows about could save your life.

-If you leave your car in a area you think it might be stolen, remove some small but vital part like the fuse for the fuel pump.

-A couple grains of rice in the salt shaker will absorb moisture and keep the salt from turning into a mini-brick.

-If there's something you really need to remember the next day, put a weird object in a weird place. It helps you to remember anything by triggering your memory.

Now add some of your own!!!
Aaaaaand confirmed, they're all from an info pic I saved on /b/

OT: Rather than the conventional way of taking a top off; slide your left arm out of the left sleeve, grab said sleeve with your right hand and proceed to sweep your right arm over your head.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Do not submerge the device in liquid, even partially.

Never lend money to anyone, ever. Everyone is untrustworthy unless proven otherwise.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Joeshmoe5 said:
Starke said:
Joeshmoe5 said:
Never start a fight, ever
But always finish one.

Okay, here's an actual hand to hand tip. If you do find yourself attacked, make sure you can put your enemy down fast, after about six or seven attacks or counters you'll wear yourself out.
i like the finish it part. where would i do the most damage?
chop to the neck, followed by a knee to the groin. Have no shame.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Learn general first aid, such as the Heimlich and CPR, as well as how to properly care for someone that is having a seizure. You could save someone's life.

If you really are in a situation where you are about to be killed, talk about yourself. Talk about your family and the people you love and different aspects about your life as this humanizes you. You go from being another nameless face, to someone's child/sibling/parent and could make the person less likely to kill you. While this is not a guarantee, there has been research done that it does work, and it could still save your life.

If you do have a firearm, save up to take a course in using weapons in survival situations. There are many classes out there that teach you how to actually use a gun defensively, putting you in simulations that teach you how to react in high stress situations. Just because you can fire your gun at a target, doesn't mean you're prepared to deal with someone that starts firing a weapon in a store or restaurant.

If you are going to be out of the house for a long period of time, have the Post Office hold your mail for you until you get back, as any piled up mail can be used as an indication to thieves that the house has been empty for a while.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
DirkGently said:
Starke said:
If your arrested, or even just brought in for questioning by the police, lawyer up immediately. It doesn't matter if you did anything or not, don't say anything until your attorney is in the room and advising you.

Obstruction of Justice is a charge you can get for lying to or misleading the police, keeping your mouth shut can't get you charged with Obstruction.

If you want to cooperate, wait for your lawyer.

One of the classic responses to requesting a lawyer is that "guilty people" ask for lawyers. Ignore that, get one anyway.
This is very much true. Some things to be aware of:

The police cannot hold you without charging you. The two most important questions for you are: "Am I being charged with something?" and "Am I free to go?"

The only thing you have to tell the police (in America) is your name. If you refuse, they can arrest you.

Even if you ask for your lawyer, they do not have to leave the room. They do not have to shut up. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Give them your name, get your lawyer, and shut the fuck up.

The police don't have the right to search you, your stuff, or your house without a warrant. Sort of. There is this whole of thing of extenuating circumstances that is generally a gray area and abused by police. If they try to search you, don't try to stop them, just state that you do not consent to this search, and feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. If the police come to your house, don't talk to them in the doorway, do not invite them inside. They are free to search what's in 'plain sight' and this can easily be abused. Step outside and shut the door behind you. If they try to come in, again, tell them you don't consent to their entry, their search, and that you feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. Stating this clearly can seriously fuck the cops down the road.

Cars are awkward in that while they are techincally property and thus you have an expectation of privacy, they're also out and about in the public and technically, potentially movable crime scenes, which casts them into a legal gray area I won't comment on.

PS. I"m not actually a lawyer, and this information may be inaccurate based on more recent rulings, misunderstanding, and me fucking up.
Generally speaking most if this is correct. You are required by law to provide the police with your name, but that is it.

If you are arrested in your car the police can inventory the contents (or at least used to be able to). But they can't actually search it.

But, it does all come down to this. Never consent to a search for any reason. Tell the police your name, and for everything else, get a lawyer immediately.

The big caveat is, if you are the witness to a crime, don't do any of this. Try to recount what you saw as clearly as possible. If they then try to take you in, that's when you need to be careful.

In more general advice, find a criminal attorney in your city/area, and commit their phone number to memory. Make sure you meet with them at least once before any shit hits the fan so that you know them.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Starke said:
DirkGently said:
Starke said:
If your arrested, or even just brought in for questioning by the police, lawyer up immediately. It doesn't matter if you did anything or not, don't say anything until your attorney is in the room and advising you.

Obstruction of Justice is a charge you can get for lying to or misleading the police, keeping your mouth shut can't get you charged with Obstruction.

If you want to cooperate, wait for your lawyer.

One of the classic responses to requesting a lawyer is that "guilty people" ask for lawyers. Ignore that, get one anyway.
This is very much true. Some things to be aware of:

The police cannot hold you without charging you. The two most important questions for you are: "Am I being charged with something?" and "Am I free to go?"

The only thing you have to tell the police (in America) is your name. If you refuse, they can arrest you.

Even if you ask for your lawyer, they do not have to leave the room. They do not have to shut up. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Give them your name, get your lawyer, and shut the fuck up.

