Man, you just can't seem to stop digging the hole deeper can you?
The term "mongoloid" was introduced by early ethnology primarily to describe various central and East Asian populations...the term mongoloid is now considered derogatory by most anthropologist due to its association with disputed typological models of racial classification
You might as well be trying to argue that the n-word is not really a racial slur because it describes black people. Seriously, your argument is one that's lifted straight out of stormfront.
Oh, and I'm very much Asian - in fact, I was born in Taiwan, but please, do continue to rationalize how calling an Asian mongoloid is somehow not racist - after all you have already rationalized how it's ok to use racial slurs as long as that's "not what you meant".
And the racist rants continues...DerangedHobo said:Hey, if you believe that putting people to death out of vengeance is 'justice' then you can be classified (by certain people, at least) as mongoloid scum. Now, I never claimed to have solidarity in my character but I will claim, in this instance, to be above those that do hold that viewpoint from a moral standing.
I was gonna ask you if you want a bigger shovel, but it looks like you're doing just fine.Racial slurs? Ahem:
A member of the racial classification of humanity composed of peoples native to North Asia, East Asia, Pacific Oceania, and Greenland, as well as their diaspora in other parts of the world.
Someone with Down syndrome.
Idiot, retard ? general term of abuse, due to association with Down syndrome.
See those last two? Yeahhh... Also the context is all wrong even if I was using it as a racial slur. You come from freedomland itself, not Asia. So good job with that insult, I'll also play a handy little youtube clip for you:
The term "mongoloid" was introduced by early ethnology primarily to describe various central and East Asian populations...the term mongoloid is now considered derogatory by most anthropologist due to its association with disputed typological models of racial classification
You might as well be trying to argue that the n-word is not really a racial slur because it describes black people. Seriously, your argument is one that's lifted straight out of stormfront.
Oh, and I'm very much Asian - in fact, I was born in Taiwan, but please, do continue to rationalize how calling an Asian mongoloid is somehow not racist - after all you have already rationalized how it's ok to use racial slurs as long as that's "not what you meant".
Since the last time I checked I haven't yet gotten my promotion letter to God, that would indeed make my viewpoint a subjective one, yes.But that is a subjective view
Pretty sure I haven't let myself sink to your level.Also good job on responding to the actual points of my argument but whatever, let's just ignore those posts of coherency, instead stooping to the lows which your opponent admitted to.