Poll: Morality of To Catch a Predator.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I can see it both ways. How some of them are perverts that know exactly what they're doing- but at the same time I can see how it could be argued how this may not have even happened unless To Catch A Predator had almost entrapped the person. Not exactly a good legal reason to get out of actually showing up in what is a bad situation, but you have to have a little sympathy for giving in to a little bit of temptation, no so much that they intentionally went online with the intention of molesting girls.

People say that its good that we get the people who still "think" this way and to lock them up before they become this kind of pedo predator. Well, there are better ways of getting people that help without publicly humiliating them, essentially and entrapping them in police matters. I'll admit that this kind of fetish for younger girls is odd, but I also think a lot of these guys have other redeemable qualities, we can give them therapy for their attraction, without permanently labeling them a sex offender for the rest of their life for, essentially, one screw up- that didn't even involve any actual molestation.

It's all very contextual, I guess.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Father Time said:
WittyInfidel said:
Question) Is this morally right?
Answer)These people are trying to have sex with children.
And? Or do you honestly think there's no immoral way of dealing with people who may commit a crime?
WittyInfidel said:
They were trying to have sex with children!
You keep repeating that like it will make your case. "Wow I never knew they were trying to have sex with children I guess that automatically means whatever the cops did to catch them was moral"

I hate to burst your bubble but not all of us agree with the idea that the ends justify evil means.
Perhaps a more sarcastic approach is in order...

*gets up on soapbox*

They were only trying to diddle your children. Gawd forbid the pedophiles get their feelings hurt. Those darned police and television reporters tricked them. They only wanted to sexually abuse children. It's not like they were selling drugs or anything. They were simply destroy the innocence of the next generation.

Since you were so kind to quote snippets from my original post, perhaps you read all of it. Including the part where I mentioned I was abused in such a manner when I was a child.

Now, pause to reflect when I ask this question...

Do you think I give a fuck if the pedophiles got their fucking feelings hurt or were treated in the slightest bit unfairly?

They were arrested while attempting to have sex with children. I stressed it time and again because while people are trying to figure out the different shades of gray morality, it seems to be a fact that seems to keep being forgotten.

Others arguing that people like that them have any form of human right just piss me right off. They surrendered any right to be called human the second they decided to fuck children. These people are manipulative snakes, wolves in sheep's clothing.

I pray you never have children. I would hate for something as such to happen to your child. Perhaps the blurred lines of morality would come into sharp focus for you then.

*climbs off the soapbox*

Thank you and good day.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Father Time said:
WittyInfidel said:
Father Time said:
WittyInfidel said:
Question) Is this morally right?
Answer)These people are trying to have sex with children.
And? Or do you honestly think there's no immoral way of dealing with people who may commit a crime?
WittyInfidel said:
They were trying to have sex with children!
You keep repeating that like it will make your case. "Wow I never knew they were trying to have sex with children I guess that automatically means whatever the cops did to catch them was moral"

I hate to burst your bubble but not all of us agree with the idea that the ends justify evil means.
Perhaps a more sarcastic approach is in order...

*gets up on soapbox*

They were only trying to diddle your children. Gawd forbid the pedophiles get their feelings hurt. Those darned police and television reporters tricked them. They only wanted to sexually abuse children. It's not like they were selling drugs or anything. They were simply destroy the innocence of the next generation.

Since you were so kind to quote snippets from my original post, perhaps you read all of it. Including the part where I mentioned I was abused in such a manner when I was a child.

Now, pause to reflect when I ask this question...

Do you think I give a fuck if the pedophiles got their fucking feelings hurt or were treated in the slightest bit unfairly?

They were arrested while attempting to have sex with children. I stressed it time and again because while people are trying to figure out the different shades of gray morality, it seems to be a fact that seems to keep being forgotten.

Others arguing that people like that them have any form of human right just piss me right off. They surrendered any right to be called human the second they decided to fuck children. These people are manipulative snakes, wolves in sheep's clothing.

I pray you never have children. I would hate for something as such to happen to your child. Perhaps the blurred lines of morality would come into sharp focus for you then.