The police don't have the right to search you, your stuff, or your house without a warrant. Sort of. There is this whole of thing of extenuating circumstances that is generally a gray area and abused by police. If they try to search you, don't try to stop them, just state that you do not consent to this search, and feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. If the police come to your house, don't talk to them in the doorway, do not invite them inside. They are free to search what's in 'plain sight' and this can easily be abused. Step outside and shut the door behind you. If they try to come in, again, tell them you don't consent to their entry, their search, and that you feel that your rights to privacy are being violated. Stating this clearly can seriously fuck the cops down the road.

Cars are awkward in that while they are techincally property and thus you have an expectation of privacy, they're also out and about in the public and technically, potentially movable crime scenes, which casts them into a legal gray area I won't comment on.

PS. I"m not actually a lawyer, and this information may be inaccurate based on more recent rulings, misunderstanding, and me fucking up.
Generally speaking most if this is correct. You are required by law to provide the police with your name, but that is it.

If you are arrested in your car the police can inventory the contents (or at least used to be able to). But they can't actually search it.

But, it does all come down to this. Never consent to a search for any reason. Tell the police your name, and for everything else, get a lawyer immediately.

The big caveat is, if you are the witness to a crime, don't do any of this. Try to recount what you saw as clearly as possible. If they then try to take you in, that's when you need to be careful.

In more general advice, find a criminal attorney in your city/area, and commit their phone number to memory. Make sure you meet with them at least once before any shit hits the fan so that you know them.

Wrong. Always call a lawyer first. Always. The police cannot charge with obstruction of justice for refusing to co-operate. You're protected by the fifth amendment (by saying anything you may incriminate yourself, and thus, aren't required to say anything. But yes, memorize a lawyer's (GOOD lawyer's), number, tell the police your name, tell them you won't talk without your lawyer. If they try to pull the obstruction of justice bit, tell them that you refuse to answer under the fifth amendment, and demand to talk to your lawyer.

If you (or your family) has the dosh to keep a lawyer on retainer, that would be great.

armaina said:
If you do have a firearm, save up to take a course in using weapons in survival situations. There are many classes out there that teach you how to actually use a gun defensively, putting you in simulations that teach you how to react in high stress situations. Just because you can fire your gun at a target, doesn't mean you're prepared to deal with someone that starts firing a weapon in a store or restaurant.
There are courses (as well as competitions, that teach you how to react and deal with defensive use of firearms. Your local gun club may have a course to go through or competitions to take part in. You shouldn't own a gun for self defense without being trained with it and practice with it regularly. If you're going to, make sure you carry a gun that can hold a large amount of rounds, like a subcompact glock. Their double stack magazines hold a surprising amount of rounds, are relatively easy to conceal, are quick on the draw (with practice, of course), and do not have a safety on the grip, slide, or any of that. The glock safety is entirely in the trigger.

Also, DO NOT EVER FUCKING BRING OUT A GUN UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY READY TO KILL SOMEONE. If deadly force is not already in the equation, you will bring it in, and you will most likely not be acting in self defense. If it already is, you've still escalated the situation. Seriously, be fucking careful with that shit.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Johnnyallstar said:
Always keep a small blade handy. It is one of the most useful tools you will ever have.
I was always taught to keep a small knife, matches or lighter, a roll of duct tape and 2 pairs of pantyhose in the vehicle as an emergency kit, besides a basic set of hand tools.

There you go, there's my contribution to the thread: ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST ONE PAIR OF CHEAP PANTYHOSE IN YOUR VEHICLE, AND DUCT TAPE. You'd be surprised how well pantyhose can serve as an emergency fan belt, and in the event of a cold-weather accident, they retain heat well, if you slip them on underneath your clothes.

Shut up, I don't care if you think it's queer to have pantyhose; I'd rather be alive and wearing them, than freezing to death after a winter accident. Failing that, if you run out of gas, you can hold up a gas station while wearing one pantyhose leg on your head, and reduce the possibility of identification.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
DirkGently said:
If you're going to, make sure you carry a gun that can hold a large amount of rounds, like a subcompact compact or full frame glock. Their double stack magazines hold a surprising amount of rounds, are relatively easy to conceal, are quick on the draw (with practice, of course), and do not have a safety on the grip, slide, or any of that. The glock safety is entirely in the trigger.
Most of the subcompacts are kinda lacking in the capacity department. That said concealing a pistol of (basically) any size is usually pretty easy. Though, the (I think) 26 does have the advantage of taking magazines from the 17, meaning you can reload a 17 round mag into the puppy, and most subcompact Glocks do have access to larger magazines from other Glock firearms.

Generally speaking if you want a subcompact pistol you're screwed on capacity, that's the general trade off.
DirkGently said:
Also, DO NOT EVER FUCKING BRING OUT A GUN UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY READY TO KILL SOMEONE. If deadly force is not already in the equation, you will bring it in, and you will most likely not be acting in self defense. If it already is, you've still escalated the situation. Seriously, be fucking careful with that shit.
Also, if you ever EVER carry a gun for ANY reason, absolutely listen to this advice and absorb it.

Sorry, I was going to snark about my post, but, this is more critical.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Protip: To avoid being arrested and/or confronted by a Law Enforcement Officer(s). DO NOT BREAK THE FUCKING LAW.