*climbs off the soapbox*

Thank you and good day.
So you wanna play stupid exaggerated straw man soap box?

Two can play that game ************.

*mounts soapbox*

Yes we need to give the cops absolute freedom to catch 'criminals'.

Why? Because they might be child diddlers.

You may think their methods are morally questionable and if you do then obviously you don't understand how serious child molestation is, so I shall scream it again over and over.

Child molestation
Child Molestation

Are you feeling panicked yet?!

No? Let me scream it again then

Now the actions of the police may be entrapment, they may be unfair, they may be morally wrong. But as long as they are going after bad enough people I will give them a free pass to do whatever they please even if it means acting like barbaric power-tripping bullies if they wish.

This is the kind of 'two wrongs make a right' message I will stand for because I was sick through most of kindergarten.

After all nothing an officer does can possibly be considered immoral if they're going after pedos.

And if you don't agree I'll continue shouting child molestation because you must've missed it the first 6 times.

Now excuse me whilest I take enough drugs to convince myself these people somehow don't qualify as human.

*gets off soapbox*
All I have to ask is thus: Are you a registered sex offender? It's rare to see someone okay with the work of the pedo. Sorry, it strikes me as thus. You seem to be hung up on cops filing proper paperwork, and less on stopping child predators.

You remind me of the mother from the South Park movie. You know, the one who states killing is fine, as long as no one says any naughty words. Just missed the complete point.

You've missed the train completely. Go back to your dorm room and sink back into the haze of bong smoke. I'm sure your degree in philosophy is going to pay off in the long run.

I fully and gladly support those people protecting my both children and you. They did not exercise any type of absolute freedom. They got dangerous predators off of the streets, albeit it was for only a short time, thanks to people like you.

There is a special place in Hell for many people.

I hope you enjoy yours.


New member
Jun 6, 2008
First Japan's age of concent is 13. Japan is Not a 3rd world country either. Puberty, and the desire for sex starts at 13 years old.

The show is immoral, as well as the concept. They are worst then the pedophiles. The seek them out, seduce them, and lie/trick them to agree to have sex. They do this to put them in jail and humiliate them.

A pedophiles is not dangerous, they are not rapers, atleast not all. They just find young people attractive. If your not causing harm, it's ok, just don't harm anyone.

If at 13 year old, want to have sex, do not blame pedos. Realize that that a 13 yo can have sex.

Another thing, if you tell a pedo were you live and that you want sex, IT'S FUCKING CONCENT! Now there are psychology problems that can rise from similar cases. However, was it cause by sex or something else?
Being told that your a victim to a horrible crime enough times can fuck you up. So can a complete dick, even if your 36 and it was concent.

If there's no real victim, it's not a crime.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
I don't think they should put it on TV.

Also, they aren't always 40...I saw a few where the person was as young as 18.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
I enjoy the show. I watch it right before the public beheadings hour, and often catch re-runs when my favorite Kangaroo Court isn't in session for the week.

It really is good to know that we've finally found a crime so heinous that cruel and unusual punishments are bag in style! Woot!


New member
Nov 2, 2009
BlueCollarTweaker said:
I have no problem with this show's existence or practices. If they're pedos, they go to jail, if they aren't, they don't.
That's not true. If they aren't paedos, they are still treated as one by NBC and their face and name is spewed all across the program. They loose their job, their friends don't want to know them anymore and they are humiliated.

BlueCollarTweaker said:
And OP, that guy is dead because he shot himself, not because of the show.
Yeah. I hear the fact they had 2 camera crews and several fully armed SWAT men cramming to get in his door had nothing to do with it.

Father Time said:
I heard they just lie and wait for someone to bring up sex then start the thing. I don't remember the exact details but it didn't sound as underhanded as you suggest.
There are a few episodes that show clear entrapment and these cases are overthrown by judges. The people acting as decoys to trap the "sex offenders" are not the police and have no legal power (or knowledge) what so ever. They are volunteers. They should not be in the position to act as decoys for the police. The police don't even know what is in the chat logs half the time.

That is not grounds for an arrest on television.